Timeline of the Phantasy Star series

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This is a timeline of the Phantasy Star series of videogames. For dates in which the Japanese and U.S. versions of the games conflict, the U.S. date is used. The following sources are used (in order of most-to-least authority): Phantasy Star, Phantasy Star II, Phantasy Star III, Phantasy Star IV, the Phantasy Star Compendium translation.


[edit] History Before Waizz (BW)

[edit] Events Prior to the 1st Century BW

  • Several Hundred Million Years BW: In an unspecified solar system, a spiritual being splits itself into two halves. These two separate beings begin to battle for unknown reasons.
  • c. BW 2,000,000: The war is settled. As a result of the victorious side (The Great Light) sealing the defeated side (The Profound Darkness) away, and a great seal of one fixed star and three planets are created. "Protectors of the Seal" are made on each planet, the Palmanians, Dezorians, and Motavians. A fourth world, Rykros, is created, to serve as a cyclical reminder to the Protectors of their duty. The Light leaves a guardian being, Le Roof, to wait on Rykros.
  • c. BW 300,000: Except on the fourth planet, Rykros, the beings of the other three planets, with the passing of each successive generation, begin to forget the mission of those made Protectors. Meanwhile, in their interdimensional prison, the Profound Darkness waits and seethes.

[edit] 1st Century BW

  • BW 100: The feudal ages continue in Algol.
  • BW 13: The Supreme Ruler of Palma's Baya Malay region, Waizz Landale, raises an army with the goal of uniting all lands under one ruler.

[edit] History After Waizz (AW)

[edit] 1st Century AW

  • AW 1: Supreme King Waizz unites Palma.

[edit] 2nd Century AW

  • AW 126: The first manned Palman spacecraft lands on Motavia. Contact is made with the Motavians.
  • AW 157: A manned spacecraft lands on Dezoris. Contact is made with the Dezorians.
  • AW 183: To solve Palma's overpopulation, a plan for emigration to Motavia is initiated. Near the planet's only lake, Lake Perseus, construction of the experimental city Paseo is begun.
  • AW 185: Construction begins on the Skure spaceport on Dezoris.

[edit] 3rd Century AW

  • c. AW 200s: The Faith of the Eclipse Torch, Algol's oldest religion, is founded on Dezoris.
  • AW 253: Odin is born on Palma.
  • AW 262: Emigration gets underway, Motavia is established as a province of Palma, and a Government House is set up in the capital of Paseo.

[edit] 4th Century AW

  • AW 324:
    • Nero Landale is born on Palma.
    • Lutz is born on Palma.
  • AW 326: Alis Landale is born.
  • AW 327: The current King of Palma, Aures Landale, suddenly dies. In place of the less-than-one-year-old successor, Princess Alis, the next-in-line head priest and Prime Minister Reipard La Shiec is entrusted with political power. However, a lady of the court, with the misconception that King Aures' death was the result of a plot by Lassic, hides Alis with a friend.
  • AW 328: La Shiec is installed as the provisional King, thereafter known as "Lassic." Alis lives with Motavia's governor.
  • AW 329: Motavia's governor sends Princess Alis to the home of the subordinate of a trusted retainer, where she will be raised as a common citizen. In this house, there is a boy called Nero. Alis takes to him, and they are raised as brother and sister.
  • AW 337: Myau is born on Palma.
  • AW 338: Princess Alis' foster parents die in an accident.
  • AW 341:
    • Lassic learns the secret of the Algol solar system's genesis. Forming a space-time gate, he comes into contact with a sealed-away spirit-life form. As a result, he summons the projected body of the Profound Darkness, Dark Force, and becomes its loyal servant. That same year, a reign of terror begins.
    • The Air Castle is constructed for Lassic.
    • Outrageous taxes cause businesses and entire towns on Palma to effectively shut down.
  • AW 342:
    • This is the date of the events of Phantasy Star.
    • King Lassic closes the spaceports to all citizens who do not have official travel permits.
    • Nero, investigating the reason behind Lassic's transformation, is caught and killed by the special police. Alis carries out his final wishes; she gains the help of Myau, Odin, and Lutz ("Noah"), and overthrows Lassic and Dark Force.
    • That same year, when the governor of Motavia is told the news, Queen Alisa Landale I is placed on the throne.
    • The Naula Bakery is constructed on the fourth basement floor of the Naula dungeon. It sells cakes for 280 Meseta.
  • AW 345: (Phantasy Star Gaiden) Queen Alis Landale I travels to another star.
  • AW 349:
    • Lutz, continuing to research Dark Force, finds that the gate that Lassic opened was the result of a cyclical weakening in the Great Seal, and realizes that the resultant fluctuations will therefore once again reach their peak after 1,000 years. He assembles his fellow Espers that are watching the gate, and enters into cold sleep on Dezoris.
    • The Esper Mansion is constructed on Dezoris.
    • Lutz creates the nine items of Nei before entering his artificial sleep.

