Time bomb (Software)

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In Computer Software, a Time-bomb refers to a computer program that has been written in such a way that it will stop functioning after a certain fixed date or time is reached. The term "timebomb" does not refer to a program that stops functioning a specific number of days after it is installed; instead, the term "trialware" applies. Timebombs are commonly used in beta (pre-release) software when the manufacturer of the software does not want the beta version being used after the final release date. One example of Timebomb software would be Microsoft® Windows® Vista(TM) Beta 2, which is programmed to expire on June 1st, 2007.[1] The time limits on timebomb software are not usually as heavily enforced as they are on trial software, in that timebomb software does not usually implement secure clock functions.

[edit] History

The first use of a Time-bomb in software may have been with the Scribe markup language and word processing system, developed by Brian Reid. Reid sold Scribe to a software company called Unilogic, and agreed to insert a set of time-dependent functions (called "time bombs") that would deactivate freely copied versions of the program after a 90-day expiration date. To avoid deactivation, users paid the software company, which then issued a code that defused the internal time-bomb feature[2].

[edit] References

  1. ^ http://digg.com/tech_news/Windows_Vista_could_break_the_internet
  2. ^ see Scribe Time-bomb