Timeline of nuclear program of Iran

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Nuclear program of Iran
Nuclear power plant in Busher


1956: Marion King Hubbert publishes his prediction that world oil production will peak in the year 2000.[1]

1957 The United States and Iran sign a civil nuclear co-operation agreement as part of the US Atoms for Peace program.[2]

9 August 1963, Iran signs the Partial nuclear test ban treaty (PTBT) and ratifies it on 23 December 1963.[3]

1967: The Tehran Nuclear Research Centre is built and run by the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI).

September 1967, The USA supplies 5.545 kg of enriched uranium, of which 5.165 kg contain fissile isotopes for fuel in a research reactor. The USA also supplies 112 kg of plutonium, of which 104 kg are fissile isotopes, for use as start-up sources for research reactor.[2]

July 1968: Iran signs the Nuclear non-Proliferation Treaty and ratifies it. It goes into effect on March 5, 1970.

1970s: Under the rule of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, plans are made to construct up to twenty nuclear power stations across the country with U.S. support and backing. Numerous contracts are signed with various Western firms, and the German firm Kraftwerk Union (a subsidiary of Siemens AG) begins construction on the Bushehr power plant in 1974.

1974: Iranian oil production peaks at 6.1 million barrels per day.[4]

1974: the Atomic Energy Act of Iran was promulgated. The Act covers the activities for which the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran was established at that period. These activities included using atomic energy and radiation in industry, agriculture and service industries, setting up atomic power stations and desalination factories, producing source materials needed in atomic industries, creating the scientific and technical infrastructure required for carrying out the said projects, as well as co-ordinating and supervising all matters pertaining to atomic energy in the country.[5]

1975: Massachusetts Institute of Technology signs a contract with the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran to provide training for Iranian nuclear engineers.

1979: Iran's Islamic revolution puts a freeze on the existing nuclear program and the Bushehr contract with Siemens AG is terminated as the German firm leaves.

1982: Iranian officials announced that they planned to build a reactor powered by their own uranium at the Isfahan Nuclear Technology Centre.

1983: International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors inspect Iranian nuclear facilities, and report on a proposed co-operation agreement to help Iran manufacture enriched uranium fuel as part of Iran's "ambitious program in the field of nuclear power reactor technology and fuel cycle technology." The assistance program is later terminated under U.S. pressure.

1984: Iranian radio announced that negotiations with Niger on the purchase of uranium were nearing conclusion.

1985: Iranian radio programs openly discuss the significance of the discovery of uranium deposits in Iran with the director of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organisation.

1989: the Radiation Protection Act of Iran was ratified in public session of April 9 1989 by the Parliament and was approved by the Council of Law-Guardians on April 19 1989.[5]

January 1995: Iran signs an $800 million contract with the Russian Ministry of Atomic Energy (MinAtom) to complete reactors at Bushehr under IAEA safeguards.[6]

1996: China and Iran inform the IAEA of plans to construct a nuclear enrichment facility in Iran, but China withdraws from the contract under U.S. pressure. Iran advises the IAEA that it plans to pursue the construction anyway.

2002: Iran's oil production, following the OPEC double peak model, peaks at 3.4 million barrels a day and goes into terminal decline.[4]

January 29, 2002: US president George W. Bush speaks of an "Axis of evil" gathering Iran, Iraq and North Korea during his State of the Union Address.

August 2002: A spokesman for the MEK terrorist group holds a press conference to "expose" two nuclear facilities in Natanz and Arak that they claim to have discovered. However, the sites were already known to US intelligence. Furthermore, under the terms of Iran's then-existing safeguards agreement with the IAEA, Iran was under no obligation to disclose the facilities while they were still under construction and not yet within the 180-day time limit specified by the safeguards agreement.

December 2002: The U.S. accuses Iran of attempting to make nuclear weapons.

Spring 2003: Iran makes an offer of negotiation with the US that covers nuclear matters and Iran's support for Palestinian groups resisting Israeli occupation. The offer is spurned by the Bush administration, which instead criticizes the Swiss ambassador who forwarded the offer.

