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Anthony "Tony Matrix" Magestro
Anthony Magestro
January 27, 1992 (age 15)
Flag of United States Grafton, Wisconsin, United States of America
Chodan Black belt
Student, Gas Station Attendant
Official Website

Anthony "Toeknee127" Magestro (born January 27, 1992) is an avid user of Wikipedia and a high school student.

[edit] Biography

Early life
Anthony was born to Steve and Carrie Magestro in Milwaukee,Wisconsin. For the first three years of his life and before the birth of his only sister Anya, he lived in Saukville but then moved to Grafton in 1996 or so. He was placed in preschool a year early so that he may have a headstart in education further down the line and went to a Lutheran Sunday School to supplement his spiritual education and awareness. Due to his father being an avid martial artist and his own personal interest in combat, Anthony was enrolled in a community self-defense program for five years, and then a transfer to the Academy of Martial Arts in Grafton, an ITF kwan-school. In this training, he was constantly disciplined in both his home and at the academy he studied at. Other traditions that were instilled upon him at a young age was that of both German and Italian ethnics, ranging from German Christmas hymns to Italian deserts, despite his "mutt" heritage as also Latvian, English, and reportedly Polish, Sicilian, and possibly even Bohemian. He lived with both of his parents until the age of nine when they separated in the end of 2001. From then on, he has had a series family deaths, psychological abuse, and other traumatic events which shaped him to become what he is now.

Anthony attended John Long Middle School, the only public middle school in the Village of Grafton. He was a part of the Chorale, an auditioned singing group, in his 8th Grade year and also one of the leading sprinters on the track and field team. He holds four records in the 100m dash, 400m relay, 800m relay, and 1600m relay. He graduated with high honors, and shortly after, was confirmed into the Lutheran faith on June 4, 2006.

Magestro running the 55m dash at Homestead High School, March 14, 2007. He came in 1st at 7.31 seconds.
Magestro running the 55m dash at Homestead High School, March 14, 2007. He came in 1st at 7.31 seconds.

Now 15 years old, Anthony, or Tony as he is commonly called, attends Grafton High School as a freshman and at the top of his class. He is also a track and field sprinter firmly on the Junior Varsity team, however he has a good chance of being moved up to Varsity. Nicknamed "The Matrix" after his teammates saw him practicing katas one day after practice, he strives to give 110% to his coaches, his team, and to his school.

His beliefs are unique, yet are derived from traditonal Lutheran teachings with a mix of other religions such as Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. With this, he believes in a common balance within the world and that all humans are related, be it through physical bloodlines or through spirit alone, as well as philosophical aspects of humanity and the darkness that we as humans are born into through original sin and the Fall of Man. He takes interest in his family's history and genealogy and has found recently that he is a descendant of Christian Groth, one of the main players in the founding of Cedarburg,Wisconsin as well as connections to Idina Menzel from his maternal grandfather's side and Katherine Magestro from his paternal grandfather's side, both singers.

Also, he is attempting to further establish German back within his family, something his maternal side lost due to Americanization of his grandparents. He takes great interest in German customs and their cities and castles, and reads deeply into the German side of World War II

"The Divine Calling"
Anthony believes, due to his strict traditions and teachings in Christianity, that he was placed on this world for a purpose. He calls this his "Divine Calling" or "Path of Predestiny". Although he cannot picture himself to be a member of the clergy or a religious activist, he feels that he must be an example to the rest of the world. He feels all people hold a purpose in which to shape the world, but they must put effort into discovering it. This explains a lot of his reactions to religious and philosophical questions and thought processes.

Naturally, Anthony has had a way with inspiring others with charismatic words of truth, logic, and sympathy or simply with his presence for as long as he could remember. In fact, in his 8th Grade year he wrote a speech explaining the ignorance in labeling people as "Goth", "Emo", "Jock", "Prep", and other teenaged slang-labels, winning over quite a deal of respect among his classmates and faculty alike. He is both strict yet "soft" on those he trains in his martial art as well as those he counsels and those he trains on track teams, keeping a balance between friend and leader. Despite his abilities, however, he is extremely humble and usually does not accept praise for he feels he is undeserving of any such thing. He models some of his ideals after Erwin Rommel in that one should lead by example and that one cannot ask those he leads if he, himself, cannot accomplish the task.

In addition to his charisma, Anthony is very loyal and trusting to those who are willing to be his friend. Despite his age, he understands death as a means of progression through life and is willing to accept it so that one may live in his sacrafice, if need be. He often asks for feedback on his performance and constantly strives to excel in what he does, but yet still sees himself in a very low light. Although proficient in mathematics, science, history, martial arts, and agility-based atheletics, Anthony does not boast of his abilities. In fact, due to his perfectionism and low self-image, he is his own worst critic and, in what he believes, to keep him pushing forward.

