Timeline of Earth Liberation Front actions

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[edit] 1996

  • October 14, 1996. Eugene, Oregon: Hwy. 99 and Garfield McDonald's locks glued and spray painted. 26th and Willamette Chevron Gas Station, the IZ and Pearl public relations office of Weyerhauser and Hyundai locks glued, spray-painted with "504 years of Genocide" and "**** Corporations" [1]
  • October 16, 1996; Grants Pass, Oregon: McDonald's locks glued and spray-painted in support of the McLibel Two. - Earth Liberation Front [2]
  • October 17, 1996. Cottage Grove, Oregon: Cottage Grove and Exit 104 on I-5 McDonald's locks glued and slogans painted. - Earth Liberation Front [3]
  • October 28, 1996, Oregon: attempted at U.S. Forest Service's Detroit Ranger Station in Willamette National Forest. A U.S. Forest Service pickup is torched on the parking lot of the Detroit Ranger District headquarters. The building is spray-painted with "Earth Liberation Front" and anti-logging slogans. An incendiary device consisting of plastic jug is later found on the roof. It did not go off. Damages: $15,000. [4]
  • October 30, 1996, Lane County, Oregon: The U.S. Forest Service Oakridge Ranger Station was burned down causing $5.3 million in damage. Police credited the ELF with the action but there was never a statement of responsibility issued.

[edit] 1997

  • March 11, 1997; Sandy, Utah: A series of firebombs claimed jointly by the ALF and the ELF destroyed four trucks and leveled the offices of the Agricultural Fur Breeders Co-Op, causing about $1 million in damage.[5]
  • March 14, 1997. Near Eugene, Oregon. Tree spiking at Robinson-Scott timber harvest site in the Mackenzie River watershed, Willamette National Forest. Joint ALF / ELF claim.
  • March 18, 1997; Davis, California: The "Bay Area Cell of the Earth X ALF" took credit for setting fire to the University of California, Davis, Center for Comparative Medicine facility, which was still under construction.[6]
  • July 21, 1997; Redmond, Oregon: Arson of Cavel West meat packing plant which was in the business of slaughtering wild horses rounded up by the Bureau of Land Management and then shipping the meat to Europe to be sold there. Estimated cost over $1 million. The plant was never rebuilt. Joint ALF / ELF claim.
  • November 29, 1997: Fire at the Bureau of Land Management Wild Horse Corrals in Burns, Oregon, destroys a horse barn, chutes, pens and equipment and 400 horses released. ELF and ALF claimed joint responsibility. Damages: $474,000.

[edit] 1998

  • June 2, 1998; Olympia, Washington: The U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal Damage Control building and another U.S. Department of Agriculture wildlife station, miles apart, go up in flames on the same morning. The Earth Liberation Front and Animal Liberation Front take joint responsibility for both actions. Damages: $1.9 million.
  • June 28, 1998; Boston, Massachusetts: Defaced the Mexican Consulate in Boston with red paint in support of the indigenous Zapatistas uprising in Chiapas, Mexico. The E.L.F. painted blood red hand prints on the walls, spilled pools of red paint on the ground and painted "VIVA E.Z.L.N." [7]
  • July 3, 1998; Middleton, Wisconsin: Break-in and release of 171 mink and ferrets from United Vaccines laboratory during a daylight raid. Holes in the fence were cut and 310 ferrets and mink were released. Equipment and windows were also destroyed. The slogan 'Independence Day for Fur Farm Prisoners' was painted at the United Vaccines laboratory during the daylight raid. Joint ALF / ELF claim. [8]
  • October 10, 1998; Rock Springs, Wyoming: Saboteurs cut the locks off horse pens at a BLM corral, freeing about 40-100 wild horses. Failed incendiaries are found next to a pickup truck and a building. The ELF and the ALF take joint responsibility.
  • October 19, 1998: The ELF claimed responsibility for burning five buildings and four chair lifts on the Vail Mountain ski resort in Vail, Colorado, caused in excess of $12 million in damages. The action came only five days after a court had ruled that Vail resorts could proceed with its planned Category III expansion into the Two Elks Roadless Area, despite the objections of local environmentalists. In a communiqué ELF claimed that the fires were set on behalf of the lynx. "If there is any critical lynx habitat in the state, this is it!" [9]
  • October 26, 1998; Powers, Michigan: About 5,000 mink are released from the Pipkorn farm in the Upper Peninsula. Damages: $100,000.
  • December 26, 1998; Medford, Oregon: Fire ravages the headquarters of U.S. Forest Industries. An ELF communiqué issued weeks later says the strike was payback to the company for razing forests and killing wild animals for profit. Damages: $700,000.

[edit] 1999

  • August 7, 1999; Escanaba, Michigan: Two fishing boats were set ablaze in the driveway of a veterinarian who once worked as a mink rancher. A garage door was tagged with graffiti 18 inches high: "FUR IS MURDER. E.L.F." The ELF later claims in an Internet posting it targeted the veterinarian after finding a "Fur is Enough" sign outside his home. Damages: $15,000.[10]
  • December 25, 1999; Monmouth, Oregon Fire destroys the main office of the Boise Cascade logging company costing over $1 million. ELF claim responsibility in a communiqué.
  • December 31, 1999; East Lansing, Michigan: Arson of the offices of Catherine Ives, Room 324, Agriculture Hall at Michigan State University. The offices were doused with gasoline and set afire. ELF said the fire was set in response to the work being done to force developing nations in Asia, Latin America and Africa to switch from natural crop plants to genetically engineered sweet potatoes, corn, bananas and pineapples. Monsanto and USAID are major funders of the research and promotional work being done through Michigan State University. According to local newspapers, the fire caused some $900,000 in damage. "Cremate Monsanto, Long live the E.L.F. On to the next GE target!"

