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TRACECA - an international organisation of economic cooperation. Intergovernmental Commission of the 14 member States of the Eastern European, Caucasian and Central Asian region.[1] Permanent Secretariat based in Baku, Azerbaijan. Established in 1998, upon signing of Multilateral Agreement on International Transport for the development of the Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia. Permanent Secretariat (PS IGC TRACECA) was founded in March 2000 in Baku/Azerbaijan. Inaugurated in February 21, 2001 with participation of late president of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev, as well as with Javier Solana, Christopher Patten, Anna Lind. Its first elected Secretary General was a representative of Georgia , ambassador Zviad Kvatchantiradze. Currently Permanent Secretariat is lead by Rustan Jenalinov from Kazakhstan.