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Tigernmas was a pre-Christian High King of Ireland, the 13th in the Milesian line.


[edit] Biography

A descendant of Eremon, Tigernmas took the kingship when he overthrew Conmael, a descendant of Eber Finn. During his reign he fought twenty-seven battles with Eber's descendants.

The Annals state he lived c.1400 B.C. but the Laud Synchronisms state he lived at the same time as the Judean kings Asa and his son Jehoshaphat and the Assyrian king Pertiades in around 900 BC.

[edit] Achievements

In his time gold was first smelted in Ireland, and clothes were first dyed purple, blue and green. Also in his time, embroidery, fringes and filigree were first used. He also introduced the worship of Crom Cruach, the "bloody crescent", a deity who was propitiated with human sacrifice. However, he and many followers went to worship the deity on Magh Slécht one Samhain night and were all found dead in the morning. Depending on the source consulted he had ruled for seventeen or fifty years. According to the Annals of the Four Masters, after his death Ireland was without a High King for seven years, before Eochaid Étgudach took the kingship. Fionn mac Cumhail, the leader of the Fianna used to swear to Tigernmas as his god. In some texts Tigernmas is equated with Balor the Fomorian so this may be why Fionn swore to him as Balor was Fionn's great-grandfather according to most genealogies.

[edit] Nomenclature and genealogy

His name is spelled in various ways: Tigernmas, Tighernmas, Tigernmais, Tighernmais, Tigernmair, Tiernmas, Tiernmais, Tighearnmhas, Tighearnmas, Tighearnmais, Tigearnmas, Tigearnmais, Tigearnmhas, Tigearnmhais, Tigernmus, Tighernmus, Tigernmass. His genealogy is Tigernmais m.Fælad m.Etheuir m.Iriail m.Erimoin. It means either "Lord of Death" (Tiarna Mas) or is an abbreviated title rather than a name, being short for Tiarna Masraighe, i.e. Lord of the Masraighe tribe, who inhabited Magh Slécht.

[edit] Appearances in literature

The Metrical Dindshenchas poem 50 on the meaning of the placename Carn Feradaig gives the following lines about some of his battles-

This carn I see, pre-eminent,
the carn of Feradach of the true judgments:
I am versed completely in every spot
in the tale whence it took its name.
Feradach of the noble pride
was son of Rochorp son of Gollan:
Gollan with the bright 'wind of wailing'
was son-of Conmael son of Eber.
A prince seized the high ground,
even Tigernmas, with powerful sway:
thrice nine battles with his line of slender spears
he won against the children of Conmael.
He slew Conmael, head of battle,
in the battle of great Oenach Macha,
in the battle of Eille in fight early-arrayed
he slew Rochorp son of Gollan.
He slew Feradach thereafter
the noble son of Rochorp, kingly in valour:
the body whence he departed after his slaying
lies under thy mounds, O pleasant carn!
Feradach, who offered battles
till the prince of Macha slew him,
met an encounter hence — better he had not!
the fixed term of their truce had expired.
Tigernmas with many a conflict,
with [...] slaughter, with furious strife,
with his army high in renown
gained many victories about the cairns.

[edit] Sources

The history of Ireland, from the earliest period to the English invasion - Geoffrey Keating. Tr. from the original Gaelic and annotated, by John O'Mahony. (2005, ISBN 1-4255-7044-5)

Preceded by
High King of Ireland
AFM 1621-1544 BC
FFE 1209-1159 BC
Succeeded by
Eochaid Étgudach

[edit] Texts

[edit] See also