[edit] 2000

  • January 23, 2000; Bloomington, Indiana: Arson destroys a partially constructed luxury home. Investigators found message spray-painted in black on a sign near the house: "No Sprawl ELF." The ELF later issues a communiqué saying it torched the home because it was in the Lake Monroe Watershed, which provides drinking water to the city of Bloomington. Damages: $200,000.
  • February 9, 2000; Saint Paul, Minnesota: University of Minnesota, ELF Crop Destruction, $1000+ damages.
  • March 24, 2000; Minneapolis, Highway 55 reroute, $500,000 in damages done to construction equipment.
  • April 30, 2000; Bloomington, Indiana: At least six pieces of logging and heavy construction equipment are sabotaged and a trailer full of wood chips is set ablaze at a road construction site just outside the city. A communiqué from the Earth Liberation Front states its plan was to punish those developing wooded areas around Bloomington, which "have turned what was once forested land into parking lots, luxury houses for rich scum and expanded roads." Damages: $75,000.
  • July 20, 2000; Rhinelander, Wisconsin: Vandals hack down thousands of experimental trees, mostly poplars, and spray-paint vehicles at a U.S. Forest Service research station. The ELF claims the attack was against bioengineering, although researchers say the trees were bred naturally to grow faster and resist diseases. Damages: $1 million.
  • September 9, 2000; Bloomington, Indiana: Fire erupts at the headquarters of the Monroe County Republican Party Committee headquarters. Investigators say a flammable liquid was poured on the building and ignited. The arson was a reminder, according to the ELF communiqué, that it would not sit quietly as politicians pushed for plans to extend Interstate 69. Damages: $1,500.
  • October 18, 2000; Shoals, Indiana: Vandals find four pieces of heavy logging equipment in the Martin State Forest and cut hoses, slash seats, destroy gauges and pour sand in the engines, fuel tanks and radiators. They leave spray-painted graffiti including, "Earth Raper," "Go Cut in Hell," and "ELF." Damages: $55,000.
  • November 27, 2000; Niwot, Colorado: Arson hits one of the first luxury homes going up in a new subdivision. The ELF later sends a note, made of letters clipped from magazines, to the Boulder Weekly newspaper: "Viva la revolution! The Boulder ELF burned the Legend Ridge mansion on Nov. 27th." The underground group explains in a follow-up communiqué that the arson was driven by defeat of a statewide ballot measure to control growth. Damages: $2.5 million.[11]
  • December 9, 2000; Middle Island, New York: Fire erupts in a Long Island condominium under construction. The ELF claims responsibility, saying the homes were "future dens of the wealthy elite." The group, announcing "an unbounded war on urban sprawl," claims it checked for occupants -- human and animal -- in 16 condos before setting incendiaries in them. Damages: $200,000.
  • December 19, 2000; Miller Place, New York: A Long Island house under construction goes up in flames. "Building homes for the wealthy should not even be a priority," the ELF writes in its communiqué. "Forests, farms and wetlands are being replaced with a sea of houses, green chemical lawns, blacktop and roadkill." Damages: $50,000.
  • December 29, 2000; Mount Sinai, New York: Three Long Island luxury homes under construction are set ablaze, and a fourth is spray-painted with graffiti: "If you build it we will burn it." The ELF issues a communiqué saying: "Recently, hundreds of houses have been built over much of Mount Sinai's picturesque landscape and developers now plan to build a further 189 luxury houses over the farms and forests adjacent to Island Estates...This hopefully provided a firm message that we will not tolerate the destruction of our island." Damages: $160,000.

[edit] 2001

  • January 2, 2001: Fire ravages the Glendale, Oregon, offices of Superior Lumber Co. The arson is the third holiday conflagration of an Oregon timber outfit in as many years. Damages: $400,000. A January 8th communiqué read as follows:

"WE TORCHED SUPERIOR LUMBER IN GLENDALE, OR JANUARYI, 2001 SUPERIOR LUMBER IS A TYPICAL EARTH RAPER CONTRIBUTING TO THE ECOLOGICAL DESTRUCTION OF THE NORTHWEST. WHAT HAPPEND TO THEM SHOULD SHOCK NO ONE. THIS YEAR, 2001, WE HOPE TO SEE AN ESCALATION IN TACTICS AGAINST CAPITALISM AND INDUSTRY. WHILE SUPERIOR LUMBER SAYS "MAKE A FEW ITEMS, AND DO IT BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE," WE SAY, "CHOOSE AN EARTH RAPER, AND DESTROY THEM. -ELF EARTH LIBERATION FRONT"[12] Even after sending a letter to the company proposing a better way that they could save the environment along with continue their business, the Superior Lumber Company did not respond. They then tried tagging the building but that did not get the message across either.

  • January 14, 2001; Miller Place, New York: Radicals struck on Long Island, torching equipment shortly after 5 a.m. at the North Shore Melo's Construction Company. ELF claimed credit for the attack, which caused about $8,000 damage, destroying a pickup truck and burning a 14-ton payloader. An online message from the saboteurs said that it was the "11th major action" in Suffolk County and warned that attacks would continue.

"All businesses, large or small, which participate in earth-raping industries will continue to be targeted as a part of the ELF's ongoing campaign to evoke economic damage to those responsible for urban sprawl," The bulletin said the action was also meant to show support for Andy Stepanian, an animal rights activist from Lloyd Neck who was recently sentenced to 90 days in jail for throwing a brick through the display windows of a fur store in Huntington on behalf of the ALF. "This is a pristine example of how law enforcement agents are unable to catch the real perpetrators and instead target vocal above-ground activists," the bulletin said of Mr. Stepanian's conviction. "The ELF supports the release of all political prisoners and an end to the unjustified police repression."[13]

