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Transyt is a piece of software developed in the UK by the Transport Research Laboratory. It is used to assess and optimise the performance of networks of road junctions by assigning costs to vehicle stops and delays.

Data input in Transyt involves:

  • dividing roads and lanes into links with shared signals and shared traffic movements;
  • assigning a saturation flow to each link, indicating the maximum flow of traffic over the stop line during the green time;
  • entering the signal timings that apply to each link.

Output includes:

For each link:

  • the maximum capacity;
  • the degree of saturation;
  • the maximum queue length during the cycle.

For the network overall:

  • fuel consumption;
  • total distance travelled;
  • mean journey speed;
  • a performance index that indicates the cost of the stopages and delays within the network.

Transyt can also optimise signal timings over the network to find the combination with the lowest Performance Index. It does this using a hill climb algorithm.

External Links

Transport Research Laboratory