Wikipedia:Translation/Name of the article in English

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dear friend

Projet Traduction
This page is part of Wikipedia Translation and keeps track of all the information and discussions about this translation. For more information, see Wikipedia:Translation/*/How-to

[edit] Talk

This section is for all those who have requested this translation, are translating or proofreading this article, or just want to give some advice about the translation in progress. Do not forget to watch this page.

In particular, you can use {{Doubt | original sentence }} or {{Doubt | original sentence | possible translation}} to highlight the problems you encounter during the translation process.

Befristeter Anstellungsvertrag zwischen Indisches Spez- Restaurant Ganesha, Kreuzlinger Strabe 16, 78462 Konstanz Inhaber Manjit Singh Grewal und Harjit Singh wird nachfolgender befristeter arbeitsvertrag geschlossen Begginn des befristetten Anstellungsverhaltnisses und Tatigkeit Frau/Herr (Reisepab Nr. F4086424)geboren am 29-06-1972 in Ludhiana/Indien wird sofort ais Spezialitatenkoch fur indische Speisen eingestellt. Dauer des Anstellungsverhaltnisses Der Vertrag endet automatisch nach Ablauf der Aufenthaltsgenehmigung, ohne das es einer gesonderten Kundigung bedarf Herr Harjit Singh erhalt fur seine vertragliche Tatigkeit ein monatliches Bruttogehalt von 1.900-Euro Die Vergutung ist jeweils am letzten des Monats falling. Eine Probezeit wird nicht vereinbart Die Arbeitszeit betragt wochentlich durchschnittlich 39 Stunden Beginn und Ende der taglichen Arbeitszeit und die Pausen richten sich nach der betrieblichen Ubung.

[edit] Instructions

Updating the information on the translation

The translation process normally involves the following stages: "Request," "In Progress," "Proofreaders Needed," and "Completed Translation."

It is, of course, possible to backtrack to the previous stage (if you have decided to not continue translating, for example). It is also possible to skip a stage, especially if you want to start translating an article you chose immediately; in this case, you would skip the request stage by not putting it on the page for the current month's requested translations.

To pass from one stage to another, you must:

  • modify the parameters of the progress made on this page, and
  • put the {{Wikipedia:Translation/Name of the article in English}} banner, which will take care of all the rest, in the right place.

Note : if, in a particular situation, you think that the template takes too much place, you can use the following syntax instead :

{{Wikipedia:Translation/Name of the article in English| Parameter = hide }}

The table below shows all the steps needed for each stage:

Stage Parameters to modify {{Wikipedia:Translation/Name of the article in English}}
Stage 1:
Translation Request
It starts at the creation of the page and involves the following parameters:
  • {{Translation/Information|language code|original name of the article to be translated|name of the translated article (in English)}}
  • Interest
  • Comment
  • Requested By
  • Add to Wikipedia:Translation/*/Lang/xx
  • Add to the talk page
  • Add to Translation Requests
  • Option: Add to your user page
Stage 2:
Translation in Progress
  • Stage ==> 2
  • Translator-s ==> ~~~
  • Proofreading_progress => 0
  • Permanent_link => [URL ~~~~~][1]
  • Comment ==> you may post a new comment if you wish to do so
Stage 3:
Proofreaders Needed
  • Stage ==> 3
  • Translation_progress => 100
  • Comment ==> you may post a new comment if you wish to do so

Each time someone volunteers to proofread, he/she must modify the following parameters:

  • Proofreader-s ==> ~~~
  • Proofreading_progress ==> XX (percentage of proofreading done)
  • Add to Proofreaders Needed
  • Remove from In Progress
  • Optional: notify the appropriate WikiProject or regional notice board that you would like someone to proofread your work
Stage 4:
Completed Translation
  • Stage ==> 4
  • Proofreading_progress ==> 100

Please add the following to the bottom of the article to follow GFDL norms:

{{Translation/Ref|Language|Source|oldid=parameter of the permanent link}}

Example : {{Translation/Ref|fr|Liberté|oldid=12133757}}

The last template is to be used to mention the source of a translation from another Wikipedia (again, to respect GFDL norms):

  • Add to Completed Translations
  • remove from Proofreaders Needed
  1. ^ Explanation : If the translation takes a while, the original article risks having changed quite a bit throughout, making the translation and eventual proofreading problematic.

    You can avoid this problem thanks to the Permanent link function, which appears in the toolbox at the lower left of every page.

[edit] Do not edit after here