  • January 23, 2001; Louisville, Kentucky: Five windows were broken, and 18 vandalized, causing upwards of $800 in damages in the first ELF attacks against corporate urban sprawl in Louisville, Kentucky. The damage effected two nearly finished buildings including a PNC Bank. An internet post claimed: "The once beautiful farmlands of Eastern Jefferson County, KY are being destroyed by earth rapers at the expense of corporate profit. This was the first, be it minor, direct action attempt to the sprawl. It will be a long fought battle and more actions are planned in the future. Louisville ELF!" [14]
  • February 20, 2001; Visalia, California: The ELF claimed responsibility for setting fire to a cotton gin, owned by Delta & Pine Land Company, the largest seller and developer of transgenic cotton in the United States. The attack took place when unknown perpetrators cut through a padlocked door, placed five gallon buckets of gasoline inside and set the cotton gin alight. A communiqué sent by the ELF stated: "We chose this warehouse because it contained massive quantities of transgenic cotton seed in storage. But now, this seed will no longer exist to contaminate the environment, enrich a sick corporation, or contribute to its warped research programs… D&PL continues to pursue its 'Terminator technology' despite global opposition to the genetic engineering of plants to produce sterile seeds. Engineering a suicide sequence into the plant world is the most dangerous new technology since nuclear power and needs to be stopped…We are the burning rage of a dying planet. Earth Liberation Front (ELF). ...Terminate D&PL, cremate Monsanto, burn biotechnology..." [15]
  • March 2, 2001; Hardesty Mountain roadless area of the Umpqua forest, Douglas County, Oregon: An Internet communiqué from ELF claims that units 6 and 8 of the Judie Timber Sale in the Umpqua National Forest has been spiked with 60-penny nails and 8- and 10-inch spikes placed high and low. Survey stakes were pulled and destroyed. The action was done to protest the controversial Judie Timber Sale because Seneca Jones Timber Co. of Eugene was preparing to cut evergreens in an environmentally sensitive watershed that supplies drinking water to Cottage Grove. The message from the saboteurs read: "All responsibility for worker safety now lies with the owner of the sale, Seneca Jones Corporation and their accomplices, the Forest Service...Cancel this sale immediately. ELF." [16]
  • March 3, 2001; Hardesty Mountain roadless area of the Umpqua forest, Oregon: ELF in an Internet communique claimed that it hammered 31/2-inch nails and spikes up to 10 inches long into trees to protest the controversial Judie Timber Sale because Seneca Jones Timber Co. of Eugene was preparing to cut evergreens in an environmentally sensitive watershed that supplies drinking water to Cottage Grove. The message from the saboteurs read: "All responsibility for worker safety now lies with the owner of the sale, Seneca Jones Corporation and their accomplices, the Forest Service...Cancel this sale immediately. ELF." [17]
  • March 4, 2001; Randolph, New Jersey: ELF spray-painted messages at a construction site.[18]
  • March 5, 2001; Moscow, Idaho: The ELF "Night Action Kids" cell claimed responsibility for spray-painting the University of Idaho Biotech Building with anti-Genetic Engineering slogans.[19]
  • March 5, 2001; Huntington, New York; A communiqué sent by the ELF stated: "During the evening of March 5, members of the earth liberation front descended upon The Old Navy Outlet Center in downtown Huntington, Long Island, NY. We smashed over 8 10'x10' insulated plate glass windows and one neon sign. This action served as a protest to Old Navy's owners, the Fisher family's involvement in the clear cutting of old growth forest in the Pacific Northwest. These actions will continue until the Fisher family pulls economic support from the lumber industry, regardless of whether with the Pacific Lumber Company or otherwise. In the past week, mother nature has blessed the Northeast with snow, and we are reminded of our brothers and sisters in the Northwest, and their struggle to preserve what mother nature has blessed them with, the forests in the land that they call home. We will not sit idly by, and will do our best to amplify their voices, so that their message will get through to the Fisher family in the only language they know--economics. Old Navy, Gap, Banana Republic care not for the species that call these forests home, care not for the animals that comprise their leather products, and care not for their garment workers underpaid, exploited and enslaved in overseas sweatshops. As more and more minds continue to be exposed to the true nature of their greed, fewer and fewer will sit idly by, and the cries of the earth will not fall upon deaf ears. We will not stop. Love, The Elves" The action caused $1800 in damages. [20]
  • March 30, 2001; Westmoreland County Virginia: An environmental radical group claiming to be a part of ELF spiked trees in a 300-acre tract in on the Northern Neck timber tract. Rock Hill Lumber spokesmen said the company would have to invest an additional $30-40,000 to use metal detectors and take other safety measures when it harvests the timber next month. [21]
  • March 30, 2001: Days before accused ELF member Jeffrey Luers went on trial in Eugene, Oregon, for an arson at the Joe Romania Chevrolet truck lot in Eugene, the dealership was hit again. Thirty sport utility vehicles were damaged or destroyed, causing about $1 million in damage. Luers was convicted, sentenced to an unprecedented 22 years and 8 months in prison.

The North American Earth Liberation Front Press Office, based in Portland, received the communiqué which appeared as follows: "CLAIM FOR ROMANIA ARSON 1 million dollars worth of luxury SUV's were torched at Romania Chevrolet. Sucking the land dry, gas-guzzling SUV's are at the forefront of this vile, imperialistic culture's caravan towards self-destruction. We can no longer allow the rich to parade around in their armored existence, leaving a wasteland behind in their tire tracks. The time is right to fight back. Romania Chevrolet is the same location that was targeted last June, for which two earth warriors, Free and Critter, are being persecuted. The techno-industrial state thinks it can stop the growing resistance by jailing some of us, but they cannot jail the spirit of those who know another world is possible. The fire that burns within Free and Critter burns within all of us and cannot be extinguished by locking them up. In this continuous assault on both the planet and ourselves, SUV's destroy the earth while the prison system tries to destroy those who see beyond this empty life. We must strike out against what destroys us before we are all either choking on smog or held captive by the state. Take the power into your own hands. It's your life." [22]

  • April 4, 2001; Albertville, Minnesota: The ELF attempted to burn down a Nike Outlet store, but the incendiary failed to ignite. The ELF specifically targeted Nike due to the corporation's use of sweatshop labor overseas and its role in globalization. A communiqué sent by the ELF stated, "This visit was in solidarity with all people of all nations to fight globalization, and to support the growing anti global sentiment. This is also a call for direct action against globalization in solidarity with all of the anti FTAA actions scheduled in Canada later this month."

The communiqué continued, "Although the roof of this Nike Outlet did not go up in flames as planned, this action is still a message to Nike they cannot ignore. In fact there are only two options for Nike at this point. Option 1 - You can shut down all of your sweatshops immediately, and immediately place all assets into the communities you have stolen from. Along with this you must close down all Nike Outlets, starting with the Albertville, MN location" "Option 2 -", the communiqué stated, "People across the globe will individually attack Nike Outlets, as well as retailers that sell Nike (including college campus shops) until Nike closes down, or adheres to demand #1." The communiqué finished by stating, "All E.L.F. actions are non violent towards humans and animals. But if a building exists which perpetrates and sponsors violence towards people or animals (such as a Nike Outlet, or a GAP Outlet, etc.), then by god, it's got to be burned to the ground!!!" [23]

  • April 15, 2001; Portland, Oregon: The ELF claimed responsibility for setting fire to three cement trucks that belonged to the Ross Island Sand & Gravel Company. The attack was perpetrated, according to the group, to protest the company's mining of a 40-acre site in the Columbia River Gorge. The fire was started when four containers of gasoline were lit with a timing device. The damages totaled over $210,000. The following communique was sent anonymously to the North American Earth Liberation Front Press Office:

"The Earth Liberation Front claims responsibility for the fire that took place at Ross Island Sand and Gravel on Sunday, April 15. For many years Ross Island Sand and Gravel has been guilty of stealing soil from the Earth, specifically the lagoon on Ross Island. Further, the recent acknowledgment of the dredging of toxic disposal cells has drawn our attention to the exploitation that Ross Island Sand and Gravel commits against our Earth. In their Easter basket we decided to leave four containers with gasoline and a time delayed fuse placed under two of their cement trucks. If Ross Island Sand and Gravel mines in the Columbia River Gorge, then the E.L.F. will take necessary action. Let this be a warning to all the greedy corporations who exploit our Earth's natural resources, especially those who plan on doing it under the FTAA and the title of 'free trade.'

