Tomé de Barros Queirós

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Tomé Jose de Barros Queirós (Born 2nd of February in 1872) was a trader, capitalist and politician of the period of First Portuguese Republic that, among others functions, exerted the member of the house of representatives positions, Ministry of the Finances and Chairman of the board of Ministers and was a member of Masonry.

[edit] Biography

Lode very early for Lisbon, starting to work to the 8 years of age as teller in a commercial house, having grown enters the urban proletariat of the time. After a learning as autodidacta, only in decade of 1890 obtained to register itself the Elementary School of Commerce of Lisbon. It adhered to the republicanismo, becoming in 1888 militant of Broken Republican Portuguese, quickly promoting the cimeiros places in the direcção of that party. It would always be remained in the ideological field of the liberal republicans, militating in the diverse parties that had occupied that region of the ideological specter. Involved in the laboring fights supported by the republicans, he was one of the promoters of the creation of the Association of the Nocturnos Tellers of Lisbon, leaguing itself for this saw to the press, being founding of the Voice of the Teller and collaborating in the periodic O Teller. Elect in republican lists it was, between 1908 and 1911, president of the Meeting of Clientele of Santa Joust and councilman of the City council of Lisbon. Having demonstrated to the great intelligence and skill for the businesses, finished for acquiring in 1911 the House Jose de Oliveira, where he was teller. Early one showed as one of most succeeded traders of Lisbon, entering the financial circles. Was member of the direcção of Company of the Boror and co-founder and director of the Portuguese Mutuality. Later it would be nominated successively vowel, vice-president and chairman of the board of administration of the Portuguese company of Way-of-Iron. She was also chairman of the board To discipline of the Ministry of the Finances. With the split of Broken Republican Portuguese after announcement of the Portuguese Republic, integrated Broken Unionista, where] militated between [[1911] and 1919. Integrating the lists of that party, he was elect member of the house of representatives for the circle of Lisbon, and later for the one of Torres Vedras, occupying the Fiscal positions of president of the Commission of the Customs Reformation and Serviços. It was also secretary-generality and director-generality of the Public Farm, position where [was the main author of the reform tax of 1911. As member of the house of representatives for Torres Vedras, in the mandate of 1911 1915, was chosen for vice-president of the House of representatives, having presented then one to seem, to the considered time bonanza, on the Appropriation act of 1912-1913 (the budget Been it to the height). In 1912 initiated in Masonry, in the store Acácia , of Lisbon, adoptando the symbolic name of Garibaldi . In the sequência of revolution of 14 of May of 1915, accepted the place of Minister of the Finances, position that exerted until 18th of June of 1916. Remaining in the activity politics, already in period of degeneration of First Portuguese Republic, when the instability politics and the constant golpismo became impossible the formation of steady executives, came back to the Government in the period between of 24th May and 30th of August, 1921, as chairman of the board of Ministers (the heading of Prime minister of the time), accumulating with its old folder of the Finances. Its short mandate to the front of the Portuguese government was marked for the deep financial crisis of the State and for a desperate attempt to appeal to the external credit, through the contracção of a loan of 50 million dollar in America. This loan, announced as saving for the republican leader Alfonso Costa, finished for not materializing, what it lead to the fall of the Government and the discredit of the institutions of the First Republic, being one of the causes of the increase of the social instability and politics that would take to blow of 28 of May of 1926. In 1922 was elect member of the house of representatives for the açoriano circle of Horta, reingressando in this exactly year for the circle of Lisbon, remaining itself in the parliament until 1924. From 1923 passed it to militate in Broken Nationalistic. Faleceu in Lisbon 5th of May of 1925, already in full final year of First Portuguese Republic of that it are one of the founders.