Tia (Galactik Football)

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Tia as portrayed in Galactik Football
Tia as portrayed in Galactik Football

Tia is another main protagonist in the animated series, Galactik Football. She is the first able to gain and master the Flux and plays as attacking midfielder (the position Rocket's father Norata used to have).

In fanfiction, she is a highly popular character and is usually paired with either Rocket or D'Jok


[edit] Past & Present

Unlike most of the Snow Kids Tia comes from a wealthy background. The daughter of the Akillian Ambassadors to the Obia Moon, Tia's relationship with both her parents is strained and she was raised mostly by her governess Stella. She has had the ability to use the Breath of Akillian since she was a little girl, but because she did not live on Akillian, and because her parents never heard of her abilities she did not learn until after she had been recruited into the Snow Kids that she was the sole person who possessed Akillian's long lost Flux.

Tia chose not to ask her parents about the Snow Kids try-outs, knowing that they would forbid her from doing so. Instead she hired a pair of actors to record a message to convince Aarch she had their permission to join the team.

However, Artegor Nexus, Aarch's rival and former team-mate and friend plots against Tia and pays a player from the Wambas (the Snow Kids' upcoming opponents in a friendly match) to injure her during the game. He then alerts the police of her location, as a safety precaution and succeeds in taking her off the team. However, Tia soon runs away yet again to rejoin the Snow Kids for the second half of their Red Tiger's match.

[edit] Personality

Tia's tomboyish and secretive nature is what singled her out from the others. She isn't the only female on the team, and is portrayed as the opposite towards flirty and confident Mei.Despite their being another girl on the team, Tia stayed in the companionship of the males instead and gets along well with all of them, with Sinedd as the exception, of course.

Tia is the first player on the team to gain control and master the Powerful Breath, Akillian's own Flux during training sessions.

Tia injured during the friendly Wambas match
Tia injured during the friendly Wambas match

Aarch soon after organized a friendly match between the Snow Kids and the Wambas to start them off, feeling confident about Tia's success. However, Artegor clearly fuming to see his new arch-rival off to a good start, plots to take Tia 'his little marvel' off the team to crush his confidence.

Now injured and with the police alerted of her disappearance, Tia has no choice but to return home to her angered parents. Her determination to stay with the Snow Kids drives her to once again run away to her team mates in during half-time of a Red Tiger's match. Her appearance there surprises many and once again she is injured in an attempt to make her quit. Luckily, D'Jok also masters the Breath and Artegor's plans in taking Tia off the team cease.

Her parents discovered her disappearance and once again attempted to take her back home, luckily flattery from an Akillian anchorwoman named Callie ends up being Tia's savior and she is able to stay on the team. From that moment on, Tia becomes a more bolder person, losing her secretive traits. Ever since the start of Galactik Football, Tia had grown no closer to Mei, who is also her room mate and is seen conversing with D'Jok, Rocket (galactik football)(Snow Kids' leader) and the other guys of the team if anything else. Now that she no longer worries about her parents, she opens up more to her new friends, at one point, changing from her usual casual attire to a slinky, dark pink dress to impress Rocket after an argument earlier on that same evening.

She is almost always seen with her video camera during the series, one of her most valuable items. Tia is constantly video-taping her surroundings whenever they arrive on a foreign planet and at one point, with the help of Micro-Ice makes a mock-documentary of the Snow Kids with Micro-Ice as the presenter. She has also been seen during the time when the Snow Kids first arrive on the Wambas' home-planet, outside alone video-taping the scenery until she was interrupted by Rocket. Everybody enjoys participating in another one of Tia's home-made documentaries and she is rarely seen going anywhere without it.

[edit] Family & Friends

Tia and her parents are estranged, them being too busy to have time for her. She barely sees them at home, and although she knows her parents can't give up their job for the sake of her emotions, she is hurt when they didn't tell her that they were staying in Genesis Stadium, especially since she had been playing there for the last few weeks.

Tia and Mei, roommates
Tia and Mei, roommates

Tia and Mei both disliked each other, behaving somewhat hostile to the other despite being the only girls on the team. At one point during the middle of the series Tia admits her jealousy towards Mei's femininity, soon after changing into a dress to impress Rocket after an argument. Soon after this, Mei sees Tia in a different and light and tells her that she is free to wear any of her clothes if she wants, one of the first signs of their growing friendship. Nearing the end of the series when both characters undergo individual stressful situations, Mei and Tia spend more time talking together in their bedroom than ever, although it is mostly Mei who offers the advice and reassurance.

When Tia discovered that Rocket was Aarch's nephew, she promised not to tell the rest of the team. And in turn, Rocket kept Tia's running away secret too. Starting off as friends, Rocket soon grows somewhat more concerned about her wellbeing when Tia is injured and soon after arrested. When Tia was taken back home, he was the only one who seemed genuinely worried about how she was doing now, and had asked her room-mate whether she had heard any news from her. Tia's desire to only make Rocket happy drives her to go as far as tracking down his mother for him on his birthday, although Rocket's reaction is far from gratitude as he tells her to stop meddling in his family affairs. When Rocket's parents choose to get together once again, Tia and Rocket's friendship is back on track. When she kisses him however, Rocket avoids her the next day leaving Tia depressed and confused. Later Aarch confronted them as they were not speaking on the field. Having been turned down for good by the love of his life, Aarch gives Rocket a good piece of advice by telling him that keeping his emotions inside isn't a good idea. Rocket takes up on this advice and sneaks into the girls bedroom just when they go to bed. Before Tia can ask what he's doing here, Rocket silences her with a kiss. Meanwhile, Mei didn't notice anything and just wishes Tia "sweet dreams". After watching Rocket sneak out of the room, Tia lays back in bed and answers "I believe I already had one...".

Tia's not afraid to show her feelings for Rocket in public. On more than one occasion, Tia has shown a protective side of herself, instructing the other players to give Rocket space when he badly injured his leg after a match. Although it doesn't stop her from denying it to the rest of the team, this having been proved when Tia was organising Rocket's birthday party and Thran questioning their growing relationship. Tia gets hurt in the wambas football match.

[edit] Fanfiction

Tia's portrayal in Fanfiction stems from her protagonist role in Galactik Football. She is notably paired with Rocket popularly and sometimes with Micro-Ice.

[edit] See also