-the elves and the Easter bunny"[24]

Jacob David Bardwell Sherman, pled guilty to the Easter arson and with Jeremy David Rosenbloom and Angela Marie Cesario, to a June 1, 2001; Schoppert Logging trucks arson in Estacada, Oregon. No group officially claimed credit for the June 1, fires. The three blamed form [Green Party] congressional candidate and environmental activist [Tre Arrow], born Michael James Scarpitti, for planning the actions, in exchanged for reduced prison sentences.[25]

  • May 21, 2001: The ELF burned an office and a fleet of 13 trucks at Jefferson Poplar Farms in Clatskanie, Oregon. The ELF simultaneously burned down the University of Washington office of biochemist Toby Bradshaw, who was mapping the DNA of poplar trees in order to later manipulate them. The combined estimated total in damages has soared to over $3 million. This marks the first time in North American history that the ELF has targeted two separate locations in differing states at the same time.

A communiqué sent by the ELF stated, "At 3:15am on Monday, May 21, the research of Toby Bradshaw was reduced to smoke and ashes. We attacked his office at the University of Washington while at the same time another group set fire to a related target in Clatskanie, Oregon, 150 miles away."

The communiqué continued, "Bradshaw, the driving force in G.E. tree research, continues to unleash mutant genes into the environment that is certain to cause irreversible harm to forest ecosystems. As long as universities continue to pursue this reckless 'science', they run the risk of suffering severe losses. Our message remains clear, we are determined to stop genetic engineering."

"We torched Jefferson Poplar because hybrid poplars are an ecological nightmare threatening native biodiversity in the ecosystem. Our forests are being liquidated and replaced with monocultured tree farms so greedy, earth raping corporations can make more money, " stated the ELF communiqué.

The communiqué ended by stating, "As we wrote in Clatskanie 'You cannot control what is wild.'"[26]

  • May 25, 2001; Shelby Township, Michigan: Three trucks/machines at a new development were sabotaged by the ELF.
  • June 10, 2001; Moscow, Idaho: The ELF "Night Action Kids" cell claimed responsibility for causing $ 20,000 damage to the University of Idaho Biotech Building, and in Filer, Idaho, Roundup Ready peas were uprooted and destroyed. Survey stakes were removed and the exterior of the new building painted with such sentiments as 'NO GE!' and 'Go Organic'. This is the second action against the Biotechnology building. The first of which individuals entered the building and caused an unknown amount of damage.

A communique from saboteurs read: “Biotechnological research may be intended for good ends by the scientist, as was nuclear research, but in our free enterprise police state society it will be used almost solely for greed and control. With Genetic Engineering we are creating another bomb… GE corporations and their supporters have claimed that we [anti-GE activists] are using scare tactics to further our viewpoint. The fact is that Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering are scary prospects when placed in the hands of large corporations who care only about profits and not about the health and safety of the people, or the effects they are having on the environment. Through the University of Idaho Biotechnology Program we are teaching our children to work in a field which is developing faster than its effects, both physically and ethically, can be monitored and has the potential for causing catastrophic harm to all humans and the planet…Get Biotech out of Moscow! It is not wanted in our community." [27]

  • June 13, 2001; Detroit, Michigan: ELF smashed three windows at a McDonalds and destroyed the drive-through machine.[28]
  • June 13, 2001; Long Island, New York: Underground ELF/ALF activists claim to have glued locks and ATM machines, at Bank of New York office in Farmingdale. Bank of New York, Huntington, Long Island Branch - Had locks glued and the slogans "BNY Invests in Murder", "Investors in Murder", and "ALF" spray painted. Bank of New York, Kings Park, Long Island Branch - Was spray painted with the slogans "Bank of NY Kills Puppies" and "ALF". Bank of New York, Commack, Long Island Branch - Exterior ATM machine damaged by glue and plastic strips in card slot and glue in keypad. On the building's side wall the slogans "Investors in Murder", and "Stop the Torture" were spray painted in bold letters. Bank of New York, Babylon, Long Island Branch - Two exterior ATM machines were damaged by glue and plastic strips in card slot and glue in keypad. On the bank's main building various slogans were spray painted. Bank of New York, Suffolk County Office Building, Farmingdale, Long Island - Over 25 windows were smashed out and the slogans "ALF" and "ELF" were spray painted behind as a warning that these actions were not random vandalism, they were planned and calculated. [29]
  • June 15, 2001; Detroit Michigan: ELF burned 8 SUVs at Roy O’Brien Ford. [30]
  • June 21, 2001; Omaha and Elkhorn, Nebraska: Knolls Golf Course and Champions golf courses were vandalized and spray painted by ELF. [31]
  • July 4, 2001; Detroit (area,) Michigan: An ELF act of arson gutted a Weyerhaeuser office. An communiqué claimed credit for the attack, along with responsibility for the destruction of eight Ford Expeditions by arson at Roy O’Brien Ford in June, and the destruction of two plate glass windows and a drive-through at a newly-built McDonald’s, also in June.

