Time After Time (The Wire episode)

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“Time After Time”
The Wire episode
Episode no. Season 3
Episode 1
Guest stars see below
Written by David Simon
Directed by Ed Bianchi
Production no. 301
Original airdate September 19, 2004 (HBO)
Episode chronology
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"Time After Time" is the first episode of the third season of the HBO original series, The Wire. The episode was written by David Simon from a story by David Simon & Ed Burns and was directed by Ed Bianchi. It originally aired on September 19, 2004.


[edit] Guest Starring roles

[edit] Episode recap

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

[edit] Major case unit

Detectives Jimmy McNulty and Leander Sydnor take up a surveillance post in a vacant building and observe drug lieutenant Melvin "Cheese" Wagstaff. At the detail office, Lester Freamon, Roland "Prez" Pryzbylewski and new addition Officer Caroline Massey man a wiretap. When a drug dealer calls to arrange a meeting with Cheese about a bet, Massey is the most skilled at interpreting the slang used. Sydnor observes that Cheese does not use a phone, instead conducting his business face to face and receiving his telephone messages through his number two. Freamon states that they have been working the investigation for three months and have still not heard Cheese's voice.

Freamon and Kima Greggs relieve McNulty and Sydnor in the evening. When McNulty returns to the office, ASA Rhonda Pearlman and Lieutenant Cedric Daniels are discussing giving up on the wiretaps. McNulty believes they must continue and will eventually reach Proposition Joe and Stringer Bell; he heatedly asserts that Bell is their target and that all other objectives are secondary. Daniels insists they need a break in the case to justify continued use of the wiretaps.

McNulty, Greggs and Freamon observe a dealer named Drack who is far less disciplined on the phone than Cheese and his people. Drack openly mentions drugs and McNulty wishes that he reported to someone more important. Freamon states that Drack is supplied by Lavelle Mann, one of Proposition Joe's soldiers. Sydnor has been developing a connection with Mann through undercover work for some time. They plan to arrest Mann in the hope that Drack will be promoted and give them more information on the organization through his careless talk on the wire. Drack is likely to get the position because Proposition Joe is his uncle.

Daniels takes the plan to Acting Commissioner Ervin Burrell, who is reluctant to fund more wiretaps. Burrell reports that while he has sent Daniels' promotion to the mayor, the mayor is now holding it up because Daniels' wife Marla is set to challenge one of the mayor's allies in an upcoming election. Burrell tells Daniels that the mayor will not make him a commander until he knows where Marla stands politically.

McNulty goes to an Orioles game with his old partner Bunk Moreland. He meets his estranged wife Elena to take his children for the second half. Elena has a new boyfriend who is able to afford far better seats than the detectives but show little interest in the game. Meanwhile Detective Ed Norris works a shooting scene and gets a call about another murder. He tells the homicide unit to call Bunk in to work the case and Bunk is forced to leave the game.

The following day Daniels marshalls his men for the hand-to-hand on Mann. Sydnor is the undercover officer. Pearlman notices that Daniels has been living out of his office. Once out in the field Greggs and McNulty make a clean arrest and Sydnor maintains his cover. Drack immediately starts talking about a possible promotion on the wiretap. Unfortunately for the detail the promotion goes to Cheese instead of Drack.

McNulty continues to fight for the future of the case but Daniels sees no further potential. Freamon chastises McNulty for his confrontational attitude towards Daniels. Prez arrives at midnight to find McNulty reviewing old files from the Barksdale investigation. McNulty explains his resrearch as a way to avoid making the same mistakes again.

[edit] Western District

Sergeant Ellis Carver marshalls his new squad and plans a sting on a corner drug dealing operation. Thomas "Herc" Hauk prepares himself by playing the theme tune to Shaft. Carver orders his men to let the runner go, expecting him to be a decoy. When the runner picks up a bag Carver changes his mind and starts a pursuit. The real stash remains with the dealers. They lose the young boy in alleyways and call in backup. Carver stands atop his car and delivers a speech insisting that they will catch the runner eventually.

