TIE Hunter

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A TIE Hunter in flight
A TIE Hunter in flight

A TIE Hunter is a fictional Star Wars starfighter from the Star Wars Expanded Universe materials which appeared in the video game Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike.


[edit] Specifications

The TIE Hunter sports a wing configuration that is similar to TIE Interceptor's, but without the center square piece. Its wings have S-foil servos allowing them to open when in attack mode and close for improved acceleration.

The fighter is armed with two ion cannons, two laser cannons and two proton torpedo launchers. Unusually, it also has shields and a hyperdrive. It carries a crew of one.

[edit] Military role

As explained in Rogue Squadron III, Hunters were designed exclusively for the Imperial Storm Commandos to combat the X-wing. The fighter copied the X-wing's main feature (the wing configuration) while keeping the distinctive TIE fighter look. The Empire refused to use the ships in large quantities because they were based on a craft of the Rebellion.

TIE Hunters tend to accelerate faster than the X-Wing, but sacrifice the inherent maneuverability of the classic TIE fighter, TIE interceptor, etc.

During one assault on an Executor-Class Star Destroyer that was under construction above Fondor, Rogue Squadron commander Wedge Antilles and fellow members used captured TIE Hunters to try to trick Imperial officers into letting them pass. The plan failed, but they managed to break in by destroying a shield generator. Once in, Rogue Squadron destroyed all three cloaking devices, causing a chain reaction that destroyed the ship.

[edit] See also

  • List of star wars vehicles

[edit] External links

Vehicles of the Galactic Empire
Entries in italics denote vehicles from the Expanded Universe
Ground vehicles
AT-ST | AT-AT | AT-TE | 74-Z Speeder Bike | Juggernaut | AT-PT | TIE crawler
TIE Fighter | TIE Interceptor | TIE Bomber | TIE Advanced x1 | TIE Avenger | TIE Defender | TIE/D fighter

TIE Hunter | TIE Phantom | Assault Gunboat | Missile Boat | Skipray Blastboat | A-9 Vigilance

Capital ships
Star Destroyer | Super Star Destroyer | Executor | Nebulon-B Frigate | Corellian Corvette

Lancer-Class Frigate | Interdictor Cruiser | Carrack-Class Light Cruiser

Lambda-class shuttle | Death Star | Walker Dropship | World Devastator | Sun Crusher
See also
Star Wars air vehicles | Star Wars aquatic vehicles | Star Wars ground vehicles | Star Wars starfighters | Star Wars support craft

List of vehicles | List of minor vehicles