16 June 2003: Mohamed ElBaradei, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, declares that "Iran failed to report certain nuclear materials and activities" and requests "co-operative actions" from the country. However, at no point does the International Atomic Energy Agency declare Iran in breach of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. [1]

October 21 2003: As a confidence-building measure, Iran and the EU-3 agree to negotiations under the terms of the Paris Agreement, pursuant to which Iran agrees to temporarily suspend enrichment and permit more stringent set of nuclear inspections in accordance with the Additional Protocol, and the EU-3 explicitly recognizes Iran's right to civilian nuclear programs in accordance with the Non-Proliferation Treaty. The EU-3 violate this pledge in August 2005 by submitting a demand that Iran abandon enrichment nonetheless.

October 31 2003: The IAEA declares that Iran has submitted a "comprehensive" declaration of its nuclear program.[2]

November 11 2003: The IAEA declares that there is no evidence that Iran is attempting to build an atomic bomb. [3]

November 13 2003: Washington claims that the IAEA report is "impossible to believe". The UN stands behind the facts provided in the report. [4]

December 18 2003: As agreed in the Paris Agreement, Iran voluntarily signs and implements the Additional Protocol to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty[7] Though the Protocol was not binding on Iran until ratified, Iran voluntarily agrees to permit expanded and more intensive IAEA inspections pursuant to the Protocol, which fail to turn up a nuclear weapons program in Iran. Iran ends the voluntarily implementation of Additional Protocol after two years of inspections, as a protest to continued EU-3 demands that Iran abandon all enrichment.

June 2004: Kamal Kharrazi, Iran's foreign minister, responding to demands that Iran halt its nuclear program, says: "We won't accept any new obligations. Iran has a high technical capability and has to be recognised by the international community as a member of the nuclear club. This is an irreversible path." [5]

June 14 2004: Mohamed ElBaradei, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, accuses Iran of "less than satisfactory" co-operation during the IAEA investigation of its nuclear program. ElBaradei demands "accelerated and proactive cooperation" from Iran which exceed the terms of Iran's legal obligations.

July 27 2004: Iran removes seals placed upon uranium centrifuges by the International Atomic Energy Agency and resumes construction of the centrifuges at Natanz. (AP)

On June 29, 2004, IAEA Director General Mohammad El-Baradei announced that the Bushehr reactor was "not of international concern" since it was a bilateral Russian-Iranian project intended to produce nuclear energy.

July 31 2004: Iran states that it has resumed building nuclear centrifuges to enrich uranium, reversing a voluntary October 2003 pledge to Britain, France, and Germany to suspend all uranium enrichment-related activities. The United States contends that the purpose is to produce weapons-grade uranium.

August 10 2004: Several long-standing charges and questions regarding weapons-grade uranium samples found in Iran are clarified by the IAEA. Some samples match Pakistani and Russian sources which had contaminated imported Iranian equipment from those countries. The sources of the remaining samples remain unaccounted for. (Jane's Intelligence)

August 24 2004: Iranian Foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi declares in Wellington, New Zealand, that Iran will retaliate with force against Israel or any nation that attempts a pre-emptive strike on its nuclear program. Earlier in the week, Israel's Chief of Staff, General Moshe Ya'alon, told an Israeli newspaper that "Iran is striving for nuclear capability and I suggest that in this matter [Israel] not rely on others."

September 6 2004: The latest IAEA report finds that "unresolved issues surrounding Iran's atomic program are being clarified or resolved outright". [6]

September 18, 2004: The IAEA, the United Nations's nuclear watchdog agency, unanimously adopts a resolution calling on Iran to suspend all activities related to uranium enrichment.

September 21, 2004: Iran announces that it will continue its nuclear program converting 37 tonnes of yellowcake uranium for processing in centrifuges. (Reuters)

October 18 2004: Iran states that it is willing to negotiate with the U.K., Germany, and France regarding a suspension of its uranium enrichment activities, but that it will never renounce its right to enrich uranium.

October 24 2004: The European Union makes a proposal to provide civilian nuclear technology to Iran in exchange for Iran terminating its uranium enrichment program permanently. Iran rejects this outright saying it will not renounce its right to enrichment technologies. A decision to refer the matter from the International Atomic Energy Agency to the United Nations Security Council is expected on November 25 2004.

November 15, 2004: Talks between Iran and three European Union members, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, result in a compromise. Iran agrees to temporarily suspend its active uranium enrichment program for the duration of a second round of talks, during which attempts will be made at arriving at a permanent, mutually-beneficial solution.

