Transfer matrix

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The transfer matrix is a formulation in terms of a block-Toeplitz matrix of the two-scale equation, which characterizes refinable functions. Refinable functions play an important role in wavelet theory and finite element theory.

For the mask h, which is a vector with component indexes from a to b, the transfer matrix of h, we call it Th here, is defined as

(T_h)_{j,k} = h_{2\cdot j-k}.

More verbosely

T_h = \begin{pmatrix} h_{a  } &         &         &         &         &   \\ h_{a+2} & h_{a+1} & h_{a  } &         &         &   \\ h_{a+4} & h_{a+3} & h_{a+2} & h_{a+1} & h_{a  } &   \\ \ddots  & \ddots  & \ddots  & \ddots  & \ddots  & \ddots \\   & h_{b  } & h_{b-1} & h_{b-2} & h_{b-3} & h_{b-4} \\   &         &         & h_{b  } & h_{b-1} & h_{b-2} \\   &         &         &         &         & h_{b  } \end{pmatrix}

The effect of Th can be expressed in terms of the downsampling operator "\downarrow":

T_h\cdot x = (h*x)\downarrow 2.

[edit] Properties

  • T_h\cdot x = T_x\cdot h.
  • If you drop the first and the last column and move the odd indexed columns to the left and the even indexed columns to the right, then you obtain a transposed Sylvester matrix.
  • The determinant of a transfer matrix is essentially a resultant.
More precisely:
Let he be the even indexed coefficients of h ((h_{\mathrm{e}})_k = h_{2\cdot k}) and let ho be the odd indexed coefficients of h ((h_{\mathrm{o}})_k = h_{2\cdot k+1}).
Then \det T_h = (-1)^{\lfloor\frac{b-a+1}{4}\rfloor}\cdot h_a\cdot h_b\cdot\mathrm{res}(h_{\mathrm{e}},h_{\mathrm{o}}), where res is the resultant.
This connection allows for fast computation using the Euclidean algorithm.
\mathrm{tr}~T_{g*h} = \mathrm{tr}~T_{g} \cdot \mathrm{tr}~T_{h}
  • For the determinant of the transfer matrix of convolved mask holds
\det T_{g*h} = \det T_{g} \cdot \det T_{h} \cdot \mathrm{res}(g_-,h)
where g denotes the mask with alternating signs, i.e. (g_-)_k = (-1)^k \cdot g_k.
  • If T_{h}\cdot x = 0, then T_{g*h}\cdot (g_-*x) = 0.
This is a concretion of the determinant property above. From the determinant property one knows that Tg * h is singular whenever Th is singular. This property also tells, how vectors from the null space of Th can be converted to null space vectors of Tg * h.
  • If x is an eigenvector of Th with respect to the eigenvalue λ, i.e.
T_{h}\cdot x = \lambda\cdot x,
then x * (1, − 1) is an eigenvector of Th * (1,1) with respect to the same eigenvalue, i.e.
T_{h*(1,1)}\cdot (x*(1,-1)) = \lambda\cdot (x*(1,-1)).
  • Let \lambda_a,\dots,\lambda_b be the eigenvalues of Th, which implies \lambda_a+\dots+\lambda_b = \mathrm{tr}~T_h and more generally \lambda_a^n+\dots+\lambda_b^n = \mathrm{tr}(T_h^n). This sum is useful for estimating the spectral radius of Th. There is an alternative possibility for computing the sum of eigenvalue powers, which is faster for small n.
Let Ckh be the periodization of h with respect to period 2k − 1. That is Ckh is a circular filter, which means that the component indexes are residue classes with respect to the modulus 2k − 1. Then with the upsampling operator \uparrow it holds
\mathrm{tr}(T_h^n) = \left(C_k h * (C_k h\uparrow 2) * (C_k h\uparrow 2^2) * \cdots * (C_k h\uparrow 2^{n-1})\right)_{[0]_{2^n-1}}
Actually not n − 2 convolutions are necessary, but only 2\cdot \log_2 n ones, when applying the strategy of efficient computation of powers. Even more the approach can be further sped up using the Fast Fourier transform.
  • From the previous statement we can derive an estimate of the spectral radius of \varrho(T_h). It holds
\varrho(T_h) \ge \frac{a}{\sqrt{\# h}} \ge \frac{1}{\sqrt{3\cdot \# h}}
where \# h is the size of the filter and if all eigenvalues are real, it is also true that
\varrho(T_h) \le a,
where a = \Vert C_2 h \Vert_2.

[edit] References

  • Gilbert Strang: Eigenvalues of (\downarrow 2){H} and convergence of the cascade algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 44:233-238, 1996.