Timeline of entomology - 1850-1900

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William Saunders.
William Saunders.



  • Achille Guenée Histoire naturelle des insectes.Species general des Lepidopteres.Paris,1852-1857, published.


Francis Walker.
Francis Walker.


  • Jean Theodore Lacordaire, Histoire Naturelle des insectes.Genre des Coleopteres.7 vols published at Paris,1854-1863.
  • Carl Ludwig Koch Die pflanzenlause,etc. Nurnburg commenced -completed 1857.
  • Ignaz Rudolph Schiner Diptera Austriaca . Aufzahlung aller im Kaiserthum Oesterrich bisher aufgefundenen Zweifluger , 1-4 Verh. Zool. Bot. Ver. Wien. 4-8 263pp.(1854-1858) commenced.
  • Émile Blanchard (1819-1900) writes Zoologie agricole où il présente les espèces nuisibles, a work on pest species. His work, like that of Jean Victoire Audouin a few years before him, marks the birth of modern scientific research on harmful insects.
  • Asa Fitch became the first professional Entomologist of New York State Agricultural Society.






  • Herman von Heinemann Die Schmetterlinge Deutschlands und der Schweiz in English, "Butterflies of Germany and Switzerland". Completed 1877 The second volume on microlepidoptera was especially important.
  • Charles Darwin Origin of Species London.Entomologists had differing views of this work.
  • Leander Czerny born.
  • The Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard founded by Louis Agassiz.
  • The Entomological Society of Philadelphia was established. In 1867, it was renamed the American Entomological Society, the earliest national organization in the biological sciences in the United States of America.
  • Pierre Millière commenced Iconographie et description de Chenilles et Lépidoptères inéditnot completed until 1874.

His collections of Macrolepidoptera and Pyralidae are in Palais Coburg in Vienna, there are some of his Microlepidoptera in the Natural History Museum, Leiden but the bulk of his Microlepdoptera collection is in the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle in Paris.


  • John Curtis Farm Insects being the natural history and economy of the insects injurious to the field crops of Great Britain and Ireland with suggestions for their destruction Glasgow, Blackie. Seminal work on economic entomology.
  • Giovanni Passerini 's Gli afidi con un prospetto dei generi ed alcune specie nuove Italianepublished at Parma
  • Theodor Becker born.
A. R. Wallace in Singapore
A. R. Wallace in Singapore


  • John Lawrence LeConte Classification of the Coleoptera of North America published LeConte was the most important American entomologist of the century.
  • Otto Staudinger and Maximilian Ferdinand Wocke Catalog der Lepidopteren Europas
  • Carl Gustav Carus Natur und Idee oder das Werdende und sein Gesetz. Eine philosophische Grundlage für die specielle Naturwissenschaft. Wien: Braunmüller.Important science philosophical work.
  • Jørgen Matthias Christian Schiødte. De Metamorphosi Eleutheratorum Observationes. Bidrag til Insekterns Udviklingshistorie. Naturhistorisk Tiddsskrift commenced. 13 parts completed 1883. Seminal work on larvae of Coleoptera.


  • Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Berge Schmetterlingsbuch Third edition of this 194 page popular classic work with 49 hand-coloured plates. Berge also wrote Käferbuch (1841). This work became an eduring classic. William Forsell Kirby used its 61 plates for his 1889 European Butterflies and moths.It was as B. J. Rebel’s edition of Berge’s Schmetterlingsbuch still a bestseller in 1949 and is now available as a CD.
  • Entomological Society of Canada founded.
  • Sylvain Auguste de Marseul Catalogue des coléoptères d'Europe et du bassin de la Mediterranée en Afrique et en Asie A. Deyrolle, Paris., published.


  • Francis Polkinghorne Pascoe Longicornia Malayana; or a descriptive catalogue of the species of the three longicorn families Lamiidae, Cerambycidae and Prionidae collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago. Trans.Entomol. Soc. London commenced. This work was finished in 1869
  • Alexander Walter Scott, 1864-6 Australian Lepidoptera with their Transformations.A beautifully illustrated (by Harriet and Helena Scott) seminal work of Australian Entomology.

First appearance of the Entomologist's Monthly Magazine in England together with the reappearance of the Entomologist indicates a surge of entomology in England.

  • Zoological Record started in London. Continues work of Hagen, but includes taxa other than insects.
  • Carl Stål Hemiptera Africana. 1-4, Holmiae, Stockholm. [in Latin, textual descriptions, keys to genera] 1864-1866.
  • Frédéric Jules Sichel wrote Catalogus specierum generis Scolia ... an important text on Hymenoptera.