November 15 2004: A confidential UN report is leaked. The report states that all nuclear materials within Iran have been accounted for and there is no evidence of any military nuclear program. Nevertheless, it still cannot discount the possibility of such a program because it does not have perfect knowledge. (BBC)

November 22 2004: Iran declares that it will voluntarily suspend its uranium enrichment program to enter negotiations with the EU. Iran will review its decision in three months. The EU seeks to have the suspension made permanent and is willing to provide economic and political incentives.

November 24 2004: Iran seeks to obtain permission from the European Union, in accordance with its recent agreement with the EU, to allow it to continue working with 24 centrifuges for research purposes.

November 28 2004: Iran withdraws its demand that some of its technology be exempted from a freeze on nuclear enrichment activities. (BBC)

June 2005, the U.S. secretary of state Condoleezza Rice said IAEA head Mohamed ElBaradei should either toughen his stance on Iran or fail to be chosen for a third term as IAEA head. Following a one on one meeting between Dr Rice and Dr ElBaredai on 9 June the US withdrew its opposition and Dr ElBaradei was re-elected to his position on 13 June 2005.[8]

August 5, 2005 The EU-3 submit a proposal to Iran pursuant to the Paris Agreement which requires Iran to permanently cease enrichment. The proposal is rejected by Iran asa violation of the Paris Agreement and Iran's Non-Proliferation Treaty rights.

August 8 and August 10 2005: Iran resumed the conversion of uranium at the Isfahan facility, under IAEA safeguards, but does not engage in enrichment of uranium.

August 9 2005: The Iranian Head of State Ayatollah Ali Khamenei issued a fatwa forbidding the production, stockpiling and use of nuclear weapons. The full text of the fatwa was released in an official statement at the meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna.

August 11 2005: The thirty-five-member governing board of the IAEA adopted a resolution calling upon Iran to suspend uranium conversion, and instructing director general Mohammed ElBaradeil to submit a report on Iran's nuclear program by September 3, 2005. The resolution is considered by many to be weak since it does not include the threat of referral to the security council.

August 15 2005: Iran's new president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, installed his new government, however Iranian presidents do not have exclusive control over Iran's nuclear program, which falls mainly under the purview of Iran's Supreme Leader. Ali Larijani replaced Hassan Rowhani as secretary of the Supreme National Security Council, Iran's top policy-making body, with nuclear policy in his purview.

September 15 2005: At a United Nations high-level summit, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated Iran had the right to develop a civil nuclear-power program within the terms of the 1970 treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. He offers a compromise solution in which foreign companies will be permitted to invest and participate in Iran's nuclear program, which he said would ensure that it cannot be secretly diverted to make nuclear weapons. The majority of the U.S. delegation left during his speech, but the U.S./UN mission denied there was a walkout.[9]

October 10 2005, Iranian Oil Ministry Deputy for International Affairs Hadi Nejad-Hosseinian said that Iran could run out of oil reserves in nine decades.[10]

November 5 2005: The Iranian government approved a plan that allows foreign investors to participate in the work at the Natanz uranium enrichment plant. The cabinet also authorised the AEOI to take necessary measures to attract foreign and domestic investment in the uranium enrichment process.[11]

November 19 2005: The IAEA released a report saying that Iran blocked nuclear inspectors from the United Nations from conducting a second visit to a site known as Parchin military complex, where Iran was not legally required to allow inspections at all. The first inspections had failed to turn up any evidence of a nuclear program. IAEA Director-General Mohamed El-Baradei said in the report, "Iran's full transparency is indispensable and overdue." Separately, Iran confirmed that it had resumed the conversion of new quantities of uranium pursuant to its rights under the NPT, despite an IAEA resolution to stop such work. CNA

January, 2006: Iran provides the European negotiating side with a six-point proposal, which includes an offer to again suspend uranium enrichment for a period of 2 years, pending the outcome of continued negotiations. The offer is dismissed by the Europeans, and not reported in the Western press.[12] This offer of compromise follows several other offers from Iran, all of which were summarily dismissed by the US.

January 31 2006: The IAEA reports that "Iran has continued to facilitate access under its Safeguards Agreement as requested by the Agency ... including by providing in a timely manner the requisite declarations and access to locations" and lists outstanding issues.[13]

January 2006: The New York Times reporter James Risen published State of War, in which he alleged a CIA operation code-named Operation Merlin backfired and may have helped Iran in its nuclear program, in an attempt to delay it feeding them false information.

