Tim Kingsbury

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Tim Kingsbury is a Canadian musician and member of the indie rock band Arcade Fire. He plays bass guitar, guitar, and occasionally keyboards.

He spent his early years living in and around Guelph, Ontario. His peers would become indie names such as Gentleman Reg and Jim Guthrie. Eventually, Tim moved to Montreal, where the Arcade Fire formed.

Kingsbury also toured and recorded with Wolf Parade for a while as a bassist. He has also been involved with the band Clark.

Arcade Fire
Win Butler | Régine Chassagne | Richard Reed Parry | William Butler | Tim Kingsbury | Sarah Neufeld | Jeremy Gara
Howard Bilerman
Arcade Fire (EP) | Funeral | Neon Bible
Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels) | Neighborhood #2 (Laïka) | Neighborhood #3 (Power Out) | Cold Wind | Rebellion (Lies) | Wake Up
Keep the Car Running | Intervention
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