Time Gentlemen Please

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Time Gentlemen Please is a British sitcom. Commissioned by Sky One, it was primarily written by Richard Herring and Al Murray and ran for two seasons between 2000 and 2002.

Season 1 cast of Time Gentlemen Please
Season 1 cast of Time Gentlemen Please


[edit] Premise and characters

The show is set in a run down pub whose xenophobic landlord, 'Guv', has some very old fashioned views on how a pub should be run.

Behind the bar Guv has help from Steve, a rather useless young lad, and Janet, a loudmouthed Australian who is drawn to the job, for as the 'Guv' says "Ozzies. Built for bar work; it's instinct... instinct!". At the end of Season 1 Janet leaves to return to her homeland and in Season 2 is replaced by Connie, a young student who had previously been employed by Guv's archrival Greg Thompson.

The co-author, Richard Herring makes an occasional appearance as Mike the bad tempered Postie.

The pub has a loyal but minimal clientele:

  • Terry, the pub's regular alcoholic with an over active (although rarely fulfilled) sex drive and a bad case of flatulence. A running joke in most episodes is that Terry has sneaked back into the pub after being barred for various pranks on the pub's dog.
  • Prof, a confirmed bachelor with an over bearing mother, he gained his nickname for his pseudo intellectual comments and his skill on the pub's punningly named quiz machine (Fact Hunt). It is often strongly implied that the Prof is both the "notorious Railway Station Flasher" and a gay serial killer.
  • Pops is a filthy old man with his regular table and rarely enough money for another drink.
  • Leslie is a huge biker type who sits in the corner, with his comparatively diminutive girlfriend Lesley, who never speaks but will growl at those who upset him.

The pub is owned by a brewery whose rep, Ms Jackson, is often looking for ways to increase the numbers in the pub.

[edit] Cast List

[edit] Episode list

[edit] Season one

  • A Woman's Place
  • Never Confused
  • Hoppy Birthday
  • Monkey's Uncle
  • King Barsteward
  • Date with Density
  • Getting Diggy with It
  • The Pub That Forgot Time
  • Fawkes/Off
  • Help! The Aged
  • More Tea Vicky?
  • Day of the Trivheads
  • Greetings Stout Yeoman
  • Only When I Laugh
  • Playing Silly Buggers
  • Bar Humbug
  • New Year's Steve
  • The Return of Martin Greer
  • Jukebox Fury
  • Farts of Darkness
  • A Dave, A Dave-O
  • All the World's a Stag
  • It's a Wonderful Pint (Christmas Special)

[edit] Season two

  • The Man in the Iron Cask
  • Got the Painters In
  • Wishing on a Bar
  • The Harder They Crawl
  • Landlord of the Giants
  • Beer Necessities
  • Game for a Gaff
  • Speed the Ploughmans
  • Optics Wide Shut
  • Storming Up a Cook
  • Of Mice and Mentallists
  • The Slopranos
  • This Vale of Beers
  • Entente Lime Cordial

[edit] External links