“This action was taken in protest of the company’s part in funding Oregon State University and the University of Washington’s poplar and cottonwood genetic engineering (GE) research. We are striking the financiers and supporters of GE testing in support of and in solidarity with all nighttime gardeners and eco-warriors everywhere - we cannot be stopped.”[32]

  • July 16, 2001; Roseville, Michigan: Spencer Oil Company offices burned by the ELF. [33]
  • July 17, 2001; South Lake Tahoe, California: Authorities were called to investigate Heavenly Valley Ski Resort’s new gondola after a 2x16-inch stick was found wired to a steel cable, safety sensors had been wired to the gondola cable and broken, and the letters ELF had been formed with wire at the base of one of the support towers. [34]
  • July 17, 2001; Omaha, Nebraska: In the fourth golf course vandalism incident in the Omaha area since late June, greens and fairways were dug up and buildings were spray painted. ELF was spray painted in one sand trap, damages were estimated at $5-7,000 at the most recent golf course vandalism. Three teens were arrested on July 19th and indicated association with the ELF. Charges filed against the accused teens were later dismissed.[35]
  • July 21, 2001; Kentucky: ELF vandals slashed tires on 15 vehicles, spray-painted slogans and broke windows at the Dynegy power plant. An ELF communiqué claimed “Fifteen vehicles designed to rape the earth had their tires slashed and flattened.”

The communiqué continued, “We wanted to send a clear message to Dynegy that the people will not sit around idly while our earth and health is put into jeopardy for the sake of a few wallets in Houston. While it is true that Dynegy’s natural gas-powered plants may be cleaner than coal burning plants, they still release nitrous oxide, one of the main ingredients in ground level ozone and smog. Dynegy also states they intend to follow all laws in relation to the release of emissions. Yet just last year in the State of Texas, Dynegy faced penalties for violating Texas air quality standards in four counties. Chevron is one of Dynegy’s main investors.” “It was clear that the citizens of the community did not want this in their backyard, and that they were spoon-fed lies by corrupt politicians,” the communiqué stated. “The power is in our hands to take direct action against the power plant and other forms of corporate imperialism,” said the ELF communiqué. “It is the last means to take, for all other options (legal and peaceful) have been exhausted.” [36]

  • July 27, 2001; Cowlitz County, Washington: The ELF claimed responsibility for spiking hundreds of trees slated for a timber sale in the Upper Greenhorn Timber Sale area of the Cowlitz Valley Ranger District located in the Gifford Pinochet National Forest.[37]
  • August 21, 2001; New York: ELF claimed credit for damaging an experimental biotech cornfield at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory causing an estimated $15,000 in damage. [38]
  • September mid, 2005; Moab, Utah: Veritas DCG Land of Denver oil exploration equipment monkey wrenched by the ELF.
  • September 20, 2001; Tucson, Arizona: ALF claimed an estimated half million in damage at a McDonald's arson in Tucson. "ALF," "ELF," obscenities and swastikas were spray-painted on the buildings in the attack.
  • September 20, 2001; Tucson, Arizona: Activists targeted a Ronald McDonald statue in front of the Ronald McDonald House, a home for families of seriously ill children. The "ALF", "ELF", swastikas and vulgarities left on statue were the same as those found on the walls of a McDonald's restaurant destroyed in Tucson on September 8, 2001.
  • September 24, 2001; Utah: A card left at a gas and oil exploration site near Moab claimed ELF credit for vandalizing seismic equipment used in the operation.[39]
  • October 15, 2001; Susanville, California: 200 equines released from the Bureau of Land Management wild horse and burro corrals and the hay barn was burned down causing $85,000 in damages. Claimed by the ELF. [40]
  • November 4, 2001; Grangeville, Idaho: The Earth Liberation Front claimed responsibility for spiking trees throughout the Otter Wing Timber Sale in the Nez Perce National Forest. A communiqué read: “The Otter Wing Timber Sale was spiked in Idaho

Hello; This is a communiqué from a nameless Earth Liberation Front Cell. We claim no issue or area as our own, we just act. This is to announce we have spiked countless trees in the Otter Wing Timber Sale, located in the Nez Perce National Forest. For too long, the forests of Central and North Idaho have been under assault from industrial forestry. The Boise, Payette, Clearwater, Idaho Panhandle, and Nez Perce are some of the National Forests in Idaho that have been scarred from excessive logging. The timber sale program - nothing but a financial drain as well as an ecological disaster - must end. The Otter Wing Timber sale has destroyed a once pristine ecosystem on the South Fork of the Clearwater River. It is an area which hosted abundant wildlife, such as fish, birds, mammalian predators, ungulates and a beautiful mosaic of different forest vegetative patterns. Now most of that area has been logged-aside from the spiked units. We are serious. This is our first act of sabotage in Idaho. We may feel compelled to act again. The forest service of Idaho should know that has long as they continue to destroy Idaho's last remaining wildlands, they risk action on behalf of the E.L.F.” [41]

  • November 5, 2001; Houghton, Michigan: After a series of ELF E-mail threats, ELF activists planted incendiary devices at the U.J. Noblet Forestry Building and a U.S. Forest Service laboratory at Michigan Tech University. The devices were disarmed. [42]

[edit] 2002

  • January 26, 2002; St. Paul, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Microbial and Plant Genomics Research Center soil-testing lab and construction trailer burned down, construction equipment, including a bulldozer damaged, $630,000 damages Claimed by ELF

A communiqué read:

1/26/02 St. Paul, MN

The construction site for the new Microbial and Plant Genomics Research Center at the University of Minnesota had incendiaries left in the main trailer and two pieces of heavy machinery, including a bulldozer. Heavy damage was caused to the machinery and trailer by the fire, which then spread to the adjacent Crop Research building. The construction of this research building is being funded by biotech giant Cargill Corporation who develop, patent, and market genetically modified crops, making people dependent on GE foods. We are fed up with capitalists like Cargill and major universities like the U of M have who have long sought to develop and refine technologies which seek to exploit and control nature to the fullest extent under the guise of progress. Biotechnology is only one new expression of this drive.

For the end of capitalism and the mechanization of our lives, -Earth Liberation Front[43]

  • January 29, 2002; Fairfield, Maine: ELF announced they had sabotaged a “Biotech Park” in a communiqué that read: “We are writing to inform you that there is a Biotech Park being built in Fairfield, Maine. We went there some weeks ago and put a sand/quickcrete mix in the engines, gas, and hydraulics of an excavator and a roller. These were the only machines there, plowing up the land, building bridges over creeks. So we left no trace so when the operators came to work the machines would run and then seize, costing big bucks. Now, we are letting the people know.

