Treaty of London (1946)

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The Treaty of London was negotiated between Great Britain and Transjordan on March 22, 1946. It concerned the sovereignty and independence of the Arab state of Transjordan, which would now be known as the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan with Emir Abdullah I as its king. However, Britain would still maintain military bases within the country and continue to subsidize and support the Arab Legion.

The Treaty of London superseded the former Anglo-Transjordan mandate known as the Organic Law of 1928. This former mandate liberalized several restrictions on Transjordan, however Great Britain still controlled financial matters and most foreign policy issues. It was then considered a step towards future independence.

Transjordan's independence was recognized on April 18, 1946 by the League of Nations during the last meeting of that organization on April 18, 1946. When King Abdullah applied for membership in the newly formed United Nations, his request was vetoed by the Soviet Union, citing that the nation was not "fully independent" of British control. This resulted in another treaty in March 1948 with Britain in which all restrictions on sovereignty were removed. Despite this, Jordan was not a full member of the United Nations until December 14, 1955.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • Transjordan Library of Congress
  • L. Dean Brown. The Land of Palestine. The Link - Volume 16, Issue 2, 1983.