  • Alfred Russel Wallace On the Phenomena of Variation and Geographical Distribution as Illustrated by the Papilionidae of the Malayan Region (vol.25 Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond). Seminal biogeographic and evolutionary work essentially laying out the principles of allopatric speciation.
  • Cajetan Freiherr von Felder , Rudolf Felder & Alois Freidrich Rogenhofer Fregatte Novara. Lepidoptera. 1-3. commenced.
  • Robert Mac Lachlan Trichoptera Britannica; a monograph of the British species of Caddis-flies. Trans. Entomol. Soc. Lond. (3) 5: 1-184
  • Samuel Hubbard Scudder An inquiry into the zoological relation of the first discovered traces of fossil neuropterous insects in North America; with remarks on the different structure of wings of living Neuroptera. - Mem. Boston soc. nat. hist., 1: 173-192 1865-1867


  • Josef Mik Beitrag zur Dipterenfauna des österreichischen Küstenlandes. Abh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 16:301-310,published.Mik's first work on the Diptera.



  • August Emil Holmgren Hymenoptera, species novas descripsit. Kongliga Svenska Fregatten Eugenies resa omkring Jordeni under befäl af C.A. Virgen Aren 1851-53. II Zoologi 1 Insecta pp. 391-442 pl. viii.
  • Charles Valentine Riley appointed to the office of entomologist of the State of Missouri.



Frederick DuCane Godman
Frederick DuCane Godman


  • Enrico Verson (1845-1927) founded the world’s first silkworm experimental station in Italy.



  • Robert Mac Lachlan publishes the first volume of Monographic revision and synopsis of the Trichoptera of the European fauna (two volumes, 1874 et 1880).
  • Achille Costa 1874. Fauna Salentina. Tip. Ed. Salentina, Lecce,Italia.




Osbert Salvin.
Osbert Salvin.


  • Matthew Cooke Treatise on the Insects Injurious to Fruit and Fruit Trees of the State of California, and Remedies Recommended for Their Extermination.Sacramento: State Office: J. D. Young, Supt. State Printing, 1881. A pioneering work of American entomology.
  • John Henry Comstock became professor of entomology at Cornell University.




  • Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine founded,the first of its kind in the world.Between 1898 and 1913 the School despatched 32 expeditions to the tropics, including Sierra Leone, theCongo and the Amazon.





  • George Francis Hampson published The Lepidoptera Heterocera of Ceylon (1893) as parts 8 and 9 of Illustrations of Typical Specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera of the British Museum. He then commenced work on The Fauna of British India, Moths (4 vols 1892-1896).
  • William Harris Ashmead publishes Monograph of the North American Proctotrupidae in the Bulletin of the U.S. National Museum
William Harris Ashmead.
William Harris Ashmead.
  • Philip Powell Calvert publishes Catalogue of the Odonata (dragonflies) of the Vicinity of Philadelphia, with an Introduction to the Study of this Group a model for later regional studies.
  • Eleanor Anne OrmerodManual of injurious insects with methods of prevention and remedy for their attacks to food crops, forest trees and fruit: to which is appended a short introduction to entomology published.


  • Louis Gabriel d’Antessanty published Catalogue des Hémiptères-Hétéroptères de l'Aube Dufour-Bouquot Plaquette Grand In-8 Broché Troyes.


  • Jean Pierre Mégnin publishes La Faune des Cadavres. Applications de l'Entomologie à la Médecine Légale.Corpse Fauna: Application of Entomology to Legal Medicine.Ency-clopedie Scientifique des Aides-Memoires, Masson et Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 214 pp.
  • Ferdinand Kowarz 1894 Catalogus insectorum faunae bohemicae. -II. Fliegen (Diptera) published.
  • Bureau of Entomology(U.S.A.) founded.


  • Alpheus Spring Packard First volume of Monograph of the Bombycine Moths of North America was published.(parrs 2 and 3 1905 and 1915).Packard was a vocal proponent of the Neo-Lamarckian theory of evolution.



  • Pater Gabriel Strobl Fauna diptera Bosne, Hercegovine I Dalmacie. Glasn. Zemalj. Muz. Bosni Herceg. 10: 87-466, 562-616. In Serbian this was the first in a series of works on the Diptera af the Balkans.
  • The French scientist Paul-Louis Simond established the rat flea as the vector of bubonic plague.
"Der Doktor Schnabel von Rom" (English: "Doctor Beak of Rome") engraving by Paul Fürst (after J Columbina). The beak is a primitive gas mask, stuffed with substances (such as spices and herbs) thought to ward off the plague.
"Der Doktor Schnabel von Rom" (English: "Doctor Beak of Rome") engraving by Paul Fürst (after J Columbina). The beak is a primitive gas mask, stuffed with substances (such as spices and herbs) thought to ward off the plague.

[edit] See also