The park is being pushed by Paul Tessier, a representative of Fairfield, and others. It is in cohoots with Jackson Labs, which is the largest breeder of mice. They grow mice with human ears there! How sick! These people want the park to be an incubator to bring more biotechnology into maine. We oppose this for the following reasons... Biotechnology is one more tool by the ruling class to control our lives and make more money. Only the rich can produce biotechnology and even if that wasn't so, we would want no part of it because it sees the wild as incomplete, or as lacking, needing manipulation. Our ancestors lived in harmony on this planet for a long time, now all of humanity's progress is making us sick. And we're gonna trust those that gave us cancer to create new technologies to cure it. No way! We want to be left alone. No more development. We enjoy life here and are sick of business men coming in and trying to dupe us into trading the good life for their wage slavery. People!!! Take action!!! The Biotech Park is on route 201 near Kennebec Valley Technical College in Fairfield. KVTC is in on it too. Solidarity to those fighting against the greedy! ELF...ALF...Together with all”[44]

  • January 26, 2002; The ELF claimed responsibility for the use of incendiary devices at a new Microbial & Plant Genomics Research Center construction site at the University of Minnesota. Their communiqué read: 1/26/02 St. Paul, MN

The construction site for the new Microbial and Plant Genomics Research Center at the University of Minnesota had incendiaries left in the main trailer and two pieces of heavy machinery, including a bulldozer. Heavy damage was caused to the machinery and trailer by the fire, which then spread to the adjacent Crop Research building. The construction of this research building is being funded by biotech giant Cargill Corporation who develop, patent, and market genetically modified crops, making people dependent on GE foods. We are fed up with capitalists like Cargill and major universities like the U of M have who have long sought to develop and refine technologies which seek to exploit and control nature to the fullest extent under the guise of progress. Biotechnology is only one new expression of this drive. For the end of capitalism and the mechanization of our lives, -Earth Liberation Front [45]

  • February 12, 2002, Washington DC: FBI testimony before the House Ecoterror Hearing. "Domestic terrorism is the unlawful use, or threatened use, of violence by a group or individual based and operating entirely within the United States (or its territories) without foreign direction, committed against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives...During the past several years, special interest extremism, as characterized by the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), has emerged as a serious terrorist threat. The FBI estimates that the ALF/ELF have committed more than 600 criminal acts in the United States since 1996, resulting in damages in excess of 43 million dollars." [46]
  • March 24, 2002; Erie, Pennsylvania: Hundreds of trees spiked in Wintergreen Gorge, crane, generators and pumps torched, other equipment monkey wrenched, $500,000 damages Claimed by ELF. [47]
  • May 12, 2002; Harbor Creek, Pennsylvania: 200 mink released from Mindek mink farm Claimed by ALF and ELF.[48]
  • August 11, 2002; Irvine, Pennsylvania: A device, containing gasoline, was thrown onto the roof of the Northeast Research Station in the Allegheny National Forest. The ensuing fire caused nearly $700,000 in damages. An e-mail from ELF's office said "While innocent life will never be harmed in any action we undertake, where it is necessary, we will no longer hesitate to pick up the gun to implement justice, and provide the needed protection for our planet that decades of legal battles, pleading protest, and economic sabotage have failed so drastically to achieve." and that "all other US Forest Services administration and research facilities, as well as all Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) buildings nationwide should now be considered likely targets."
  • September 2002; Harbor Creek, Pennsylvania: more than 50 mink released Mindek mink farm Claimed by ALF and ELF.[49]
  • September 28, 2002; Richmond, Virginia: 25 windows etched at 1 Burger King and 13 windows etched at each of 2 McDonalds Claimed by ELF
  • November 1, 2002; Richmond, Virginia: Vandals who left messages crediting ELF damaged SUVs in several incidents recently. Twenty-five SUVs on the lot of a Ford dealer were permanently defaced with a glass-etching cream. A week later, SUVs parked near homes were severely damaged with an ax or hatchet. Vandalism and attempted arson have also been reported recently at highway and home construction sites in the area.
  • December 28, 2002; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: ELF activists attacked a housing development, severely damaging construction vehicles and the model home on the property.

