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A street-corner in Trevélez; note the door curtain of traditional weave
A street-corner in Trevélez; note the door curtain of traditional weave

Trevélez is a town in the autonomous community of Andalusia, Spain. Its population in 2002 was estimated at 799. The Río Trevélez is the river that flows through the town. They are located in the western part of the Alpujarras region, in the province of Granada.

Located at a height of 1486 metres, the town of Trevélez is the highest recognised municipality in Spain. It lies at the confluence of the Río Trevélez with a smaller stream, to the southwest of Mulhacén, the highest peak of the Sierra Nevada mountains and of Spain as a whole. The town lies to the west of the Río Trevélez. It is divided into three parts, the Barrios Bajo, Medio and Alto (lower, mid and upper quarters), with 200 metres of altitude difference between the highest and lowest points, and the only bridge over the river is in the Barrio Bajo. The Barrio Bajo is a significant tourist centre, while the Barrios Medio and Alto are more typically Alpujarran in style, though tourism is important to the economy of the entire town. To the west, the nearest town is Busquístar; the road through the Bajo Barrio continues to the east and south to Juviles and Torvizcón. There is a regular bus service along this road, linking the town to the regional centres of Lanjaron and Orgiva as well as the provincial capital, Granada.

Trevélez is famous for the quality of its air-cured hams, a speciality throughout the Alpujarras but particularly associated with the town because the cold climate due to its altitude makes for ideal conditions for storing them.

Trevélez celebrates the day of the Virgen de Las Nieves (Virgin of the Snows) in the summer months. On this day the virgin is carried to the summit of Mulhacén to keep the Sierra Nevada safe for another year.

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edit Municipalities of Granada Flag of Granada

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Coordinates: 37°00′N 3°16′W