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Gender: Female
Seiyū: Yumi Touma
Voice actress: Jennifer Darling (OVA 2)
Mari Devon (OVA 3)
Hair color: Light brown
Eye color: Black w/ dark blue sclera

Tokimi (訪希深 Tokimi?) is a mysterious hyperdimensional being that is one of the "Choushin", the greatest "goddesses" in existence, her sisters being Tsunami and Washu. Introduced in the second OVA series, she was the one who ordered Dr. Clay to bring Washu to her. Although originally it was thought (as vaguely implied by the show) that she has some malevolent motives in mind, it is now known that she is really NOT a villain, since she wishes no harm to come to Tenchi and his family. Being a "Chousin," and having an ultimate wish for the universe not to come into harm, she is most likely not evil... just mysterious.

Many eons ago, after they had created the universe and its many dimensions, Tokimi and her sisters Tsunami and Washu were trying to figure out if it was at all possible to create something that was more powerful than themselves. While Washu and Tsunami had gone their separate ways to accomplish that end, Tokimi remained to carry out their original plan, by creating abnormailties in the universal fabric to create this superbeing. It was through her manipulations that Z had gained the power of the Lighthawk wings. But she also saw that Z was unstable and wondered if her sisters had better success. That was the reason why she wanted Clay to bring Washu. However, because Clay had ulterior motives in mind, she had D3 seal away Clay's memories of her involvment with him.

Later, when Z rebelled against Tokimi, she had sought to contain her errant servent. But because of this, when Tenchi's powers threatened to destroy all universes, Tokimi and her reunited sisters tried to contain a possible explosion, but Tokimi was attacked by a being called the "counter-actor," thus putting the universe in danger. The "counter-actor" in a human form was revealed to be the Empress Misaki gone mad. Tenchi later saved Tokimi from death by calming the "counter-actor".

Afterwards, Tokimi would be instrumental in discovering that a set of extra cells that Noike had was in fact the female half of Kagato. Also, Tokimi would reveal a child form, much like Washu uses, which she used during the final OVA episode. Tokimi was also a guest at the wedding of Nobuyuki and Rea Masaki (occupying the "resident kami" portion of the shrine).

Tenchi Muyo! characters
Main Characters
Tenchi | Ryoko | Ayeka | Sasami | Mihoshi | Washu | Kiyone | Ryo-Ohki | Noike
The Chousin
Washu | Tsunami | Tokimi
Kagato | Dr. Clay | Z | Yugi | Kain | Yuzuha | Haruna | Seiryo | Tarant | Yakage | Shima Brothers | Yume | Mikamo & Yataka | Garyu | Dark Washu
Masaki Family
Katsuhito | Nobuyuki | Achika | Tennyo | Airi | Rea
Guardians & Royalty of Jurai
Azaka & Kamidake | Azusa | Funaho | Misaki | Seto
Galaxy Police
Seina | Minami | Misao | Sabato
Pretty Sammy
Sasami Kawai | Pixy Misa | Ramia | Rumiya | Chief Pretty Sammy characters | Chief Magical Project S characters
Nagi | Sakuya | Mayuka | Zero | Minagi | Hiwa | Asahi | Kazuma | Tama | Chief GXP characters
Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki | Tenchi Universe | Tenchi in Tokyo | Tenchi Muyo! GXP | Pretty Sammy | Sasami: Mahou Shoujo Club