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Venue Magee College
Location Derry, Northern Ireland
Country Flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom
Years in existence 2005-2007
Attendance 200+ in 2006
List of events Video Rooms, Cosplay Catwalk, Cosplay Theatre, Disco, Dealer's Room, Panels, Video Game Rooms, Artist's Alley, Manga Rooms, and Karaoke.
Official Website

Tomo-Dachi is an anime convention based in Derry, Northern Ireland. [1]

Starting in the summer of 2005, Tomo-Dachi was the first anime convention to run on the island of Ireland.[2]

The original venue was The Nerve Centre, on Magazine Street in the city centre of Derry. Tomo-Dachi, also known as TD0X (the "X" is replaced by the year - such as TD05, TD06, etc) is now held annually at the Magee College of the University of Ulster.[1]

The name of the event comes from the word tomodachi (友達?), which means "friends" in Japanese.


[edit] History

In 2004 when the original Tomo-dachi committee was formed there had never been an anime convention held anywhere on the island of Ireland, north or south of the border. The announcement and run up to the first outing of the anime convention was reported in multiple local and national Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland based papers including the Belfast Telegraph, The News Letter and the Daily Ireland.

[edit] Tomo-Dachi 2005

Tomo-Dachi 2005 (or TD05 for short) was held in August 2005.[3] It was the first anime convention to be held on the Island of Ireland, and was operated and run by DAMA, the Derry Anime and Manga Association. The one day event attracted 83 people, more than doubling the convention's estimations.

[edit] Location & Details

TD05 took place at the Nerve Centre, a public entertainment venue in Derry based in the city centre, and the convention made use of its unique facilities. This was venue where the Derry Anime and Manga Association held their meetings.

The one-day convention was made up of multiple areas. Two screening rooms, the first being an actual cinema, the second a converted bar. A main hall, which housed several dealers as well as computer and card gaming, and the lobbies which housed an Artist's Alley and a Manga Library. [4]

The event also held Northern Ireland's first Anime Convention Cosplay Contest, which was won by Ryan McDermott.

[edit] Tomo-Dachi 2006


The plans for the following year's event included a change of venue and lengthening Tomo-Dachi into a three days event.

The convention took place on the weekend of July 7th 2006.[5][6]

[edit] Guests

The convention was attended by several guests, most notably Ms Tiffany Grant and Mr Matt Greenfield in their first ever convention visit in Europe. They were joined by Hugh David of ADV films UK, Sonia Leong and Emma Vieceli both of Sweatdrop Manga Studios.[7]

[edit] Location & Details

TD06 was held at Magee College, part of the University of Ulster. The campus was fully renovated prior to the event,[8] With classrooms converted into gaming rooms, screening rooms, an artists alley and a Manga library.

TD06 was a full three day convention and offered special events, panels, industry information, dealers and so forth. Over the weekend it was attended by just over 200 people from Ireland and the United Kingdom.[9]

[edit] Tomo-Dachi 2007

The Tomo-Dachi committee announced that Tomo-Dachi 2007 would take place on the weekend of August 31st[10] however this date has since changed. In the conventions February 7th press release they announced that the convention would now take place on the weekend of August 24th, the weekend before due to circumstances beyond their control. The press release also announced their first confirmed guest as Mike McFarland, voice actor and director for FUNimation Entertainment.[11]

[edit] References

[edit] External links