Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers

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Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers

The January 2007 cover of Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
Discipline Geography
Language English
Abbreviated title None
Publisher (country) Blackwell Publishing (USA)
Publication history 1935 to present
Frequency Quaterly
Website Content URL

Informational URL

ISSN 0016-7398

Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers continues transactions and Papers (Insitiute of British Geographers) and is a journal of the Royal Geographical Society. Transactions is considered to be at the frontier of leading international research in geography. Transactions has one of the widest geographical readerships and is highly cited with the highest citation index for all social science journals worldwide. Transactions publish an aray of papers from cutting-edge research in geography to book reviews and interdisciplinary research. Transactions has an impact factor of 2.218 and was ranked third out of 38 in 2005 in the ISI Journal Citation Reports Ranking.

[edit] See also