Timeline of Governmental Accounting Standards - U.S.

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[edit] Municipal Finance Officers Association

Now called the Government Finance Officers Association [1]


  • Governmental Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting (the "blue book" or the "GAAFR") ISBN 0-89125-275-4 for 2005 edition

[edit] American Institute of Certified Public Accountants


  • Audits of State and Local Governmental Units


  • AICPA Statement of Position 75-3: Accrual of Revenues and Expenditures by State and Local Governmental Units

[edit] National Council on Governmental Accounting and American Institute of Certified Public Accountants


  • National Council on Governmental Accounting Interpretation 1: GAAFR and the AICPA Audit Guide


  • AICPA Statement of Position 77-2: Accounting for Interfund Transfers of State and Local Governmental Units


  • AICPA Statement of Position 78-7: Financial Accounting and Reporting by Hospitals Operate by a Governmental Unit


  • National Council on Governmental Accounting Statement 1: Governmental Accounting and Financial Reporting Principles
  • National Council on Governmental Accounting Statement 2: Grant, Entitlement, and Shared Revenue Accounting by State and Local Governments


  • National Council on Governmental Accounting Interpretation 2: Segment Information for Enterprise Funds
  • AICPA Statement of Position 80-2: Accounting and Financial Reporting by Governmental Units (Amendment to CICPA Audit Guide, Audits of State and Local Governmental Units)


  • National Council on Governmental Accounting Interpretation 3: Revenue Recognition - Property Taxes
  • National Council on Governmental Accounting Statement 3: Defining the Governmental Reporting Entity
  • National Council on Governmental Accounting Interpretation 4: Accounting and Financial Reporting for Public Employee Retirement Systems and Pension Trust Funds


  • National Council on Governmental Accounting Concepts Statement 1: Objectives of Accounting and Financial Reporting for Governmental Units
  • National Council on Governmental Accounting Interpretation 5: Authoritative Status of Governmental Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reportion (1968)
  • National Council on Governmental Accounting Interpretation 6: Notes to the Financial Statements Disclosure
  • National Council on Governmental Accounting Statement 4: Accounting and Financial Reporting Principles for Claims and Judgments and Compensated Absences
  • National Council on Governmental Accounting Statement 5: Accounting and Financial Reporting Principles for Lease Agreements of State and Local Governments


  • National Council on Governmental Accounting Interpretation 7: Clarification as to the Application of the Criteria in NCGA Statement 3: Defining the Governmental Reporting Entity"
  • National Council on Governmental Accounting Statement 6: Pension Accounting and Financial Reporting: Public Employee Retirement Systems and State and Local Government Employers
  • National Council on Governmental Accounting Interpretation 8: Certain Pension Matters


  • National Council on Governmental Accounting Statement 7: Financial Reporting for Component Units within the Governmental Reporting Entity
  • National Council on Governmental Accounting Interpretation 9: Certain Fund Classifications and Balance Sheet Accounts
  • National Council on Governmental Accounting Interpretation 10: State and Local Government Budgetary Reporting
  • National Council on Governmental Accounting Interpretation 11: Claim and Judgment Transactions for Governmental Funds

[edit] Governmental Accounting Standards Board


  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 1: Authoritative Status of NCGA Pronouncements and AICPA Industry Audit Guide
  • GASB Technical Bulleting No. 84-1: Purpose and Scope of GASB Technical Bulletins and Procedures for Issuance
  • Interpretation Number 1 of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board: Demand Bonds Issued by State and Local Governmental Entities (an interpretation of NCGA Statement 1 and NCGA Interpretaion 9)


  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 2: Financial Reporting of Deferred Compensation Plans Adopted under the Provisions of Internal Revenue Code Section 457
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 3: Deposits with Financial Institutions, Investments (including Repurchase Agreements), and Reverse Repurchase Agreements
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 4: Applicability of FASB Statement No. 87, Employers' Accounting for Pensions to State and Local Governmental Employers
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 5: Disclosure of Pension Information by Public Employee Retirement Systems and State and Local Governmental Employers


  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 6: Accounting and Financial Reporting for Special Assessments
  • GASB Technical Bulletin No. 87-1: Applying Paragraph of GASB Statement 3
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 7: Advance Refundings Resulting in Defeasance of Debt
  • Concepts Statement No. 1 of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board: Objectives of Financial Reporting


  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 8: Applicability of FASB Statement No. 93, Recognition of Depreciation by Not-for-Profit Organizations to Certain State and Local Governmental Entities


  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 9: Reporting Cash Flows of Proprietary and Nonexpendable Trust Funds and Governmental Entities That Use Proprietary Fund Accounting
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 10: Accounting and Financial Reporting for Risk Financing and Related Insurance Issues


  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 11: Measurement Focus and Basis of Accounting-Governmental Fund Operating Statements
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 12: Disclosure of Information on Postemployment Benefits Other Than Pension Benefits by State and Local Governmental Employers
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 13: Accounting for Operating Leases with Scheduled Rent Increases


  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 14: The Financial Reporting Entity
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 15: Governmental College and University Accounting and Financial Reporting Models


  • GASB Technical Bulletin No. 92-1: Display of Governmental College and University Compensated Absences Liabilities
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 16: Accounting for Compensated Absences


