Tollan technology in Stargate
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- This article provides a more exhaustive list of the fictional technologies used by the Tollan race in the Stargate universe.
- For a listing of their more prominent technologies see the main technology article.
The Tollan are an extremely advanced human civilization within the science fiction television series Stargate SG-1.
Tollan technology contains no wires, no moving parts, or anything found in normal mechanical devices, decreasing the possibility of compatibility with technology from other cultures. [1] Most of it is also based on trinium. [2]
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[edit] Emotion Recorder
This device was used by Narim in 1998, after he had become stranded on Earth along with several other members of his people. With his personal emotion recorder, he was able to communicate his feelings for Samantha Carter to her before he left. [1]
[edit] Force Fields
Important Tollan government buildings, such as High Chancellor Travell's office, were protected by powerful force fields. If touched, the force field transmits a painful electrical jolt to the person who touches it. [2]
[edit] FTL Communication Device
In 1998, SG-1 rescued several Tollan from their original homeworld that was being destroyed by severe volcanic eruption. The surviving Tollan were subsequently detained on Earth, forced by the NID to provide information regarding their advanced technology. SG-1 eventually violated their orders, and helped the Tollan contact the Nox using this device.
The communication device does not work by warping or bending space, and does not require a Stargate. Its use was cryptically explained by mentioning how the two ends of a branch are not so distant when brought together. The actual mechanics of the device were never explained beyond this. [1]
One of these devices was given by the Tollan to their allies, the Tok'ra, who in turn gave it to Stargate Command. This way, the SGC could contact the Tok'ra at any time. In exchange, the SGC gave the Tollan a GDO.
[edit] Health Implant
Every Tollan had a small implant in his body, monitoring the wearer's health. In case of a medical emergency, this implant would automatically alert the emergency services. The maximum response time was only five minutes. This small device could also be used to track one's position, although this was highly illegal. [2]
[edit] Holographic Recording Device
This small device which fits into the palm of the hand is capable of recording and playing back a three-dimensional figure of a person in a detailed message of varying length. This device was given to Samantha Carter by Narim to warn her of a conspiracy in the Tollan Curia posing a potential danger to Earth. [2]
[edit] Ion cannon
These ion cannons were one of the most powerful weapons in the Stargate universe. Tollana was protected by these weapons, and were the only line of defense against the Goa'uld. A single shot could destroy a Ha'tak Mothership and the only way to circumvent these weapons was to tag the cannons manually on the surface, before destroying all of them simultaniously, as demonstrated by the Goa'uld Zipacna. The cannons normally fire automatically, although they can also be manually controlled. [3]
However, Anubis eventually was able to develop shields capable of resisting these weapons, based on Ancient technology. With Tollana's only defensive measures rendered useless, the Tollan were eventually wiped out by the Goa'uld. [2]
[edit] Phase-shifting device
These small devices carried on a person's wrist allow person-sized objects to pass through solid matter. The phase-shifting effect can be transmitted to another person by holding hands. Not only does this device allow the wearer to walk through walls and doors, it can also be used to pass through Earth's Iris. The phase-shifter can also be used on animals, such as cats. [3]
[edit] Phase-shifting weapon
After Anubis developed shields capable of resisting the Tollan Ion cannons, the Curia was forced to make a deal with Anubis' minion Tanith, and agreed to produce advanced weapons for the Goa'uld in exchange for Tollana's survival.
These weapons of mass destruction could obliterate huge areas of a planet's surface, and were equipped with a phase-shifting device. This device enabled the weapon to penetrate solid matter, including Earth's iris. The phase-shifting device was housed in a trinium casing.
It was Anubis' intention to force the Tollan to use the weapon to attack Earth, a planet protected by the Asgard according to the Protected Planets Treaty, however, Narim was able to destroy the already produced weapons with the assistance of SG-1. Tanith eventually attacked the planet. [2]
[edit] Reverse-engineered Stargate
With the destruction of the original Tollan homeworld, the Tollans' Stargate was lost. Their new homeworld, Tollana, had no original Stargate, and with the assistance of the Nox, a new gate was built. Although the involvement of the Nox was only briefly mentioned, it is probable that, as a former member of the Four Great Races, the Nox played a greater role than the Tollans in constructing this gate.
The Tollan gate was smaller and slimmer than the Ancient's Stargates, and has a pale white color. However, it seems to lack a DHD, or even an inner track for manual dialing, suggesting more advanced remote dialing. Jack O'Neill sarcastically criticized the Tollan Stargate, saying "Ours is bigger". [3]
Eventually the Tollan Stargate was destroyed by the Goa'uld, as reported by Narim to the SGC. [2]
[edit] Symbiote silencer
This device was used during the triad of Klorel, after his host crashed on Tollana and asked the Tollan to have his symbiote removed. The silencer can subdue a Goa'uld symbiote's control over the host, allowing the host to speak for themselves. This allowed Skaara to speak on his own behalf without interference from Klorel. The device is worn over the chest, and is equipped with a light on the front - red shines when the symbiote is in control, blue when the host is. [3]
[edit] Starships
The Tollan have starships capable of interstellar travel, but when the Goa'uld invaded, the Tollan stated that their (then) ineffectual Ion Cannons are the only Tollan technology that could take out a Mothership, so it stands to reason that Tollan starships are either unarmed or have inferior weapons. Also, evacuating starships after Tollana's destruction by the Goa'uld were easily destroyed by a Ha'tak, suggesting these ship's defensive capabilities are also inferior. [2] When stranded on Earth, Narim commented that the distance between Earth and Tollana was too far to hope for a ship in his lifetime. It is therefore likely that Tollan starships are also much slower than Goa'uld motherships, which can cross the galaxy in a matter of mere months. [1]
[edit] Stunner
This triangle-shaped weapon was used by the Tollan security forces. The small weapon was steel gray in color, yielding a thin line of violet energy. Fitting the Tollan's peaceful nature, it normally does not kill a person, only stunning them. These weapons are immune to the weapon disabler used in several important Tollan government buildings. [2]
[edit] Weapon disabler
This small device disabled all detected weapons of visitors to the Tollan homeworld as they pass through it. The disabler is effective on both projectile weapons carried by the Tau'ri as well as the Staff weapons used by the Goa'uld. These devices were typically placed in the entranceways of important government buildings, such as a triad room. Tollan weapons however are immune to the disabler.
SG-1's weapons were the victim of the disabler in 2000 when they were invited to take part in the triad of their friend Skaara. [3] The device was stolen by Jack O'Neill a few weeks later as an elaborate plot to expose a rogue faction of the NID under the command of Harry Maybourne that stole advanced technology from several civilizations across the Milky Way. [4]
[edit] References
- ^ a b c d "Enigma" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ a b c d e f g h i "Between Two Fires" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ a b c d e "Pretense" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ "Shades of Grey" (Stargate SG-1)