Train to End Stroke

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Train To End Stroke is an endurance training and fund-raising program, benefiting the American Stroke Association, a division of the American Heart Association, in which participants train to run or walk a full or half marathon in an exciting location.

Over 13,000 individuals have become champions through Train To End Stroke — completing a full or half marathon and raising over $36 million to fight stroke.

Clinics on topics such as nutrition, fundraising, and training techniques, Support by staff and volunteers as you raise funds for the lifesaving work of the American Stroke Association.

The training program is designed for beginners who wish to get in the best shape of their lives. We have qualified running and walking coaches who will help you during weekly trainings and give you a schedule for your weekday workouts.

The minimum funds you have to raise varies by where one lives. The minimums are set so that the travel and administrative costs remain below 30 percent of total dollars raised. The remaining 70 percent supports the work of the American Stroke Association.

Each participant is paired with a mentor who has completed Train To End Stroke in the past. They will share their ideas for success from their own experience.

Seventy percent of donations fund the research and educational programs of the American Stroke Association. The remaining 30 percent pays for travel and administrative expenses. The ASA spends more money on stroke research and programs than any other organization except the federal government. During fiscal year 2004, the American Stroke Association spent more than $162.4 million on stroke-related research and programs.

If one does not know a stroke survivor, you can run or walk in honor of a Stroke Hero assigned to you.

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