Transcendental Etude No. 10 in F minor (Liszt)

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The 10th Transcendental Etude of a set of 12 by Franz Liszt.

Passage work for the left hand is rather difficult, while the right hand plays the melody mostly in octaves. As is standard practice. There are several portions where the left and right hand alternate to play descending chords reminiscent of a sigh. Other difficulties include cramped spacing (the hands are close together a lot), right hand arpeggiated passage work, right hand ascending the keyboard in swiftness using only the thumb, the 3rd, and 4th finger. Musically, it is a study in pushing melodic lines to the razor's edge with passion and dramaticism while maintaining the melody itself.

This is one of the more popular of the set, and, while difficult, it is not considered one of the hardest.

It is in sonata form, with a second group in E-flat Minor, and an explosive coda. The 1838 version bears a coda which is modelled after the coda in the finale of Beethoven's Opus 57 Appassionata.