Tikka to Ride

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Red Dwarf episode
"Tikka to Ride"
Episode № 1
Airdate January 17, 1997
Writer(s) Doug Naylor
Director Ed Bye
Guest star(s) Michael J. Shannon as John F. Kennedy, Toby Aspin as Lee Harvey Oswald
Series VII
January 17March 7, 1997
  1. Tikka to Ride
  2. Stoke Me a Clipper
  3. Ouroboros
  4. Duct Soup
  5. Blue
  6. Beyond a Joke
  7. Epideme
  8. Nanarchy
List of all Red Dwarf episodes...

Tikka to Ride was the first episode to air in the seventh series of Red Dwarf.

[edit] Synopsis

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Unable to function without a good curry, Lister tampers with Kryten so he will help him to go back to Earth with the time-drive and place a large takeaway order. Their calculations are a little off and they find themselves at Dallas, Texas in November 1963, where Lister pushes a gun-man out of a fifth floor window, allowing President Kennedy to live. Within minutes they have altered the future for the worse and now they are going to have to hatch a plot that is going to drive the conspiracy theorists crazy (using a small hill covered in grass "You mean...the 'grassy-knoll' sir?")

[edit] Trivia

  • This episode features the first use of a flashback to a previous episode (Out of Time).
  • This episode was the first to have no studio audience.
  • When the second shooter fires from the Grassy Knoll, Lister, Rimmer and Cat are dressed up as tramps. Three tramps are reported to have been found in the Grassy Knoll when the police searched it after the shooting, but nobody knows who they were or what happened to them afterwards.
  • The Xtended version of the episode features a fuller, alternate ending. Lister is seen to discover the curry supplies had been hidden by himself from the past to the aft section of Starbug to prevent them from being destroyed in the flood, however Rimmer's joke is only played out when he separates that section from the rest of Starbug.

[edit] Continuity

This episode contains an unusually large number of continuity errors, some of which even contradict the previous episode. Two of the most glaring errors are the following:

  • A big deal was made in Out of Time of the fact that the Time Drive travels only in Time, not in Space. In this episode, The time drive seems to function in both, and yet the crew at no point decide to use it to get them home, or to retrieve Red Dwarf, although the crew are determined to avoid time travel to prevent turning out like their future selves.
  • At the beginning of this episode it is explained that, when the crew from the future killed their past selves, the resulting paradox restored their past selves to life. When Kennedy does the exact same thing at the end of the episode, his past self remains dead. However, given that Kennedy's death in the past in no way impacted upon how he would have travelled back in time in the first place, wheras the future Dwarfers' destruction of their past selves also destroyed the time drive they would have used to go back in the first place, this may explain why the Dwarfers survived while Kennedy didn't.