Torrazzo of Cremona

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The Torrazzo.
The Torrazzo.

The Torrazzo of Cremona (Lombardy, Italy) is the bell tower of the Cathedral of Cremona. At 111 metres, it is the second highest bell tower in the world built in red bricks, the first being the Bavarian Landshut Cathedral tower (1432.

According to popular tradition, construction on the tower began in 754 and 1284. In reality, it was built in four phases: a first dating back to the 1230s, up to the third dripstone, a second, between 1250 and 1267, up to the dripstone under the quadriphore, a third around 1284, and the completion of the marble steeple in 1309.

Its height is announced by a plaque embedded in the wall at the base of the Torrazzo itself, stating 250 arms and 2 ounces, which in the ancient measuring system of the towns translates to approximately 111 metres.

Archeological excavations made in the 1980s have discovered the presence of underlying structures which are supposed to be the remains of a more ancient churchyard, or even previous Roman buildings.

In the Torrazzo's fourth storey resides an astronomical clock. Built by Francesco and Giovan Battista Divizioli (father and son) between 1583 and 1588, the clock represents the sky with zodiac constellations and the Sun and Moon moving through them.

[edit] Bibliography

  • Galeati, G. (1928). Il Torrazzo di Cremona. 
  • Saracino, M.T. (1978). Il Torrazzo ed il suo restauro. 
  • Loffi, F. (1987). Il Torrazzo di Cremona. 
  • Ghidotti. Il Torrazzo di Cremona. Archeologia e storia di un monumento medievale. 

[edit] External links