The Third Armored Division and other gaming communities

An improved version of the the clan's patch and motto. The picture is based from a real US Third Armored Division patch.
An improved version of the the clan's patch and motto. The picture is based from a real US Third Armored Division patch.

In 2001, Anthony became an avid online gamer. Gaming was basically the only thing his father taught him and allowed him freely to do without permission or supervision. He was particularly interested in games such as Medal of Honor: Allied Assault and later Call of Duty and its expansion Call of Duty: United Offensive. By this time, he met a friend also named Anthony who lived in Florida and they were virtually the same age. Being only nine years old at the time and having really no "best friend" to call his own, both of them became inseparable despite their distance apart.

By early 2005, Anthony joined a Call of Duty: United Offensive gaming community called MIA, or Missing in Action. Through the training that was given to him, he ascended the ranks as a junior officer in Ranger Company, one of the companies within the clan. At the rank of Captain, he was given control over Able Company and began recruiting immediately. A few of these recruits noted were MSG.Samurai (Jake), SSG.Skippy (Scott), SGT.Fubar (Anthony), PVT.Light (Jeremy), PVT.Myth, and SGT.Shramin (Sean). At the time, Anthony simply called himself "Tony" rather than have a nickname like his fellow clanmates. Anthony still progressed rather quickly as an aspiring General and was called upon to directly co-lead the clan when the General of Army was absent. However, the General of Army's intents were not pure. Due to Anthony's age at the time, he looked up to Inferno who was two years older than him. Right after the time of his parents' divorce, Anthony needed something to get his mind off of those problems, hence why he turned to competitive gaming. Inferno used Anthony to do his bidding, making him the one who was unjust and unfair. Other members who worked with Inferno called "loyalists" also struck out at Anthony, who was just promoted General. In the summer of 2005, Anthony was exiled from MIA under command of Inferno who saw him as a threat to his power. Reason being, Anthony and his company drafted over twenty new members within two months which, at the time, was more than half the total size of the clan. Feeling as if all aspects of his life were shattered, Anthony withdrew from online gaming and developed depression. On a side note, this development was not strictly because of a clan; they were his friends and they could be with him whenever he needed them. Anthony needed someone because at the time, neither parent interacted with their children except when they were to be yelled at.

In the spring of 2006, members of Able Company who were still loyal to Anthony broke from MIA. Now with the help of his friend Jake, Anthony started a gaming clan called Third Armored Division, in honor of Jake's grandfather who served in the 3AD. Anthony has been the great leader to over 40 people in the past year and throughout the lifetime of 3AD as a whole. Prior to the establishment of 3AD, he led a company in another gaming clan called MIA. He was considered to be the perfect leader of his company until his exile in 2005, but he still leads his brothers in 3AD.

By March of 2007, 3AD has gone public with a paintball team down in Florida as well as a loose-knit technical community in Wisconsin. Members of 3AD may be identified with black combat jackets and a 3AD patch on their left shoulder sleeves.

[edit] Quotes

  • Idiots; can't live with them, can't shoot them either. - in reference to his dislike for "chronic stupidity".
  • Willst du eine Conniption darĂ¼ber es haben? (Wanna have a conniption about it?). - in response to a classmate who was teasing Tony back and forth in German class.
  • Stand up straight and look the world in the face. No one will take interest in you if you only take interest in the floor. - in reference to fear of speaking one's mind.
  • All people are arrogant. It is just that some of us express it more than others. - explaination on arrogant people.
  • The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who lead lives of neutrality and silence. - in response to those who lack conviction in any event.
  • You expect me to befriend you while you shove me away? That would be counterproductive, would it not? After all, we are Germans, aren't we? - thought; response to disloyal and/or unconcerning friends.
  • There is no greater plague known to man than that of love. It can be beautiful, but yet the best of us become animals to our instincts. - thought; response to modern love and relationships.
  • I love contradiction. That is why I loved you, however that statement now lies in contradiction as well. Pity. - response to a lost love.
  • I am Your servant, Father. Tell me what I shall do in Your name and I will carve the Light through this darkness of humanity. - prayer; asking for guidance.
  • Can you not yell? I am trying to pretend you are not a two year old. - response in an arguement.
  •'s always about me? [Father] it has never been about me for the past five years! How dare you tell me that I am introspective and always thinking about me while I watched you and Mother tear apart, have my grandmother brainwash me, and become the adult in this damned household. If you think that I always have to have it about me, you are wrong. I do everything to serve you people, no matter what happened to me and no matter what pain this God-forsaken family put me through... - response in an arguement.
  • Does that count? - questioning if his run for the 200m dash counted after he fell and slid across the finish line. Strangely enough, those were his first words despite tearing up his side on the track. He still had second place, though.

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