Tomşani, Vâlcea

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Location of Tomşani
County Vâlcea County
Status Commmune
Mayor Pearcu Dumitru, since 2004
Area 43.37 km²
Population (2002) 4,188
Density 94 inh/km²
Geographical coordinates
Web site website

Tomşani is a comune located in the Vâlcea County, Romania, about 43km from Râmnicu Vâlcea. Agriculture is the main income source. There are special traditions which have been well preserved.


[edit] Neighbours

  • Costeşti and Horezu in the North.
  • Pietrari and Păuşeşti in the East.
  • Măldăreşti and Oteşani in the West.
  • Frânceşti in the South.

[edit] History

First attesting documents: 1453— the village Foleştii de Sus; 1536— the villages Tomşani and Bogdăneşti.

Historical monuments

  • "Sfinţii Trei Ierarhi" Church in Foleştii de Jos built in 1767
  • "Cuvioasa Paraschiva" Church in Foleştii de Sus built in 1757
  • "Sfinţii îngeri şi Sfinţii Arhangheli Mihail şi Gavril" Church in Baltăţeni built in 1773-1774

[edit] Administrative divisions

Tomşani is structured in eight villages:

  • Tomşani
  • Foleştii de Jos
  • Bogdăneşti
  • Chiceni
  • Băltăteni
  • Foleştii de Sus
  • Dumbrăveşti
  • Mireşti

[edit] Geography

Tomşani is a comune located in the Vâlcea County, Romania, about 43km from Râmnicu Vâlcea and 5Km from Horezu. The Bistriţa River (Vâlcea) an affluent of Olt River passes trough the commune from North to South. The topography of the area is made of the sub-carpathian hills.

[edit] Economy

Unlike the majority of the Romanian countryside Tomşani was not very affected by the communist expropriations most of the commune's population keeping the property over theirs lands. The Agriculture is the main income source, hay, fruit growing, Apiculture . According to (Census 2002) about 2850 from the population is involved in agriculture comparing to 200 in other fields The commune has about 4200 inhabitants, most of them working in agriculture and services.

[edit] Demographics

Age and sex population structure :

Population by sex Total Population 0-14 15-18 19-23 24-35 36-50 51-60 over 60
Male 2124 245 106 261 373 460 419 260
Female 2064 253 105 205 360 461 437 243
Total 4148 498 211 466 733 921 856 503

Work force structure :

% from active population
Active Population 3576
Agriculture 3050 85%
Unemployed 326 9%
Employed 200 5%

[edit] Other info

Tomşani has easy access by road to the national and European system from the

Coat of Arms of Vâlcea County Localities in Vâlcea County, Romania Coat of Arms of Vâlcea County


Râmnicu Vâlcea | Drăgăşani


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