[edit] Unspecified Period

  • Cultural and linguistic shifts occur within the Algol star system over the next thousand years, resulting in, among other things, the shortening/alteration of many established names and locations. The planet Palma becomes known as "Palm," with Motavia and Dezoris becoming "Mota" and "Dezo," respectively. The star Algol itself likewise becomes "Algo."
  • The sentient "Nurvus" artificial intellegence system is constructed on Mota, as part of Mother Brain's greater system-wide maintenance network; over the years, it will be increasingly responsible for preserving the planetary stability of Mota, including plate tectonics, et cetera.

[edit] 9th Century AW

  • AW 822: The Earthmen first arrive in Algo aboard the space fortress Noah.
    • Laconia is discovered on Dezo, leading to a rush of Palmans to the planet.
  • AW 844: In what is purported to be an accident, the Earthmen murder the royal family of Palm by destroying their spaceship. The Palman monarchy is abolished, with the Earthmen establishing a democratic republic in the Algo Star System.
  • AW 845:
    • Mother Brain, secretly controlled by the Earthmen at the heart of Noah, begins construction of its centrally-controlled network on Palm, and reconstruction advances at an accelerated pace.
    • Lutz awakens. He goes into hiding with his followers on Dezo.
  • AW 852: The Climatrol Atmosphere Control Center is constructed on Mota, changing the planet from a barren desert into a lush, green paradise.
  • AW 868: The reconstruction of Palm is completed. Control over the public welfare is given over to Mother Brain.

