
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am Dustin ("Chaz") Ashby, sometimes known as Thray or Shinjimai.

Though the majority of my edits have been done while not logged in, I have been making small changes around Wikipedia for about a year as of December 2004, almost all of them organization or grammar changes. Although I aspire to add more useful information to Wikipedia, I often fear the inevitable critiquing said articles will undergo and thus have not added anything of any real use yet. Instead, I have essentially played a small role looking for grammar mistakes and adding a few small details.

My hobbies include programming, fictional writing and journalism. I am at least proficient in the following programming languages (depending upon how you define 'language'): JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP, mIRCScript, MUSHCode, MUDScript. I can also use Visual Basic, QuickBasic, C and Java. If you want help, I might be able to provide it.

Finally, I run a small organization which was formed 5 years ago with the goal of providing a forum for people of any interest to share knowledge. Since discovering Wikipedia, I have abandoned some of the original AlgolX projects, including a KnowledgeBase which, although it attracted only a very small number of users, was run much like Wikipedia though all articles were sorted in a large tree structure.