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Tiletamine chemical structure

2-ethylamino-2-(2-thienyl) cyclohexanone
IUPAC name
CAS number
ATC code
Chemical formula C12H17NOS
Molecular weight 223.34
Bioavailability  ?
Metabolism Liver
Elimination half-life  ?
Excretion kidneys
Pregnancy category  ?
Legal status Schedule III (US, in comb. with zolazepam)
Routes of administration intravenous, intramuscular (approved in the US for dogs and cats), subcutaneous

Tiletamine is a dissociative anesthetic chemically and pharmacologically related to other anesthetics in this family such as ketamine and phencyclidine.

It is used in veterinary medicine in the compound product Telazol® (tiletamine/zolazepam, 50mg/ml of each in 5ml vial) as an injectable anesthetic.. It is sometimes used in combination with xylazine (Rompun®) to tranquilize large mammals such as bears and horses. Telazol is the only commercially available tiletamine product in the USA.

CONTRAINDICATED in patients of an ASA statues of III or greater and in animals with CNS signs, hyperthyroidism, cardiac disease, pancreatic or renal disease, pregnancy, glaucoma, or penetrating eye injuries.

Tiletamine/zolazepam products are classified as Schedule III controlled substances in the United States.