[edit] 13th Century AW

  • Unknown Period: Laya and Orakio are born at some point during this era, presumably on Palm.
  • AW 1234: Mother Brain outlaws sea travel on Mota.
  • AW 1249: Rudolf Steiner is born on Mota on July 1st.
  • AW 1261: Amy Sage is born on Mota on April 26th.
  • AW 1263:
    • Shir Gold is born in Paseo on Mota on April 1st.
    • Rolf Landale is born in Paseo on Mota on September 17th.
    • Josh "Kain" is born on Mota on December 9th.
  • AW 1264: Hugh Thompson is born on Mota on June 14th.
  • AW 1269: Rudolf Steiner has finished studying at the most elite educational institutions. After his parents died, he enlisted in the army. After enlistment, he married and fathered a daughter.
  • AW 1274: The anti-Mother Brain resistance group is sent off on a spaceship used for exploration outside the Algo solar system. Mother Brain destroys it, making it look like an accident. Under this pretense, Mother Brain issues a command forbidding the use of spaceships by mankind altogether. A young boy of Landale blood, Rolf, had boarded that spaceship with his family, but he is saved by Lutz's power. His family, however, is not so fortunate.
  • AW 1281: A poisonous gas that causes genetic mutations is discovered in a Dezorian mine shaft, prompting the Palman population to evacuate the planet.
  • AW 1282:
    • Neifirst, the first Biomonster, is created in the Biosystems Lab on Mota.
    • There is an accident at the Biosystems Lab on Mota. Massive quantities of Biomonsters are bred. This is part of the manipulations of Dark Force through Mother Brain.
    • Rolf Landale begins working for the Commander of Motavia as a government agent.
  • AW 1283:
    • Nei separates from Neifirst, and escapes from her "sister."
    • Rolf Landale rescues Nei in Paseo. She begins to live at his house.
  • AW 1284:
    • This is the date of the events of Phantasy Star II.
    • Rolf, who has become a Motavian agent, is assigned to the Biosystem incident.
    • Nei is killed by her "sister."
    • The artificial satellite Gaira crashes into Palm, destroying it.
    • Dozens of worldships — constructed by the government of Palm prior to the planetary devastation — leave the Algo Star System for distant points unknown, evacuating many of Palm's inhabitants in the process. Some of these worldships will be destroyed over the next one thousand years, and one in particular suffers a major system failure prior to leaving the solar system.
    • The kingdoms of Landen and Shusoran, among several others, are founded aboard the Alisa III (A world ship) during this period.
    • Laya and Orakio are two of the major social figures who escape aboard the Palman worldship Alisa III, each forming significant cultural movements around themselves. The two nations will eventually go to war with one another aboard the ship; one group (Laya's) renowned for its technique-use, the other one (Orakio's) known for its eschewment of such customs.
    • Orakio takes into his service two combat cyborgs, Mieu and Wren (distinct from the different Wren-model seen in Phantasy Star IV). Both see action at their master's side battling Laya's monster hordes.
    • Rolf and company defeat Dark Force, Mother Brain, and the Earthmen, but what happens after that is...left up to the interpretation of the player, although it is somewhat implied that Rolf and all his comrades die finishing off the hundreds of Earthmen in a last stand.
    • As a result of the destruction of Palm and Mother Brain, 90 percent of Algo's entire population dies.
    • Algo officially enters into the period known as "The Great Collapse."
    • The errant Palman worldship suffers final systemic failure, and enters into a decaying orbit around Mota. Its population will eventually perish, and the ship will crashland on the planet's surface.
  • AW 1285: The survivors manage to get the space stations Zelan and Kuran, the focal points of the old network's broadcasts, back in operation. The bare minimum necessary functionality of the system is maintained, stopping Motavia's complete transformation back into a desert. Tyler seals away the Landale on Dezo.
  • AW 1286: Wren becomes operational. He begins maintenance and overall caretaking of the Algo Star System from Zelan.
  • AW 1299: Lutz dies. His will and memory are carried within a gem in a temple in the Esper Mansion's inner sanctum.
  • Unknown Period:
    • Aboard the worldship Alisa III, Orakio and Laya both realize their war has been manipulated all along by Dark Force, who managed to stow a portion of its presence away onboard their ship. A truce is called, and the two former combatants are both last seen departing together to confront the entity.
    • The cyborgs Wren and Mieu both await the eventual return of their master Orakio, but will continue to wait for an entire millennium until their heirs once again resume the struggle against Dark Force.
    • Orakio and Laya succeed in sealing away the Dark Force presence, but at the cost of their own lives. Their cultural descendants will continue to perpetuate a state of "cold war" between their nations for the next 1,000 years, not knowing of their former leaders' final friendship and mutual sacrifice.

[edit] Unspecified Period

  • Further linguistic shifts take place within the structure of Algolian society across the next millennium, resulting in even more altered pronunciations of existing locations, objects, and names of major historical figures.
    • "Palm" (formerly "Palma") becomes known as "Parma," and "Dezo" (formerly "Dezoris") becomes "Dezolis." The planet "Mota" reverts back to its original name of "Motavia."
    • Certain personal names are linguistically shifted — "Dr. Luveno" (from the first Phantasy Star game) becomes "Dr. Lubetz," later venerated as the so-called "God of Learning." King Lassic likewise reverts back to "La Shiec." The solution Alsulin becomes "Alshlin."
  • The worlds of Algo experience a massive backwards technological regression, with their many shining, advanced cities shrinking down to mere towns built of stone and brick.
    • Among these, the town (formerly city) of Zema loses all knowledge of the sophisticated Biosystems cloning facility nearby; following the demise of Mother Brain, the center is apparently buried under a mountain during the de-terraforming of Motavia, although rumors arise in later centuries of fantastic wonders — and horrors — within. The region becomes known as "Birth Valley."

[edit] 20th Century AW

  • c. AW 1900: An accident occurs, and the artificial intelligence in the Nurvus power plant fails.
  • AW 1960: The android Demi is created by Wren, and begins working within Nurvus.

[edit] 22nd Century AW

  • AW 2199: Raja is born on Dezolis.

[edit] 23rd Century AW

Note: Phantasy Star III and Phantasy Star IV are, in fact, supposed to be happening at the same time (roughly) in the U.S release. Somewhat alternate versions of the 1,000-year cycle of Dark Force begin reappearing.

