Timeline of the future in forecasts

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Timeline of the future in forecasts is a list by future chronology of various predictions. As prominent writers, social thinkers, politicians and scientists have all shared with the world their visions of the future, some of these individual predictions have been completely off the mark, while others have been rather accurate. However, taken together, they paint a picture of changing perceptions about various aspects of the future in our society and provide insight into aspirations and beliefs of their authors. Also, sometimes such predictions appear realistic enough to warrant a closer look.

Below is a comprehensive list of major future events, including technological inventions and scientific advances, that were repeatedly predicted by various authors, but that have not yet come into being. The list is centered not around the authors, but around specific events. In most cases alternative time estimates offered by other authors are provided. Since the futurist authors come from very different backgrounds (academic research, science fiction writing, politics, philosophy), the accuracy, realism and relevancy of their forecasts vary. The qualifications and bias of different authors are explained.


[edit] The list of future events (structured by topic)

Currently technological forecasts only:

[edit] Artificial intelligence and robotics

  • Robots capable of manual labor tasks--
    • 2007 - a cooking robot in some restaurants (2018 in private homes), Pansum, developers of AIC, 2006 [1]
    • 2009 - robots that perform searching and fetching tasks in unmodified library environment, Professor Angel del Pobil (University Jaume I, Spain), 2004 [2]
    • 2015-2020 - every South Korean household will have a robot and many European, The Ministry of Information and Communication (South Korea), 2007 [3]
    • 2018 - robots would routinely carry out surgery, South Korea government 2007 [4]
    • 2021 - automated (or autonomous) heavy machinery robots working on a worksite, Mark Pflederer, CTO at Caterpillar Inc. [5]
    • 2029 - robots performing most household tasks, Dr. Joanne Pransky, a robotics expert [6]how do you change language into english? on the link
    • 2030 - robots capable of performing at human level at most manual jobs Marshall Brain, 2003 [7]
    • 2034 - robots (home automation systems) performing most household tasks, Helen Greiner, Chairman of iRobot [8]
  • Military robots
    • 2015 - one third of US fighting strength will be composed of robots (US Department of Defense, 2006, [9])
    • 2035 - first completely autonomous robot soldiers in operation (US Department of Defense, 2006, [10])

[edit] Biology

[edit] Communications

[edit] Computing

  • 1 PetaFLOPS supercomputer IBM (2007)
    • 2008 - Cray current project (2006) [19]
    • 2006 - Riken Japan (July 2006) (NEC MDGrape-3) [20]
  • 10 PetaFLOPS supercomputer (the amount required to simulate the human brain according to Kurzweil)
    • Japan (2010)

[edit] Nanotechnology

[edit] Transportation

[edit] Space

[edit] Virtual reality

[edit] See also

[edit] Further Reading

  • Oliver, Richard W. The Shape of Things to Come: 7 Imperatives for Winning in the New World of Business. ISBN 0070482632

[edit] External links