Major Colvin greets two new officers to his district, Aaron Castor and Baker. He gives them a tried and tested speech about knowing their location as the key to survival and provides them with compasses. Carver and Herc have finally caught their runner and brought him in. Colvin asks them if they have any drug charges - they were forced to charge the kid with loitering - and criticises their use of resources.

Lieutenant Mello hosts a meeting with the Western district officers as they start their shift. He asks them to stop throwing beer cans onto the roof of their precinct building as it has been noticed by media helicopters. He closes the meeting with his catchphrase "don't get captured". Colvin checks in with Mello and tells him he is going out into the district. On his way he checks in with Carver's squad and is disappointed to see they have brought in more street dealers on loitering charges with no leads into their distributors. Out in his district Colvin is even more disappointed when one of Marlo's young drug dealers, Justin, approaches him despite his being in uniform.

[edit] Barksdale organization

Bodie Broadus, Poot Carr and Puddin reminisce about their days working in and living around the 221 tower just before it is demolished. Later, Stringer chairs an organization meeting at the funeral home (pictured) to discuss their new direction now that their main territory is lost, Shamrock oversees the meeting and ensures that it conforms to Robert's Rules of Order. Bodie suggests that they need to take new territory by force and Poot agrees. Stringer criticizes Bodie over his actions the previous year in taking over territory and bringing police attention to them. Slim Charles, his new chief enforcer, is dubious of their ability to operate without territory. Stringer believes that product is now the key to his operation. He suggests that they supply other dealers with their product rather than battle over territory. When Slim Charles and Poot remain openly dubious Stringer becomes angry and urges them to think like grown men.

Wee-Bey Brice talks to a prisoner named Dennis "Cutty" Wise who is about to be paroled after a fourteen year sentence. Cutty was once a legendary soldier in the drug trade. As Avon Barksdale walks across the exercise yard to talk to them, play stops to allow him to pass. Avon asks Cutty for help securing new territory and gives him a number to call when he is released for a coming home gift. Avon worries that prison might have broken Cutty but Wee-Bey believes he is strong.

Once on the outside Cutty phones the number Avon gave him. He arranges a meeting and Shamrock arrives and gives him directions to a package of narcotics and tells him to wait for some "real work". Cutty watches one of Marlo Stanfield's crews plying their trade. He approaches the dealer, Fruit, and strikes a deal to work the package he has been given for a share of the profit. When Cutty returns later that night Fruit tells him his stash was stolen. Cutty asks him for a crime report number and Fruit pulls a gun to drive him away.

[edit] Bubbles

Bubbles and Johnny push a new haul of junk metal down the street. They lose control of the trolley and it crashes into the car of Marlo's driver. He threatens them with a weapon but when Marlo urges him to hurry up he lets them go taking their trousers as punishment.

After buying new pants they are short of cash for drugs and cannot get enough for both of them. Bubbles bemoans their situation as they bed down for the night while Johnny holds out hope for the next day.

[edit] Politics

Mayor Clarence Royce leads the demolition of the West side's high rise housing projects. He makes a speech claiming that the destruction of the towers will be good for the community and is a sign of his administrations commitment to reform. The speech is well received but as the dust cloud envelops the audience the applause falters.

Councilmen Tommy Carcetti and Tony Gray preside over a police department review meeting. They grill Acting Commissioner Burrell and Deputy Commissioner William Rawls about increased violent crime in the Eastern part of the city and learn that they have reassigned the flex squad and other local units to patrol at high crime rate times of day. Marla Daniels has the ear of state delegate Odell Watkins as they observe the meeting. Afterwards Carcetti, the chairman of the review board, asks Burrell out to lunch. Gray comments on the presence of Watkins and Carcetti asks if he recognised Daniels.

At their lunch Carcetti regales Burrell with political tales of hardnosed Baltimore democrats. Carcetti offers Burrell help if the mayor shorts him on funding and support as he can use the crime review subcomittee that he chairs to help Burrell. Burrell tells Carcetti that he believes in chain of command and is loyal to Royce.

