Trésor public

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The Trésor public ("Public treasury") is the national administration of the Treasury in France. It is headed by the general direction of public accountancy (Direction générale de la comptabilité publique) in the Ministry of Finances.

The Trésor Public is responsible for:

  • the accountancy of the state;
  • the control and help in the accountancy of public administrations and local governments;
  • the perception of direct taxes such as the income tax (the computation of those taxes is vested in a separate administration);

In each département, the Treasury is headed by the Treasurer-Paymaster General (Trésorier-Payeur Général), a high-ranking official. In Paris, the function used to be divided into the Paymaster General of the Treasury (Payeur Général du Trésor), and the Receiver General of the Finances (Receveur Général des Finances). Each région has its Treasurer-Paymaster General, the one for the département of the région préfecture.

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