User talk:Thorius Maximus

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Hey Wikipedian! Thanxs for your edit to the Ron Stoppable page. The pics really brighten up the page! Keep up the good work. If you have any question, feel free to ask me in my talk page. Have fun editing! =D Jumping cheese 04:42, 12 May 2006 (UTC)

Thanxs for the update. I'll look forward to more Ron stuff! =) Jumping cheese 23:35, 15 May 2006 (UTC)


[edit] Ron

The How Smart is Ron has been moved to the talk page. =D Jumping cheese Contact 19:58, 16 June 2006 (UTC)

Good job on the millions of edits you made on the Kim Possible pages! Keep it up! =) Jumping cheese Contact 19:13, 18 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Hey!

I'll be more than happy to help a fellow KP Wikipedian. =)
The only way to directly delete an image is to have admin access. However, anyone can upload a new pic in the place of the old pic. For example, click Image:Badboy05600023xd-1-.jpg and scroll to the bottom of the page. In the file history section, there should be a link that says "Upload a new version of this file". Click on the link (or click here...I copied and pasted the link for you) and upload a new pic with the same "Destination file name". Browse for the location of the new file on your computer, enter the license and summary, and click "upload file". It should come up with a "Upload warning" page saying that the file exists already. Click the "Save file" option and you're done!

Another way is to upload the new pic with a new "destination file name" and edit the page so that your new pic is displayed. Your old pics will be "orphaned", but that doesn't affect anything. An admin might eventually come by and delete the orphaned pics, or they'll remain in the system forever.

I know my little tutorial is a little confusing, so please contact me if you need any clarifications. =D Jumping cheese Cont@ct 03:19, 21 February 2007 (UTC)

You can contact any of the admins at WP:LA. WP:IFD and WP:IUP#Deleting images all contain good info regarding deleting images. In your case, you can tag the pics with {{subst:orfud}} , which indicates that no articles are using the pic and it can be deleted.

I hope that helped! ^_^ Jumping cheese Cont@ct 23:21, 21 February 2007 (UTC) did the pic deletion go? Oh, and you know Portuguese?!? That's super cool. I feel stupid now. =( Jumping cheese Cont@ct 07:51, 6 March 2007 (UTC)
You're English is perfect. In fact, it's probably better than most native English speakers! I know a bit of spanish from three years of spanish classes, but way not enough to pass off as a native speaker. Did you learn English in a foreign language class or is it like a common language in Portugal? =D Jumping cheese Cont@ct 22:48, 11 March 2007 (UTC)

Perfect? Nah, you don't fool me! :P :)

You'll notice I do make lots of speeling mistakes and writing mistakes frequently. :(

Anyway, I do what I can. :)

In Portugal you start learning English since you're 5 or 6, depends on your age when you enter primary school. Here in Portugal you also hear all movies in english, even the simpsons, futurama etc, everything, but all of them have the written translation in the lower part of the screen.

In my case I started learning english all by myself, and I thank CN for that...despite not understanding the meaning of most english words and phrases at that time. :P

"Dee Dee! Get out of my laboratory!" Good times. :)

Thorius Maximus 00:43, 11 March 2007 (UTC)

Sorry about the late reply...I didn't know you had replied in your own talk page. Anyways, in the US, we start learning English as a newborn and by 11, some people are still illiterate! A remember those really cool commercials broadcasted in LA that promoted reading. The first few commercial were for "reading by 7" then to "reading by 9" then to "reading by 11" and then I guess LA decided to drop the commercials altogether...since the number would by infinity for some people. Here is a nice joke:
What do you call a person who knows three languages? Trilingual.
What do you call a person who knows two languages? Bilingual.
What to you call a person that only know one language? American.
HAHAHAHA It's kind of old...and fortunately, no longer true. I love the US, but it's fun critique the US since almost everyone on the Internet agrees with you (anti-American sentiments are a bit scary around here). =D Jumping cheese Cont@ct 06:07, 15 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Re. Asking for image version deletion

Obrigado por me contactar. Porém, imagens não são a minha área de actuação. Sugiro que contacte alguém que esteja mais ligado a essa área. Sugiro também que leve a imagem que pretende eliminar à secção WP:IFD, explicando os motivos. Cumprimentos, Húsönd 01:13, 22 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Discussion

They actually show where we've disagreed and where we've reached a consensus, and I'd like to keep them as a record of that if you don't mind. I doubt that anybody else will delete them even if they are a bit off topic as it's not a very busy talk page.

perfectblue 20:23, 17 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Zorpox

Keeping it brief. I have two reasons for keeping things as they are. One practical and one canonical.

  1. Fan's usually know Ron's bad alter ego as "Zorpox" so, when the search for him on Wikipedia, they will type "Zorpox" in the search box. If we call him "Bad Ron", or "Dark Ron" or something else, people won't be able to find him (this goes double for people in countries where Ron isn't spelt R O N).
  2. When Ron started to go bad he put on his bad boy jacket and slicked back his hair. He retained his own identity. However, when he fully transformed, he put on the Zorpox costume. I think that this was Ron's way of re branding himself as Zorpox.

perfectblue 18:52, 18 March 2007 (UTC)

It's probably worth noting that, while Ron doesn't specifically refer to himself as being "Zorpox", he didn't call himself Ron either. From the food fight onwards, Ron only uses the subjective pronoun "I" and the objective pronoun "Me".
perfectblue 14:11, 20 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] high running capability

Just a quick note to explain why I deleted this phrase from the original Ron page.

