Tortilla de patatas

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A portion of tortilla
A portion of tortilla
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Tortilla de patatas (potato omelette in Spanish) is a popular dish in Spain that can be served either cold or hot. It is also served as a tapas dish. Although potatoes and eggs are the basic and often the only ingredients of a tortilla de patatas, other vegetables can also be found accompanying it such as onions and, more rarely, red peppers, chives, garlic, artichokes, ham or even chorizo, which is then called tortilla paisana. In Spain the dish is also sometimes called tortilla española (Spanish omelette) to differentiate it from tortilla francesa (French omelette).

It should not be confused with the Mexican tortilla, a completely different dish made of unleavened flour.

[edit] Preparation and History

The eggs are whipped together, then parboiled potatoes are added. This mixture is fried in a skillet or pan, with additional ingredients added when necessary.

Tortilla is a staple of Castillian viajaquero, or roadhouse-style food; the word itself is often seen as an example of archaic Spanish colloquialism related to the armored suits of travelling 16th century knights in Castille.

[edit] External links