Tours Aillaud

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The Tours Aillaud (also known as Tours Nuages) is a group of residential buildings located in Nanterre, in the inner suburbs of Paris, France.

Built in 1977 at the outskirts of La Défense business district, the Tours Aillaud are named after their main architect, Emile Aillaud. The housing project represents 18 towers including 1,607 apartments all together. The tallest of those are the Tours 1 and 2 with 30 floors and a height of 105 meters. The tours 3 to 10 have 20 floors and the tours 11 to 18 have 13 floors.

Despite their difference in height, each tower shares the same shape consisting in the superposition of several cylinders. Their cladding is made of frescos representing clouds in the sky (in French nuages), which is at the origin of their nickname.

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