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[Transforce][1] is the British run Transformers convention. It is run semi annually by long time fan Paul Cannon. Transforce '99 was the first of the shows, this event ran in 'A Place in Space', a comic shop in Croydon. It was attended by 99 people who only paid £1 to gain entry (to cover the show's costs). Considering it's size, the show was impressively put together. The were many dealers, episodes of Beast Wars season 3, (unseen in the UK until then), a display of every type of Optimus Prime toy, displays of original comic artwork, most notably from Target 2006. Exclusives included the Transforce book and Transforce '99 T-shirts.
More about the other Transforce can be found on the Transforce website's section on conventions [2]
Since Transforce has been held in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, and possible will happen again in 2007.
Transformers most popular exclusive was the Simon Furman penned 'Alignment', which followed the Marvel UK Generation 2 comic. Over the year many of Marvel UK greats have attended Transforce, many time and time again. Amongst these are Simon Furman, Geoff Senior, Andrew Wildman, Jeff Anderson, Lew Stringer, Mike Kazybrid, Kev Hopgood and others.