[edit] 2003

  • January 1, 2003; Girard, Pennsylvania: Jugs of gasoline were set under three vehicles at Bob Ferrando Ford Lincoln Mercury and set ablaze. Two pickup trucks, one Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) and a car were destroyed causing $90,000 in damages. The ELF claimed responsibility for the attack. [50]
  • January 20, 2003; Seattle, Washington: Arson at a McDonalds caused $5000 worth of damage. In September, 2005, Christopher W. McIntosh of Maple Shade, NJ, admitted he set the fire by pouring several gallons of gasoline on the roof on behalf of ALF-ELF. In an anonymous phone call he said "[t]here was an E-L-F-A-L-F hit at McDonald's across from the Space Needle. There will be more. ... As long as Mother Earth is pillaged, raped, destroyed. As long as McDonald's keeps hurting our furry brothers, there will be more." He was sentenced to eight years in prison. [51]
  • March 21, 2003; Superior Township, Michigan: Two luxury homes set on fire in a Superior Township housing development in an action against urban sprawl. Claimed by the ELF. Damages estimated at $400,000. [52]
  • March 28, 2003; Montgomery, Alabama: Five government vehicles were vandalized and one truck was set on fire at a Naval Recruitment Headquarters in Montgomery, Alabama. The ELF claimed responsibility for the attacks both in a communiqué and by spray-painting their initials at the scene. Messages that read, "Stop the War," "Stop killing" and "Leave Iraq" were also found along with the ELF initials. [53]
  • April 8, 2003; Santa Cruz, California: The ELF claimed responsibility for 65 SUV's. The vandalized SUV's included about twenty private vehicles as well forty at the North Bay Ford and Lincoln Mercury car dealership. Messages were spray-painted on the vehicles denouncing the war in [Iraq].[54]
  • April 15, 2003; Santa Cruz, California: ELF activists attacked 15 SUVs with bright orange paint, and in an ELF press release, complained that the local paper did not cover the story. [55]
  • June 3, 2003; Chico, California: ELF claimed the attempted arson of a new home. The fire burned through a PVC pipe holding water, dousing the flames so the damage was minimal, about $100. "Save our bio-region ELF" was painted on the sidewalk.[56]
  • June 4, 2003; Macomb County, Michigan: ELF sets fire to two luxury homes in a Macomb County housing development in an action against urban sprawl. "ELF" and "Stop sprawl" were spray painted on nearby construction equipment. Damages estimated at $700,000.[57]
  • June 5, 2003; Chico, California: An arson attempt was made at a shopping center under construction. Workers found remnants of several small fires, and ELF spray-painted on the door of a work truck at the site. The FBI was exploring connections with arson attempts at two McDonalds in March, and SUVs in May, in Chico. [58]
  • June 14, 2003; Santa Cruz, California: Environmental activists scratched the slogan ELF into ten new SUVs, causing $15,000 worth of damage.[59]
  • July 2, 2003; South Windsor Connecticut: Signs of the Earth Liberation Front, "ELF" and "no sprawl," were spray-painted on a newly completed. An unidentified man called police and said the graffiti was done by an ELF activist. [60]
  • August 1, 2003; San Diego, California: A 206-unit condominium being built in was burnt down causing damage in excess of $50 million. A 12 foot banner at the scene read "If you build it, we will burn it," signed, "The E.L.F.s are mad." [61] — sympathizers often refer to themselves as "elfs" or "elves".
  • August 22, 2003; West Covina, California: The ELF attacked several car dealerships in east suburban Los Angeles, burning down a warehouse and vandalizing several cars, with such phrases as "I love pollution" written on the cars. All told, more 125 SUVs and Hummers, which were targeted due to their lower than average fuel efficiency, were damaged or destroyed causing $2.3 million in damages.
  • August 29, 2003; Fairbanks, Alaska: ELF spray-painted concrete walls and construction equipment at a [Wal-Mart] construction site.[62]
  • September 04, 2003; Santa Fe, New Mexico: ELF action against SUV dealer in New Mexico - SUVS spray-painted with messages naming the seven deadly sins. 1/3 of the dealership's stock was marked, leaving thousands of dollars in damages.
  • September 12, 2003: Federal agents arrested Pomona, California resident Joshua Thomas Connole in connection with the August 22nd 2003 Los Angeles area arsons. [63] Apparently, the FBI profiled Connole based on his anti-war protest activities. [64] He was soon released due to lack of evidence. [65] The FBI awarded Connole $100,000 and agreed to give him an apology after he filed a lawsuit against the agency.[66]
  • September 19,2003; San Diego, California: ELF action against urban sprawl at three separate construction sites in the upscale Carmel Valley neighborhood of San Diego, causing an estimated $1 million in damages. Four unfinished houses were destroyed, two others were damaged and a condominium under construction sustained minor damage. A banner at the site of the first fires read, "Development = destruction. Stop raping nature. The ELFs are mad." [67]
  • September 22, 2003; Martiny, Michigan: The ELF claimed responsibility for planting plastic bottles containing flammable liquid at an Ice Mountain Spring Water Company (a subsidiary of Nestle) pumping station. The devices were intended to start a fire at the premises but were discovered by maintenance workers before they were set ablaze.

In a written statement, the ELF stated, "we will no longer stand idly be while corporations profit at the expense of all others. To this end, we have taken action against one of the pumping stations that Perrier uses to steal water… Clean water is one of the most fundamental necessities and no one can be allowed to privatize it, commodify it, and try and sell it back to us,"

Two months later a Judge ordered the company to halt pumping water from the wells. Nestle had been removing 200 gallons of water from the ground per minute and was lowering the water table.[68]

  • October 6, 2003; Jemez Mountains, New Mexico: Construction equipment belonging to the US Forest had electrical wires cut, tires cut and windows broken by ELF. [69]
  • October (mid), 2003; Portland, Maine: The Acadian Green Brigade of the ELF slashed the tires of 8 Boise Cascade delivery trucks and two trailers, glued locks and painted slogans across the building's main entrance. [70]
  • October 24, 2003 Martinsville, Indiana: ELF activists sabotaged a Wal-Mart construction site. Survey stakes were removed, and walls and machinery spray-painted. Over a dozen pieces of heavy machinery and vehicles were vandalized, with slashed tires, cut fuel hoses, and sand poured in fuel tanks. [71]

[edit] 2004

  • January 22, 2004 Fayetteville, Arkansas: Five Hummers were vandalized. The letters ELF were spray-painted on the vehicles, tires were slashed and windows broken. [72]
  • February 7, 2004; Charlottesville, Virginia: The ELF set fire to a bulldozer and caused damage to other equipment that was parked off of Route 29. This site is to be developed into a retail, commercial and residential community. On their website, the ELF writes that the site was "targeted as part of the ELF's ongoing actions against large-scale developments going up at the expense of what little green space is left in North America." A banner left on the site read "Your construction = long term destruction - ELF" The action caused over $30,000 in damages. [73]
  • February 17, 2004; North Lima, Ohio: Vandals broke windows in a construction trailer, sprayed a fire extinguisher and scratched the initials "ELF" on the side of a piece of construction equipment at the construction site of a new showroom for a fireworks company. [74]
  • April 20, 2004; Snohomish, Washington: Two homes were destroyed and attempts were made to burn two others at a housing development. A note found at the site of one of the fires was signed "ELF" and reportedly contained statements condemning suburban developments. As well, bottles of flammable liquid were found at two different housing development sites in the area caused an estimated $1 million in damages. [75]
  • July 30, 2004 Charlotte, North Carolina: Activists vandalized a fleet of utility trucks owned by Utiliquest. Utiliquest is a national utility locating service provider that locates and marks underground infrastructure for large electric, gas, telecom and cable utility companies, and municipalities prior to excavation. All the trucks were marked with “ELF” and all had their tires slashed. [76]
  • August 3, 2004; Spokane, Washington: A fire that heavily damaged one $55,000 Hummer and nearly burned two others at the George Gee Hummer dealership. One H2 Hummer had its windows broken and was spray painted with messages that oppose the Iraq war and President Bush. An e-mail sent to local media outlets claimed credit for the Eastern Washington Chapter of the Earth Liberation Front [77]
  • December 27, 2004; Lincoln, California: Incendiary devises were located in three houses under construction at the Verdera Models construction site on Flores Court in the Twelve Bridges development. Graffiti was discovered on another house under construction in the same development. The graffiti found at the scene included notations such as "Enjoy the world as is - as long as you can", "U will pay", "Evasion", "4 Q" and "Leave". This house also sustained broken windows. The letters "ELF" were printed in the cul-de-sac where these homes were located. Across the street from this house a tractor had been vandalized with the notation "Disarm or die". [78]

[edit] 2005

  • January 12, 2005; Auburn, California: Five un-ignited incendiary devices were located in a commercial building under construction that, upon completion, were to be rented as doctor's offices. A letter claiming responsibility for "the actions taken in Placer County (CA)" was received by several media outlets. The return address on the letter indicated it was from "Emma Goldman." Emma Goldman is a major figure in the history of anarchism.