February 2 2006: Pakistani Finance Minister Sirajul Haq: "Attack on Iran will be construed as attack on us"[14]

February 4 2006: The IAEA votes 27-3 to report Iran to the United Nations Security Council. After the vote, Iran announced its intention to end voluntary co-operation with the IAEA beyond basic Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty requirements, and to resume enrichment of uranium.[15]

March, 2006: The U.S. National Security Strategy decried Iran, stating that "Iran has violated its Non-Proliferation Treaty safeguards obligations and refuses to provide objective guarantees that its nuclear program is solely for peaceful purposes."[16] The term "objective guarantees" is understood to mean permanent abandonment of enrichment.

March 15 2006: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reaffirms Iran's commitment to developing a domestic nuclear power industry.[17]

March 27 2006: In a Foreign Policy article entitled "Fool Me Twice", Joseph Cirincione, director for non-proliferation at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, claimed that "some senior officials have already made up their minds: They want to hit Iran." and that there "may be a co-ordinated campaign to prepare for a military strike on Iran." Joseph Cirincione also warns "that a military strike would be disastrous for the United States. It would rally the Iranian public around an otherwise unpopular regime, inflame anti-American anger around the Muslim world, and jeopardise the already fragile U.S. position in Iraq. And it would accelerate, not delay, the Iranian nuclear program. Hard-liners in Tehran would be proven right in their claim that the only thing that can deter the United States is a nuclear bomb. Iranian leaders could respond with a crash nuclear program that could produce a bomb in a few years."[18]

April 11 2006: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced that Iran had enriched uranium to reactor-grade using 164 centrifuges. He said, "I am officially announcing that Iran has joined the group of those countries which have nuclear technology. This is the result of the Iranian nation's resistance. Based on international regulations, we will continue our path until we achieve production of industrial-scale enrichment". He reiterated that the enrichment was performed for purely civil power purposes and not for weapons purposes.

April 26 2006: Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that Americans should know that if they assault Iran their interests will be harmed anywhere in the world that is possible, and that the Iranian nation will respond to any blow with double the intensity.[19]

April 28 2006: The International Atomic Energy Agency hands a report titled Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement in the Islamic Republic of Iran to the UN Security Council.[20] The IAEA says that Iran has stepped up its uranium enrichment programs during the 30 day period covered by the report.[21]

June 01 2006: The UN Security Council agrees to a set of proposals designed to reach a compromise with Iran.[22]

July 31 2006: The UN Security Council gives until August 31, 2006 for Iran to suspend all uranium enrichment and related activities or face the prospect of sanctions.[23] The draft passed by a vote of 14-1 (Qatar, which represents Arab states on the council, opposing). The same day, Iran's U.N. Ambassador Javad Zarif qualified the resolution as "arbitrary" and illegal because the NTP protocol explicitly guarantees under international law Iran’s right to pursue nuclear activities for peaceful purposes. In response to today’s vote at the UN, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that his country will revise his position vis-à-vis the economic/incentive package offered previously by the G-6 (5 permanent Security council members plus Germany.)[24]

September 16 2006: (Havana, Cuba) All of the 118 Non-Aligned Movement member countries declare their support for Iran's nuclear program for civilian purposes in their final written statement [7]. That is a clear majority of the 192 countries comprising the entire United Nations.

January 15 2007: Ardeshir Hosseinpour, an Iranian junior scientist involved in The Uranium Conversion Facility at Isfahan, dies, reportedly due to "gassing".[25] Several other scientists may also be killed or injured, and treated in nearby hospitals.[26]

January 21 2007: The death of Ardeshir Hosseinpour is finally reported by the Al-Quds daily[27] and the Iranian Student's News Agency[28] (in Arabic & Persian).[26]

February 2 2007: The US private intelligence company Stratfor releases a report saying that Ardeshir Hosseinpour was killed by the Mossad through radioactive poisoning.[29][30]

February 4 2007: Rheva Bhalla of Stratfor confirms the details of Stratfor's report to The Sunday Times.[30] Despite the previous reports, the "semi-official"[31] Fars News Agency reports that an unnamed informed source in Tehran told them that Ardeshir Hosseinpour was not involved in the nuclear facility at Isfahan, and that he "suffocated by fumes from a faulty gas fire in sleep."[32]

