Three-finger salute (computing)

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This article is about the Computer Keyboard Combination. For other meanings, see three-finger salute.

In computing, the three-finger salute is a jocular term for the keyboard combination that forces a soft reboot, brings up the process manager (on Windows, BeOS or Mac OS X) or a jump to ROM monitor. These keys are sometimes referred to in computer manuals as interrupt keys, since they are often used to interrupt the operation of a malfunctioning program. The "three-finger salute" is named after the one- and two-finger salutes, euphemistic names for rude hand gestures. Other humorous synonyms include the "Vulcan nerve pinch" or "Vulcan death grip" from the original Star Trek TV series.

[edit] See also

Article originally based on Three-finger salute at FOLDOC, used with permission.

Platform Key combo Function
Acorn Machines (pre-1987) Break Processor reset, although confusingly always referred to as soft reset. Hold down Ctrl as well for so-called hard reset (reinitializes various settings); hold down Shift to boot from disk (or not to, if disk is the default).
Acorn and post-Acorn RISC OS machines. Reset button Processor reset, although confusingly always referred to as soft reset. Hold down Ctrl as well for so-called hard reset (reinitializes various settings); hold down Shift to boot from disk (or not to, if disk is the default). Hold down various other keys to restore CMOS settings to safe configurations.
Ctrl + Break Perform a soft reboot.
Amiga Ctrl + Left Amiga (or Commodore) + Right Amiga Reboot the machine
Amstrad CPC 464 and CPC6128 Ctrl + Shift + Esc Reset (cold)
Amstrad PCW Shift + Extra + Exit Reset (cold)
IBM PC under DOS Ctrl + Alt + Del Perform a soft reboot
IBM PC under Windows 3.x shell Ctrl + Alt + Del Close unresponsive applications or (if pressed twice) perform a soft reboot
IBM PC under Microsoft Windows (95, 98, and Me) Ctrl + Alt + Del Bring up simplistic task manager (actually "Close Program" dialog) or (if pressed twice) perform a soft reboot
IBM PC under Windows NT-based OS (NT, 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista) Ctrl + Shift + Esc Bring up the Windows Task Manager
Ctrl + Alt + Del Also known as the Secure Attention Sequence; bring up the logins screen (when pressed in login screen), or the "Windows security" dialog or (configurable on Windows 2000 and later) the Windows Task Manager (when logged in)
IBM PC under OS/2 Ctrl + Esc Bring up the Window List (unblocking the synchronous input queue)
Ctrl + Alt + Del Perform a soft reboot
Ctrl + Alt + NumLock (twice) Halt the system and begin a system dump to floppy disk
IBM PC under Linux Ctrl + Alt + Del Signal the init process (usually configured to soft reboot)
Alt + SysRq + function key Depending on the function key, performs a certain low-level function. Examples: sync (flush caches), reboot (forced soft reboot), unmount (remount filesystems readonly), etc...
IBM PC under other OS Ctrl + Alt + Del Often (but not always) configured to reboot
Sinclair ZX Spectrum Break Halted peripheral (cassette tape or printer) operations with the report D BREAK - CONT repeats, or halted BASIC programs with the report L BREAK into program.
Sun workstation L1/Stop + A Enter ROM monitor
Sun workstation (serial console) Break Enter ROM monitor
Apple II family machines Ctrl + Reset Enter the monitor or ROM BASIC
Ctrl + Open Apple + Reset Reboot the machine
Ctrl + Option + Reset Enter BIOS setup, then reboot
Ctrl + Option + Apple + Reset Self-test, then reboot
Ctrl + Open Apple + Escape (Apple IIGs) Enter the control panel
Apple Macintosh computers with power button on keyboard Cmd + Power Enter debugger
Control + Cmd + Power Reboot the machine
Mac OS (7 and later) Command + Option + Esc Force quit applications
SGI workstation Left Shift + Left Ctrl + Left Alt + Keypad Divide + F12 Restart X server (same as Ctrl + Alt + Backspace below)
Commodore 64/128 Run/Stop + Restore Halt (soft reconfiguration) and return to READY prompt
X Window System Ctrl + Alt + Backspace Restarts windowing system, logging the user out if using an X display manager, kills X otherwise
TI-80, TI-81, TI-82, TI-83, TI-84 Mode, Alpha, S Shows ROM version number. [Enter] enters self test mode
TI-85, TI-86 2nd, Mode, Alpha, S Shows ROM version number. [Enter] enters self test mode
TI-89 2nd + Left Arrow + Right Arrow + On Restarts the calculator and clears RAM

Esc + On Force Break without restarting RAM

Voyage 200 2nd + Hand + On Restarts the calculator and clears RAM
HP-48 On + C Restarts RPL, clearing the Stack and PICT, closing IO, and returning to the HOME directory (but not purging the memory)
On + A + F As above, but also purges the memory
BeOS Ctrl-Alt-Shift and click an applications entry in the Deskbar Kills application
Zenith IBM-PC clones Ctrl-Alt-Ins Brings up hardware configuration menu
Scientific Atlanta Explorer DHCT Volume Down + Volume Up + Info (on settop box; not remote) Reboots box (starts up to blue EXPLORER screen)
Olivetti M20 Ctrl + Reset Soft resets the machine
TI Explorer Lisp Machine Left-Ctrl Left-Meta Right-Ctrl Right-Meta Abort Restart the system
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