Toreador (World of Darkness)

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The Toreador are a fictional clan of vampires in White Wolf Game Studio's Vampire: The Masquerade and Vampire: The Dark Ages books and role-playing games. Their symbol is the thorned rose.

The Toreador typically have an obsession with anything artistic, exquisite or (superficially) beautiful. They are hedonists and self-indulgent artists. As expectable, the Toreador find the Nosferatu to be especially revolting, and vice versa. Their attraction to beauty is so strong that they have to force themselves not to stop at the sight of an aesthetically appealing work.

The Logo of modern Clan Toreador.
The Logo of modern Clan Toreador.

It is said that the Toreador are the closest of the Kindred to human sensibilities.

Their Antediluvian founder was believed to be an artist in the first city (Enoch) named Arikel, or possibly Ishtar. At Cain's request she created a beautiful mural which showed the vampires' eternal struggle with the beast and unveiled it before him and one of his childer. In his fury at the depiction, Cain and his childe never saw the final panel which showed how she believed that vampires could live at peace with their beast. Cain destroyed the mural and ordered his childe to drain Arikel dry. As he looked down at the dying artist he cursed her to forever be distracted by beauty and ordered his childe to embrace her. His power was such that his curse lingers in the blood of all Toreador.

The Daeva can be seen as their successor in Vampire: The Requiem, and indeed they live on as a bloodline of that clan.


  • Auspex - Enhanched Senses
  • Celerity - Superhuman Speed
  • Presence - Superhuman Charisma

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