Tomb of Shah Jamal

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The tomb of Sufi Saint Baba Shah Jamal is located in Lahore, Pakistan. There is live music performances there every Thursday - a tradition that has been going on for hundreds of years. Dhol is played with devotees dancing in a trance also known as 'dhamaal'.

This performance, every thursday, is attended by people from all walks of life - students, government officials, musicians both domestic and international, models, common folk - in short everyone. The environment is very friendly and safe. Women are always respected and I have yet to see any incidents. It is encoraged that people wear simple and plain clothes and come well covered in respect of the shrine.

Attendees usually smoke Hash, as the tradition has been. Not all attendees smoke hash and neither are they expected or asked to. However it is tolerated. Many a times Pappu Sain has stopped his performance angry at the fact that people have forgotten the reason for coming to the shrine and instead concentrating on indulging in hashish, etc. This tomb is more than a simple shrine, providing shelter, food and solace from the nuances of everyday life.

The famous Pappu Sain is the central attraction performs on the dhol at the shrine every Thursday evening.

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