Tournament (graph theory)

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A tournament is a directed graph obtained by choosing a direction for each edge in an undirected complete graph. For example, here is a tournament on 4 vertices:

Image:Tournament (graph theory).png

The name tournament originates from such a graph's interpretation as the outcome of some sports competition in which every player encounters every other player exactly once, and in which no draws occur; let us say that an arrow points from the winner to the loser. If player a beats player b, then it is said that a dominates b.

Any tournament on a finite number n of vertices contains a Hamiltonian path, i.e., directed path on all n vertices. This is easily shown by induction on n: suppose that the statement holds for n, and consider any tournament T on n + 1 vertices. Choose a vertex v0 of T and consider a directed path v_1,v_2,\ldots,v_n in T\setminus \{v_0\}. Now let i \in \{0,\ldots,n\} be maximal such that v_j \rightarrow v_0 for all j with 1 \leq j \leq i. Then


is a directed path as desired.

Similarly, any strongly connected tournament on n \geq 3 vertices contains cycles of length 3,\dots,n. As a corollary, a tournament is strongly connected if and only if it has a Hamiltonian cycle.

A player who wins all games would naturally be the tournament's winner. However, as the above example shows, there might not be such a player; a tournament for which there isn't is called a 1-paradoxical tournament. More generally, a tournament T = (V,E) is called k-paradoxical if for every k-subset V' of V there is a v_0 \in V \setminus V' such that v_0 \rightarrow v for all v \in V'. By means of the probabilistic method Paul Erdős showed that if \vert V\vert is sufficiently large, then almost every tournament on V is k-paradoxical.

This article incorporates material from tournament on PlanetMath, which is licensed under the GFDL.

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