  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 17: Measurement Focus and Basis of Accounting-Governmental Fund Operating Statements: Amendment of the Effective Dates of GASB Statement No. 11 and Related Statements—an amendment of GASB Statements No. 10, 11, and 13
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 18: Accounting for Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Closure and Postclosure Care Costs
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 19: Governmental College and University Omnibus Statement
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 20: Accounting and Financial Reporting for Proprietary Funds and Other Governmental Entities That Use Proprietary Fund Accounting
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 21: Accounting for Escheat Property
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 22: Accounting for Taxpayer-Assessed Tax Revenues in Governmental Funds
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 23: Accounting and Financial Reporting for Refundings of Debt Reported by Proprietary Activities


  • Concepts Statement No. 2 of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board: Service Efforts and Accomplishments Reporting
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 24: Accounting and Financial Reporting for Certain Grants and Other Financial Assistance
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 25: Financial Reporting for Defined Benefit Pension Plans and Note Disclosures for Defined Contribution Plans
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 26: Financial Reporting for Postemployment Healthcare Plans Administered by Defined Benefit Pension Plans
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 27: Accounting for Pensions by State and Local Governmental Employers
  • GASB Technical Bulletin No. 94-1: Dislosures about Derivatives and Similar Debt and Investment Transactions


  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 28: Accounting and Financial Reporting for Securities Lending Transactions
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 29: The Use of Not-for-Profit Accounting and Financial Reporting Principles by Governmental Entities
  • Interpretation Number 2 of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board: Disclosure of Conduit Debt Obligations


  • Interpretation Number 3 of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board: Financial Reporting for Reverse Repurchase Agreements (an interpretation of GASB Statement No. 3)
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 30: Risk Financing Omnibus—an amendment of GASB Statement No. 10
  • Interpretation Number 4 of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board: Accounting and Financial Reporting for Capitalization Contributions to Public Entity Risk Pools (an interpretation of GASB Statements No. 10 and 14)
  • GASB Technical Bulleting No. 96-1: Application of Certain Pension Disclosure Requirements for Employers Pending Implementation of GASB Statement 27


  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 31: Accounting and Financial Reporting for Certain Investments and for External Investment Pools
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 32: Accounting and Financial Reporting for Internal Revenue Code Section 457 Deferred Compensation Plans—a rescission of GASB Statement No. 2 and an amendment of GASB Statement No. 31
  • Interpretation Number 5 of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board: Property Tax Revenue Recognition in governmental Funds (an interpretation of NCGA Statement 1 and an amendment of NCGA Interpretation 3)
  • GASB Technical Bulletin No. 97-1: Classification of Deposits and Investments into Custodial Credit Risk Categories for Certain Bank Holding Company Transactions


  • GASB Technical Bulletin No. 98-1: Disclosures about Year 2000 Issues
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 33: Accounting and Financial Reporting for Nonexchange Transactions


  • GASB Technical Bulletin No. 99-1: Disclosures about Year 2000 Issues - an amendment of Technical Bulletin 98-1
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 34: Basic Financial Statements—and Management's Discussion and Analysis—for State and Local Governments
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 35: Basic Financial Statements—and Management’s Discussion and Analysis—for Public Colleges and Universities—an amendment of GASB Statement No. 34


  • GASB Technical Bulletin No. 2000-1: Dislosure about Year 2000 Issues - a rescission of GASB Technical Bulletings 98-1 and 99-1
  • Interpretation Number 6 of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board: Recognition and Measurement of Certain Liabilities and Expenditures in Governmental Fund Financial Statements (an interpretation of NCGA Statements 1, 4, and 5; NCGA Interpretation 8: and GASB Statements 10, 16, and 18)
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 36: Recipient Reporting for Certain Shared Nonexchange Revenues—an amendment of GASB Statement No. 33


  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 37: Basic Financial Statements—and Management's Discussion and Analysis—for State and Local Governments: Omnibus
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 38: Certain Financial Statement Note Disclosures


  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 39: Determining Whether Certain Organizations Are Component Units—an amendment of GASB Statement No. 14


  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 40: Deposit and Investment Risk Disclosures—an amendment of GASB Statement No. 3
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 41: Budgetary Comparison Schedules—Perspective Differences—an amendment of GASB Statement No. 34
  • GASB Technical Bulletin No. 20003-1: Disclosure Requirements for Derivatives Not Reported at Fair Value on the Statement of Net Assets
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 42: Accounting and Financial Reporting for Impairment of Capital Assets and for Insurance Recoveries


  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 43: Financial Reporting for Postemployment Benefit Plans Other Than Pension Plans
  • GASB Technical Bulleting No. 2004-1: Tobacco Settlement Recognition and Financial Reporting Entity Issues
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 44: Economic Condition Reporting: The Statistical Section—an amendment of NCGA Statement 1
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 45: Accounting and Financial Reporting by Employers for Postemployment Benefits Other Than Pensions
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 46: Net Assets Restricted by Enabling Legislation—an amendment of GASB Statement No. 34


  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Concepts Statement No. 3: Communication Methods in General Purpose External Financial Reports That Contain Basic Financial Statements
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 47: Accounting for Termination Benefits


  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 48: Sales and Pledges of Receivables and Future Revenues and Intra-Entity Transfers of Assets and Future Revenues