Thorlac Thornalli

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Saint Thorlac Thornalli
Born 1133
Died December 23, 1193, Skalholt
Venerated in Roman Catholic Church
Feast December 23; July 20 (translation of relics)
Patronage Iceland
Saints Portal

Saint Thorlac Thornalli (also known as Porlakr, Thorlakur, and Thorlac Thorhallsson) (Icelandic: Þorlákur helgi Þórhallsson) (1133December 23, 1193) is the patron saint of Iceland. He was bishop of Skalholt from 1178. His status as a saint was confirmed in 1198 by the Althing, but this was never made official by the Catholic Church until January 14, 1984, when John Paul II canonized him officially and declared him the patron saint of Iceland.[1]

Of an aristocratic family, Thorlac was ordained deacon before he was fifteen and consecrated a priest at the age of eighteen. He studied abroad at Paris and Lincoln for about ten years (he may also have visited London).

Returning to Iceland in 1161, Thorlac founded an Augustinian monastery at Thykkviboer after refusing to marry a rich widow. There he devoted himself to a strictly religious life, refusing to marry (many other Icelandic priests were married) and devoting himself to reciting the Our Father, the Creed, and a hymn, as well as fifty Psalms.

[edit] Episcopate

He was consecrated as bishop by Augustine of Nidaros and worked to regulate the Augustinian Rule in Iceland, as well as eradicate simony, lay patronage, and clerical incontinency.

[edit] Þorláksmessa (St. Thorlac's Day)

Þorláksmessa is a national holiday in Iceland that endured despite the country's conversion to Lutheranism in the sixteenth century. It is celebrated on his December 23.

It is considered the last day of preparations before Christmas. Therefore, on St. Thorlac's Day, the house is cleaned and preparations for the Christmas meal are begun. Fish was usually eaten on Þorláksmessa since December 23 was the last day of the Catholic Christmas fast. In western Iceland, it was customary to eat cured skate on this day; this custom spread to the whole of Iceland. The skate is usually served with boiled or mashed potatoes, accompanied by a shot of Brennivín.[2]

[edit] External links

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