Tiger Conklin

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Tiger Conklin
Gender Male
Vehicle N/A
Color Orange with black stripes
Hair Red
Eyes Brown
First appearance Caverns of Horror
Voice actor Ed Gilbert

Tiger Conklin appears in the episode Caverns of Horror in the animated television series SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron. He is the president of the Megakat Metallurgical Company. Several of his men had mysteriously gone missing deep in the mines over the past few months, and the rest of the miners refused to go back in unless Conklin did something. Conklin however was of the mindset that the company's goals must be met without any delays. When he refused to do anything about it, his foreman Taylor called in the Enforcers. Conklin was outraged at first, but then consented to let Lt. Felina Feral and her men look around in the mines, hoping that it would reassure the miners and get them back to work. Nobody knew that reporter Ann Gora, disguised in miner's clothes, had snuck along to cover the story. She was snatched mysteriously by something with a huge claw. One of the accompanying Enforcer commandos panicked and fired his gun, causing a cave-in.

The group was saved by the SWAT Kats, who had seen Ann's disappearance along with the rest of Megakat City on live TV, thanks to the portable live feed camera Ann had brought with her. Using the Turbomole, the SWAT Kats and Lt. Feral dug down into the mines again. There they discovered the root of the problem: a horde of giant, monster scorpions mutated as a result of toxic waste that Tiger Conklin himself had illegally dumped in the caverns below the mines. Ann Gora was rescued, and all the scorpions apparently destroyed. After getting up top again, Felina put Conklin under arrest for his crimes after Ann Gora found barrels of toxic waste on the premises. The last of the giant scorpions then burst up through the ground beneath Conklin's feet and sent him flying. Although the final scorpion was destroyed by the SWAT Kats, Conklin's fate is unknown, depending entirely upon where and how he landed.