Trans-Mediterranean Pipeline

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The Trans-Mediterranean Pipeline (TransMed; also Enrico Mattei gas pipeline) is a natural gas pipeline from Algeria via Tunisia to Sicily and futher to mainland of Italy. An extension of the TransMed pipeline delivers Algerian gas to Slovenia. The first phase of pipeline was constructed in 1978-1983 and second phase in 1991-1994. The current capacity of pipeline is 24 bcm of natural gas annually. There are plans to expand the capacity up to 33.5 bcm by 2012.

The Algerian section of pipeline starts from the Hassi R'mel field in Algeria and runs 550 kilometers to Tunisian border. It consists compressor station and 2 lines with 48-inches diameter. Algerian section is operated by Algerian state-owned company Sonatrach. The Tunisian section with length of 370 kilometers is owned by Sotugat (Société Tunisienne du Gazoduc Trans-tunisien) and operated by Sergaz. It consists 3 compressor stations and 2 lines with 48-inches diameter. The royalties for the gas transport received by Tunisia are 5.25 - 6.75 percent value of the transported gas. The 155 kilometer-long offshore section across Channel of Sicily consists 3 lines with diameter of 20 inches and 2 lines with diameter of 26 inches. This section is operated by TMPC, a joint venture of ENI and Sonatrach. The offshore section is starting from El Haouaria, in the Cap Bon region to Mazara del Vallo in Sicily. The total length of Italian section is 1400 kilometers, which is operated by ENI's subsidiary Snam Rete Gas. The diameter of 2 lines varies between 42 and 48 inches.

In 2000, the gas pipeline was named after Enrico Mattei.

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