High running capability doesn't mean that you are good at running. It is a technical term that is only applied to machinery (not people). Generally, a machine with a high running capability/capacity is something that can keep working at a high level for a long time. For example, the difference between a home xerox and a copy-store xerox is that the copy-store xerox has a "high running capability". It can keep running for hours without getting too hot or running out of paper. Anyway, wouldn't it be simple to say that Ron was a fast runner with a high stamina......running-back.....

perfectblue 16:59, 20 March 2007 (UTC)

I have no objection to anything about Ron's athletic ability, fitness or sporting potential being removed from the page. I don't think that it is really relevant. The purpose of the page should be to tell you what Ron's part in the series is and what his personality is like. Not what sports he is good at. I think that "high stamina" is the most that we need to say.

"Kim seems to be better at short time leg efforts, thus the partial reason for her being good at acrobatics but this also comes from frequent exercise. On the other hand, Ron seems to be to run at a very high speed for a long time without getting that tired, this is the application of a muscular effort for a long time, without becoming significantly tired."

You're talking about Anaerobic exercise and Aerobic exercise. This is an area where I have some direct experience. While Ron would need a high level of aerobic fitness to run for a long time, Kim would need high levels of both aerobic and anaerobic fitness in order to do what she does. Having trained in martial arts myself, I can personally tell you that no ordinary human could possibly keep up Kim's pace 9even a pro athlete would be completely out of breath and sweating buckets). It would require an inhuman level of stamina. The only real people who come close to her level of fitness are Shaolin monks, and they use Qi to do it.

perfectblue 20:21, 20 March 2007 (UTC)

"I disagree with what was written, because it was not the Ron factor that made Drakken fail, but it was team work of the team."

Same here. I was only really referring to the last few minutes of the movie. To start with, it was Kim's trust in Ron that lead her to believe rather than listening to Eric, and it was pure friendship and teamwork that did the rest (the ninja at the end was a typical Ron factor gag, though). No doubt about it.

perfectblue 20:21, 20 March 2007 (UTC)

"A long term running resistance at a high speed"

This phrase would probably be more appropriate if you were talking about wear on a racing car tire. I think "high stamina" is all we really need. Then it would apply to running, swimming, or anything physical. It's also short enough to fit on a single line in an infobox. Which is neater, too.

perfectblue 20:23, 20 March 2007 (UTC)

"I think she would need more the high anaerobis fitness"

I don't want to get into sports science mode here, but the human body is designed to run and so does it quite efficiently (tendons storing energy, etc). This efficiency isn't carried over nearly so much in full body sports such as martial arts. A short martial arts bout is worth maybe 10-15 minutes of cross country running, easy. It would take too long to explain things scientifically, so it's probably easiest if I tell you that I do the kinds of things that Ron does in a typical episode (running and evasion, etc) as a warmup excercise.

"these efforts are seperated from one another, with frequent pauses"

Frequent pauses with Shego aiming kicks at her head. Not enough time for you to recover, really.

"Kim's movements in the series do not mean an things besides from she being very athletic and skilled in martial arts"

Yes, but to be highly athletic and good at martial arts you need high levels of aerobic and anerobic fitness. I've been there and done that. The show might be fictional, but it's got some grounding in reality.

"there are also several other character that do this, Hirotaka, Shego, Yori, heck even Ron in the Twin Factor Scene"

Hirotaka and Yori are trainned ninja and Shego has super powers. It would be better to compare Kim to a regular athlete like Brick Flag. As for Ron. You could do that after a year or so of martial arts training, or a couple of years of doddging Shego in KP fight scenes. Again, it would be best to compare to a character who hasn't been doing this for ages.

"there are lot of there physical activities made by other characters in the show that are simply superhuman"

Yeah, like the fight scene at the end of Beuno Nacho where Kim jumps 12 feet in the air, or Shego's signature tuck and roll over Kims head. 3 meters high 6+ meters long from a standing start. Not possible without super powers or Qi.

perfectblue 14:28, 21 March 2007 (UTC)

If you were to take all of the moves that Kim did which are physically Possible. They would still require much higher aerobic and anaerobic fitness than anything that Ron has ever done in a single episode. 5 backflips and 60 seconds of high impact martial arts is very taxing on the body. You simply can't compare that running cross country or sprinting where 20-30 percent of your movement is energy stored in your tendons.

As for Shego. I've seen her punch through a concrete support pillar (october 31st, while fighting Kim at the end). That's a good measure of how powerful she is.

perfectblue 14:28, 21 March 2007 (UTC)

Kim doesn't run out of the way of things, she usually back flips or fires her grappling hook and swings away, so we rarely get to see her running. There's not enough material for a direct comparison. However, what I will say is that, scientifically, it takes more effort to backflip or jump than to run. I can run a fair distance without breaking a sweat or getting breathless, but if I tried to backflip it, I would be exhausted at the end. This is because the human body is designed for running and can do it very efficiently.

As for the body swapping episode. I know that it's fiction and that artistic liberties were taken, but in order for Kim to have done what she did while in Ron's body, Ron would have needed a level of fitness that exceeds his lifestyle. For example, You need to do a lot of very specific leg exercises in order to be flexible enough to do the splits or a high kick. Ron doesn't get that kind of exercises in gym class, or on missions, or while grande sizing his nacoes. This makes comparisons drawn from that episode pretty moot. Too many liberties in too short a time (like when Ron and Rufus switched bodies and Ron could still talk. Without human vocal cords?

perfectblue 07:58, 22 March 2007 (UTC)