The rambling, two-page letter, which appears to have been computer generated, generally decries various aspects of modern life, including real-estate development, and promises that "We are setting a new precedent, where there will be at least one or more actions every few weeks.” The letter concludes, "With sincere love, 'Agent Emma Goldman and the Crimethinc Senior Officers of the Earth Liberation Front' " and also references eight websites, including http://www.crimethinc.com." The latter website describes itself as an "ex-workers' collective" and generally expresses an anarchistic philosophy. [79]

  • February 7, 2005; Sutter Creek, California: The ELF set fire to the new Pinewoods apartment complex, about 45 miles east of Sacramento. Sutter Creek Chief of Police Robert Duke said "there were seven individual fires and some kind of incendiary device with very, very crude triggering mechanisms." graffiti found near the fire said: "We will win -- ELF." [80]
  • March 6, 2005; Fair Oaks, California: Three vehicles – two full-size pickup trucks and a Ford Expedition – were spray-painted with the initials "ELF," and their rear license plates were painted over. A total of at least seven SUVs were vandalized in the Sacramento area during the week. [81]
  • April 13, 2005; Sammamish, Washington: The Earth Liberation Front (ELF) partially burned downed one of two buildings it targeted in a King County, Washington development. David Ammon, a developer whose property was burned, had planned on constructing two more homes in the area. Police discovered an incendiary device which had failed to ignite in a second house nearby along with a sheet condemning the rape of the Earth, clearing of trees, and claiming responsibility on behalf of ELF. It read "Where are all the trees? Burn, rapist, burn. E.L.F" The homes targeted were new ones located in a golf course subdivision. [82]
  • May 17, 2005; Fair Oaks, California: Several SUVs and trucks were spray-painted with “ELF” and “polluter”, and many also had their tires slashed. A short distance away “bomb the White House” was found spray-painted on a real estate sign. FBI, Secret Service, and a joint terrorism task force are investigating, and trying to find out if the two attacks were related. [83]
  • July 27, 2005; Whatcom County, Washington: Arsonists damaged two homes under construction. The first caused $100,000 in damages. The second, a few days later, completely destroyed another home being built in the area. ELF has taken credit for other arsons in the area earlier in the year that police are investigating.[84]
  • September 11, 2005; West Old Town, Maine: The ELF vandalized at least a dozen large machines at the West Old Town Landfill, which is one of New England's worst polluters. Last winter ownership of the landfill was transferred from the Georgia-Pacific timber company to state hands, in a behind closed doors deal which resulted in the expansion of the site and a sweet deal for Georgia-Pacific and Casella Waste Systems who now run the site. The machines had their ignitions ripped out, or superglue poured into them, tires were slashed, two buildings and many vehicles were spray painted, and the fuel in the equipments' tanks may have been tampered with. Officials say the damage will cost tens of thousands of dollars to repair. [85]
  • October 3, 2005; Bozeman, Montana: U.S. - A construction site owned by the Kenyon Noble lumber company was vandalized by the Earth Liberation Front causing about $3000 in damage. [86]
  • November 19, 2005; Hagerstown, Maryland: claimed responsibility for setting four fires in newly-constructed unoccupied homes built by the McLean, Virginia Ryan Homes in the Hager's Crossing subdivision. One building was burned to the ground but the other three may be salvageable. The developer estimated the damage at more than $300,000.

Credit for the arson was claimed via an e-mail originating from the e-mail address tree_beard1234@yahoo.com. Treebeard is the name of a giant shepherd, one of a race called the Ents, in J.R.R. Tolkien's cult fantasy novel "The Two Towers." The message read:

Last night we, the Earth Liberation Front, put the torch to a development of Ryan Homes in Hagerstown, Maryland (off of Route 40, behind the Wal-Mart). We did so to strike at the bottom line of this country's most notorious serial land rapist...We warn all developers that the people of the Earth are prepared to defend what remains of the wild and the green...We encourage all who watch with sadness while developers sell out the future of us and our children to join us in resisting them in any and every possible way...The Ents are going to war. [87]

  • November 25, 2005, Bothell, Washington: Two pieces of construction equipment were destroyed by fire, causing more than $100,000 in damage. [88]
  • November 29, 2005, Bothell, Washington: One piece of construction equipment was destroyed by fire. [89]
  • December 14, 2005, Kenmore, Washington: Two pieces of excavation equipment were burned overnight at a housing development, causing around $180,000 in damage. Apparently this is the second fire at this construction site since November. The earlier fire caused $50,000 in damage. [90]
  • December 16, 2005; Valley Springs, California: A window was broken and the letters E-L-F were spray-painted on the garage door of a partially constructed home. There is considerable opposition to new development and the required re-zoning in rural Calaveras County, where Valley Springs is located. [91]

[edit] 2006

  • January 17, 2006; Camano Island, Washington - ELF burned down a nearly completed 9,600-square-foot, $3 million, trophy house. Investigators said that: someone spray-painted a threatening message on a pink bedsheet and draped it across the front gate. [92]
  • January 31, 2006; Guelph, Ontario, Canada - A fire destroyed a partially constructed home at Credit for the blaze was claimed on behalf of the ELF a few days latter in an email in which the group explained that the fire had been "A STRIKE AGAINST DEVELOPERS, FOR THE LOCAL COMMUNITY" and that it was done "in the memory of William C. Rodgers 'Avalon'"[93]
  • March 11, 2006; Salem, Oregon - Three newly-constructed upscale homes were vandalized with pro-environmental slogans which read: "Quit building ant farms," "E.L.F.," "Rent is theft," "Viva E.L.F." and "Don't kill my air." Additionally, a window was broken. According to authorities, this is the second time within the past two years that ELF vandals struck in this neighborhood.[94][95]
  • June 27, 2006; Guelph, Ontario, Canada - A fire destroyed a partially constructed home at 75 Summit Ridge, in view of the old Eastview Road landfill site, it caused about $200,000 damage. Credit for the blaze was claimed on behalf of the ELF a few days latter in an email which included anti-development slogans.[96]

[edit] See also