Trem das Onze

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Trem das Onze (The 11 P.M. Train) is a famous classical samba composition by Brazilian singer and composer Adoniran Barbosa (1912-1982), released in 1964 and made famous in the same year by a recording of the samba group "Demônios da Garoa". It is widely considered one of the best Brazilian popular songs ever.

With a delightful rhythm and melody, very easy to learn (thus an all-time favorite of Brazilians), Barbosa portrays in funny lyrics the drama of a lover who lives in a distant and poor suburb of São Paulo called Jaçanã, and who cannot stay further with his beloved because the last train will be departing soon and his mother cannot sleep until he arrives.

The song is a good example of both the classic "paulista" samba (a special style, composed in São Paulo) and the use of a composition structure known as "samba de breque" (break), where the melodic flow stops suddenly, very much like opening parentheses.

[edit] Lyrics

Original in Portuguese

Não posso ficar
Nem mais um minuto com você!
Sinto muito amor, mas não pode ser
Moro em Jaçanã
Se eu perder esse trem
Que sai agora às onze horas
Só amanhã de manhã

E além disso, mulher
Tem outra coisa:
Minha mãe não dorme enquanto eu não chegar
Sou filho único
Tenho minha casa prá olhar
(breque) Eu não posso ficar!

Free translation

I cannot stay
Not even a minute more with you
I'm so sorry, my love, but it can't be
I live in Jaçanã
Should I miss the next train
Departing now at eleven o'clock
Just tomorrow can I leave

More than all that, woman
There is one more thing:
My mother doesn't sleep till I arrive
I am her only son
And I have my home to look after
(break) I cannot stay!

[edit] See also

[edit] External links