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In Zulu mythology, Tikoloshe', Tokoloshe or Hili (from the Xhosa word uthikoloshe) is a dwarf-like water sprite, said to be fond of women and sour milk. He has only one arm and one leg, the face of an old man on a boy's body, and—by some accounts—a disproportionately large penis.[citation needed] He is considered a mischievous and evil spirit. He can become invisible by swallowing a pebble, and comes out of the water to have sex with women, or to fight men.[citation needed] If he loses the fight, he will teach the man magic and the art of healing.[citation needed]

The Tokoloshe, according to the Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa, is widely known as a bear-like humanoid being, and is nothing like the above description, which is of unknown origins. "Now, then, the last creature, sir, a creature which is so well known in South Africa, and elsewhere in Africa, that if you mention its name, people smile. It is called a Tokoloshe. Every African knows what a Tokoloshe is. Some call it Tikoloshe. It looks like a very nasty looking teddy-bear in appearance, in that it's head is like that of a teddy-bear, but it has got a thick, sharp, bony ridge on top of its head. The ridge goes from above its forehead to the back of its head, and with this ridge it can knock down an ox by butting it with its head. This creature causes the Black people in certain places to raise their beds on bricks, one brick laid on top of the other one, about 3 feet above the ground. And you find this all over South Africa." 1. Other Zulu sources also describe Tikoloshe as a bear-like being, similar to the Bigfoot creatures of America and Asia in general appearance.

However, the Tokoloshe is stated to be "a cross between a zombie, poltergeist, and a gremlin" that "lives in South Africa." It goes on to say Tokoloshes are "created from dead bodies by shamans...if the shaman has been offending by someone." According to the book, the creatures are "only the size of small children... [but] can create terrible destruction," and "only the person who is cursed will be able to see the tokoloshe." In addition, the book says the tokoloshe may also choose to wander, causing mischief, particularly to schoolchildren. Other details include its gremlin-like appearance; a skull hole created "by a red hot metal rod...heat plays a vital role in Zulu magic;" and gouged out eyes [1].

"Some Zulu people are still superstitious when it comes to things like the supposedly fictional tokoloshe - a hairy creature created by a wizard to harm his enemies (also been known to rape women and bite off sleeping people’s toes)." 2. Another similar being is the Ogo.

Usually, the Tokoloshe is presented as an aggressive and mischievous bear-like being, somewhat similar in appearance to the Ewok creatures from Star Wars, that sometimes attacks, abducts, or in other ways does harm to children while they are asleep at night.

[edit] Influence

The Tokoloshe is sometimes called upon by people to cause trouble for others, and a witch doctor (inyanga, Sangoma) may be called to banish him. Most of the time only children can see the Tokoloshe; he shows kindness towards them and it is not unusual for a friendship to develop.

The Tokoloshe myth is well known and feared in most southern African countries. Many people place their beds on bricks in order to lift them higher off the ground so that the Tokoloshe cannot hide underneath and attack them, or climb up to have sex with the women whilst they are asleep. Some people are afraid to mention its name.

Tokoloshe Man was a pop hit by John Kongos. [1]

[edit] References

  1. ^ McNab, Chris. Mythological Monsters. New York : Scholastic, Inc., 2007. (ISBN 0-439-85479-2)

[edit] External links

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