  • c. AW 2200s:
    • By this time, the humans who can use magic are restricted to the residents of the Esper Mansion.
    • Zio begins his rise to power in the Algo Star System; first as a worshipper of the ancient Dark Force power, and later amassing thousands of followers around him in his new religion, which sweeps the system.
    • Zio constructs his headquarters fortress atop the site of the Nurvus computer system, in the deserts of Mota. Over the coming years, he will gradually subvert Nurvus's operations in order to accomplish his goal of the total annihilation of all life in Algo.
  • AW 2260: Hahn Mahlay is born in Krup on Motavia.
  • AW 2265: Gryz is born in Molcum on Motavia.
  • AW 2266: Kyra Tierney is born in the Esper Mansion on Dezolis.
  • AW 2268: Chaz Ashley is born on Motavia.
  • AW 2273: Prince Lyle of Shusoran is born in Aquatica on the Alisa III.
  • AW 2275:
    • Prince Rhys of Landen is born in the kingdom of Landen on the Alisa III.
    • Princess Maia of Cille is born in the kingdom of Aquatica on the Alisa III.
  • AW 2277: Princess Lena of Satera is born in Landen on the Alisa III.
  • AW 2283: Rika is created on Motavia, based on the genetic pattern of Neifirst.
  • AW 2284:
    • This is the date of the events of Phantasy Star IV.
    • Zio's religion has spread across Motavia by this point, ensnaring many innocent and otherwise unwary people into misplaced worship of the Dark Force entity.
    • Zio himself appears to the principal of the Piata Academy, and warns him against sending scientific expeditions to the "Birth Valley" near Zema.
    • A Palman worldship crashes on Motavia after orbiting the planet for 1,000 years. Its crew, sadly, are long dead.
    • Reipard La Shiec is resurrected.
    • Rykros is rediscovered by Chaz and company.
    • Dark Force finally succeeds in freeing the Profound Darkness, but the ultimate evil entity is destroyed by Chaz and the Protectors, finally bringing an end to Algo's 1,000-year cycle of suffering.
    • By this time, the Naula Bakery is doing business in Aiedo on Motavia; it still sells cakes for 280 Meseta.
  • AW 2292: Princess Maia of Cille washes up on a shore in the kingdom of Landen onboard the Alisa III, suffering from total amnesia. Prince Rhys of Landen falls in love with her, and they plan to marry.
  • AW 2293: This is the date of the events of Phantasy Star III (First Generation).
  • AW 2294: Depending on whom Rhys chooses to marry at the end of the first generation:
    • A son, Ayn, is born to King Rhys and Queen Maia of Cille.


    • A son, Nial, is born to King Rhys and Queen Lena of Landen.

[edit] 24th Century AW

  • AW 2308: This is the date of the events of Phantasy Star III (Second Generation), if Rhys married Maia.
  • AW 2309: Depending on whom Ayn chooses to marry at the end of the second generation:
    • A son, Crys, is born to King Ayn and Queen Sari of Landen, Satera, and Azura.


    • A son, Sean, is born to King Ayn and Queen Thea of Azura.
  • AW 2312: This is the date of the events of Phantasy Star III (Second Generation), if Rhys married Lena.
  • AW 2313: Depending on whom Nial chooses to marry at the end of the second generation:
    • Twins are born to King Nial and Queen Laya of Landen, Satera, and Mystoke — a son, Adan, and a daughter, Gwyn.


    • A son, Aron, is born to King Nial and Queen Alair of Landen, Satera, and Dahlia.
  • AW 23??: Lune has a daughter, Kara.
  • AW 2327: This is the date of the events of Phantasy Star III (Third Generation), if Ayn chooses to marry Thea.
  • AW 2328: The date of the events of Phantasy Star III (Third Generation), if Ayn chose to marry Sari.
  • AW 2329: The date of the events of Phantasy Star III (Third Generation), if Nial chooses to marry Laya.
  • AW 2330: The date of the events of Phantasy Star III (Third Generation), if Nial chooses to marry Alair.
  • AW 23?? (at the end of the Third Generation):
    • Orakio's twin brother, Rulakir, is killed after his thousand-year reign as ruler of Lashute.
    • The last remaining incarnation of Dark Force is defeated.

Note: The dates given for the events related to Phantasy Star III are based on the English localization of the game. The original Japanese version's dates are 1,000 years later.

[edit] See also

AW, BW, Phantasy Star

[edit] External links