Translative case
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This declension (case) indicates a change in state of a noun, with the general sense of "becoming X" or "change to X".
In the Finnish language, this is the counterpart of the Essive case, with the basic meaning of a change of state. It is also used for expressing "in (a language)" and "considering it's a (status)". Its ending is -ksi. Examples:
- pitkä "long", venyi pitkäksi "(it) stretched long"
- englanti "English", englanniksi "in English"
- pentu "cub", Se on pennuksi iso "For a cub, it is big"
- musta aukko "black hole", (muuttui/muuntautui) mustaksi aukoksi "(turned into) a black hole"
- kello kuusi "(at) six o' clock", kello kuudeksi "by six o' clock"
Examples in Estonian:
- must auk "black hole", (muutus/muundus) mustaks auguks "(turned into) a black hole"
- kell kuus "(at) six o' clock", kella kuueks "by six o' clock"