Rawls holds a comstat meeting and berates Major Marvin Taylor for treating a spate of robberies in his district as separate incidents. Colvin expresses sympathy for Major Taylor to Mello. Burrell sits off to one side and comments on the audacity of Carcetti's approach to his crony Major Reed. At the next subcomittee meeting Carcetti has filled the room with press. Burrel meets with the mayor and his chief of staff Cole Parker about Carcetti's actions. Parker speculates that Carcetti is preparing for a run at the mayor's seat. Royce puts Burrell under pressure to reduce crime figures to remove Carcetti's foundation issue.

At the next comstat meeting Burrell tells his men to cut the felony rate by 5% and reduce the murder rate to 275. Raymond Foerster, now colonel in charge of the criminal investigation division including the homicide unit, is dismayed at the directive. Colvin questions how they are expected to reduce murder rates, Burrell responds with a threat of replacing district commanders who cannot provide the numbers they need. Major Valchek asks Colvin what got into him, surprised that he would stand up to Rawls and he tells him that he is nearing retirement.

Daniels attends a meeting at his home with Marla's political contacts including Watkins. Once they have left Marla thanks him and he returns to sleep at the office.[1][2]

[edit] First Appearances

[edit] Police Department

  • Off. Caroline Massey: Veteran Western district officer with an ear for street slang who has joined the major case unit.
  • Anthony Colicchio, Dozerman, Lambert and Truck: Drug enforcement unit officers working in Sergeant Carver's squad in the Western district.[3]
  • Patrolmen Castor and Baker: African American Rookie Western district beat officers whom Major Colvin criticizes over their sense of direction whom he then forces to carry compasses.[3]
  • Major Marvin Taylor: Baltimore Eastern district commander.
  • This is the first episode in which William Rawls appears as Deputy Commissioner of Operations aka Deputy Ops.

[edit] Politicians

[edit] Drug dealers

  • Marlo Stanfield: Up and coming, ruthless, Westside drug kingpin.
  • Fruit: Corner boss in Marlo's organization.
  • Justin: Drug dealer working in Fruit's team.
  • Jamal: Stanfield crew drug dealer.
  • Slim Charles: Primary enforcer in the Barksdale organization.
  • Drack: Nephew of Propositon Joe and an undisciplined corner boss in his organization.

[edit] Title Reference

The title refers to the cyclical process of initiating reform, change and return to the status quo.

[edit] Epigraph

Don't matter how many times you get burnt, you just keep doin' the same. - Bodie

Bodie says this referring to Poot's repetitive behaviour with women but it also refers to the seasons theme of reform through explaining entrenched behaviour.

[edit] Miscellanea

[edit] References

  1. ^ Episode guide - episode 26 Time After Time. HBO (2004). Retrieved on August 7, 2006.
  2. ^ "Time After Time". David Simon, Ed Burns. The Wire. HBO. 2004-09-19. No. 01, season 3.
  3. ^ a b Org Chart - The Law. HBO (2004). Retrieved on July 22, 2006.

The Wire
v  d  e
Episodes | Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4
Police: Jimmy McNulty Kima Greggs "Bunk" Moreland Lester Freamon Ellis Carver "Herc" Hauk
Command: Ervin Burrell William Rawls Cedric Daniels Stanislaus Valchek Raymond Foerster Jay Landsman
School: Roland Pryzbylewski Howard Colvin Namond Brice Michael Lee Randy Wagstaff Duquan Weems
Street: Omar Little Bubbles Wee-Bey Brice Dennis Wise Chris Partlow Snoop
Kingpins: Avon Barksdale Stringer Bell Marlo Stanfield Proposition Joe The Greek Slim Charles
Dealers: Bodie Broadus D'Angelo Barksdale Poot Carr Wallace Cheese Donut
Politics: Tommy Carcetti Clarence Royce Rhonda Pearlman Clay Davis Norman Wilson Coleman Parker
Docks: Frank Sobotka Nick Sobotka Ziggy Sobotka Spiros Vondas Sergei Malatov Beadie Russell