Talk:Timeline of Middle-earth
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Yes, I am aware that this article should have been named "Timeline of Eä", which sounds like an article best written by Stephen Hawking. Furthermore, I am aware of the fact that the Six and Seventh ages should have probably been allotted a different article. Mention any of these facts, however, and I will have you keelhauled. As I am not quite sure of the proceedings, I shall have to try over and over again until I get it right. Furthermore, as I do not reside on a boat, said keelhauling will consist of having you go through several meters of solid rock. Other than that, contribute at will. -Itai 02:54, 31 Jan 2004 (UTC)
Oh, well. I moved the page myself. I can be tough sometime. -Itai 14:37, 1 Feb 2004 (UTC)