TN 75

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The TN 75 is a French-built thermonuclear warhead used on France's M45 SLBM submarine-launched ballistic missiles, carried by the last of the Redoutable class submarines, S616 Inflexible, and by the Triomphant class submarines.

It is a miniaturised, hardened and stealthy successor to the TN 71. Development began in 1987 and developmental testing of the warhead ended in 1991, but French president Jacques Chirac asserted in June 1995 that a full yield proof test was needed prior to deployment, causing international stirring.

Its first full-yield test was probably the 110 kt detonation on the 1 October 1995 at Fangataufa.

It will be succeeded by the TNO, the Tête nucléaire océanique.

[edit] See also

French nuclear armament
Strategic missiles

missile M1 | missile M2 | missile M3 | missile M4 | missile M45 | missile M51 | missile M5
Pre-strategic missiles
Pluton | Hadès | ASMP
Nuclear warheads
AN-11 bomb | AN-22 bomb | AN-52 bomb | MR 31 | MR 41 | MR 50 CTC | AN 51 CTC | AN 52 CTC | TN 60 | TN 61 | TN 70 | TN 71 | TN 80 | TN 81 | TN 90 |TN 75 | TNO
Related subjects
French nuclear deterrence | FOST

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