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Rob Clark (aka Tragic Lad)
Rob Clark (aka Tragic Lad)

TragicLad is a pseudonymn for artist, storyteller and web designer, Rob Clark (born May 9, 1975 in Grimsby, Ontario). Tragic's nom de plume was chosen for him by Greg Beettam and Stephen Geigen-Miller, creators of the comic Xeno's Arrow. According to the two, Rob's Justice League powers would be to see the dark cloud behind every silver lining. The optomist sees the glass half full. The pessimist sees the glass half empty. TragicLad sees the glass and asks if you have any idea just how many carcinogens are in the average glass of water?

The Elusive Fish is the home to Tragic's professional and creative works.

Tragic produces a weekly journal in webcomic format entitled The Drawing Board. The Elusive Fish also features a gallery of illustrations and a number of other comics Tragic has produced over the years, including the still-in-progress Bunny & the Cantelope. Tragic's views on issues of creativity and marketing can be found on his blog Tragic's Rants & Raves.