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Nuclear Energy and Fossil Fuels. Ecosystems. Retrieved on April 23, 2006.
  2. ^ a b Dr. Farhang Jahanpour (2006). Chronology of Iran's Nuclear Program. Oxford Research Group. Retrieved on September 25, 2006.
  3. ^ ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN. International Atomic Energy Agenct (2003). Retrieved on September 21, 2006.
  4. ^ a b Campbell, Colin (2003). Country Assessment – Iran. Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas. Retrieved on May 28, 2006.
  5. ^ a b Islamic Republic of Iran. International Atomic Energy Agency (2002). Retrieved on May 28, 2006.
  6. ^ Robin Gedye (September 10 2003). Iran's nuclear history. The Telegraph.
  7. ^ Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement in the Islamic Republic of Iran (PDF). IAEA.
  8. ^ US agrees to back UN nuclear head. BBC News.
  9. ^ Stewart Stogel (September 15, 2005). 'No-Shows' Mark U.N. Summit. NewsMax.
  10. ^ Iran may run out of oil in 90 years. Alexander's Gas & Oil Connections. Retrieved on April 23, 2006.
  11. ^ "Iran to involve foreign investments in nuclear program", Xinhua, November 6, 2006.
  12. ^ Kaveh L Afrasiabi (February 7, 2006). Sideshows on Iran's frogmarch to the UN. Asia Times.
  13. ^ {{cite web|url=http://www.iaea.org/NewsCenter/Statements/DDGs/2006/heinonen31012006.pdf|title=Developments in the Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement in the Islamic Republic of Iran and Agency Verification of Iran’s Suspension of Enrichment-related and Reprocessing Activities|date= January 31, 2006|publisher=IAEA |format=PDF
  14. ^ Attack on Iran will be construed as attack on us: Pakistan minister. Turkish Weekly (2006). Retrieved on May 28, 2006.
  15. ^ "Iran halts nuclear spot checks, resumes enrichment", The Telegraph, February 5, 2006.
  16. ^ Section 5 of the March 2006 U.S. National Security Strategy
  17. ^ Iran Focus
  18. ^ "Fool Me Twice", Foreign Policy, March 27, 2006.
  19. ^ Iran threatens to strike at US targets if attacked. Reuters. Retrieved on April 27, 2006.
  20. ^ Report on Iran Nuclear Safeguards Sent to Agency's Board and UN Security Council. International Atomic Energy Agency. Retrieved on April 29, 2006.
  21. ^ Iran speeding up nuclear work: IAEACouncil. ABC News (Australia). Retrieved on April 29, 2006.
  22. ^ China, Russia join other powers on Iran package. CNN. Retrieved on June 1, 2006.
  23. ^ Iran remains defiant in nuclear stand-off. AFP. Retrieved on August 1, 2006.
  24. ^ UN gets Iran incentive deal. Reuters. Retrieved on July 13, 2006.
  25. ^ مرگ مشکوک يک دانشمند هسته ای جمهوری اسلام (Scientist Nuk Dies) (Persian) (HTML). Radio Farda. Retrieved on February 4, 2007.
  26. ^ a b Melman, Yossi (2007-02-04). U.S. website: Mossad killed Iranian nuclear physicist (English) (HTML). Haaretz. Retrieved on February 5, 2007.
  27. ^ AL-Quds Daily Newspaper (Arabic) (HTML).
  28. ^ ISNA - Iranian Student's News Agency (Persian) (HTML).
  29. ^ Geopolitical Diary: Israeli Covert Operations in Iran (English) (HTML). Stratfor (2007-02-02). Retrieved on February 4, 2007. (requires premium subscription)
  30. ^ a b Baxter, Sarah (2007-02-04). Iranian nuclear scientist ‘assassinated by Mossad’ (English) (HTML). The Sunday Times. Retrieved on February 5, 2007. (refers to interview of Stratfor's Rheva Bhalla)
  31. ^ U.S. troops allowed to kill Iranians plotting attacks in Iraq (English). CNN. Retrieved on February 5, 2007.
  32. ^ Moussad Incapable of Running Operations in Iran (English) (HTML). Fars News Agency (2007-02-04). Retrieved on February 5, 2007.

[edit] See also

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